Tara profile picture



About Me

I - l o v e :
• BEING SQUEEZED • Frozen peas • Crazy dancing sunflowers! (Thank you Dan and Lloyd!) • Cutting pizza with scissors • Blue light • Sunshine :) • D a n c i n g • Copella apple juice • Yawning is contagious! • Writing on a banana • Singing • Teaching kids • Babies • I want brown babies!!! • Pilates • Jewellery! Beads - cheap stuff • Blue eyes • Freckles - on other people • Brown skin • The little mermaid - she is beautiful! • Dentists! • Being warm • Snuggling • Feeling loved • I love loving people! • Plucking hair • Weeding the garden (same satisfaction as plucking) • Unpeeled carrots • Baileys • MY FAMILY are actually amazing!! My dad is so generous; my mum so wise, James so intelligent and caring, tom so lovely and funny, Ruth is aweeesome! (My sister and my bestest friend), Grace is such an angel and a huge blessing to the family! • Tidying • Moving the house round :) • Vanilla Muller rice • Post-its • Making lists • Being underwater and pretending I am a foetus • 5p's • Being clean - the feeling after a shower • SMILING • Seeing people smile • Laughing is amazing • The feeling of new bed sheets (especially with shaven legs) • Aerobics - I want to teach it • Editing films • Caroline • Taking photos [Miss Photo Woman] • Being able to chill with no care in the world • Driving • R&B / Hip Hop Music – hate the lyrics to commercial stuff but I love beats that make you wanna dance • Specific parts of songs, like when a beat stops – the moment it comes back in is amazing! So gay! Hehe • Love music – open to anything • Feeling secure • Mini Milks!! • Ice lollies on a hot day • Pets – love dogs • White Boards • Asian Food – Thai and Chinese • Yom Kau Gai soup • Crunchy nut with banana – morning ritual • Fans when it’s humid – love the noise to fall asleep to • Being inside a warm house when it’s raining outside • Starting a new school book • Bubble wrap! • Cute CD’s!! • LIP BALM! • Olbas inhaler stick to sniff! Makes me high • Apple juice • Mini dime bars from Ikea • Ikea! • Shopping • Clothes • Buying people presents and wrapping them – and adding ribbons hehe • Productive days!! • I love sleeeeep!!! I could sleep ANYWHERE!!!!! (Hairdressers/on the phone/dance class/through every film… driving! DRIVING! LOL – don’t do that! • Stretching • Abstract photography • Brown – love the colour brown, to wear! • Real people • Genuine people • Honesty • Rice with soy sauce • Experimenting with cooking • Little things please me • Cleaning my teeth! And singing Barney
I - h a t e :
• Food being lonely • Time – I always feel against it • Polystyrene • I don’t like mushrooms - although I did eat one the other day! • Hair (except on the head) – wish you could jump into a bath of forever hair removing cream
P . S:
Since when did Camels exist!!! I thought they were just from biblical times... saw one in tunisia....!!! such things amaze me :)
P . P. S:
• Go see me in a funny lil video on:___http://www.myspace.com/markruebery
hehe :)
P.u.N.k I.t U.p

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My Interests

• T A R A - C O D Y •

Born in 1984 in Hong Kong

After doing an art foundation course I moved to Waaaaleees to do Documentary film and television... now grannified and in my 3rd year.

I teach D a N C e classes/cheerleading to University students every week. I set this group up in September and it has been enthusiastically supported. Around twenty students come and work towards performances in bars and clubs. It is informal, free of charge and light-hearted. Looking into getting sponsorship and kit...

I teach S i N G i N G every Saturday morning for a company called ‘Theatretrain’. I have been part of this for a few years, first teaching in Bedford and now in Bristol. Teaching children has had a strong influence on me. I am amazed how big an impact a teacher’s mood can be on the way the students respond in class. For this reason I try to make sure that I am as enthusiastic and as encouraging as possible. I work with age groups from six to eighteen and we work towards a West End show in London every summer.

F • I • L • M • S:

____*GRACE* ____
(June 2004)
The unexpected joys involved with living with someone with a disability are communicated through this documentary. It is focused on a day in the life with my sister, Grace…. This film is not about Rett Syndrome but about who she is and what it is like to live with her. The distress of watching an epileptic seizure and the way a smile can light up the darkest place and energize the dullest moments of life are juxtaposed.

____*CAN I BUY YOU A DRINK?*____
(Dec 2004)
Generating a tenfold increase in reported cases in the UK over the last decade, drug rape is one of our fastest growing crimes… Based on a true story, the five minute short, “Can I buy you a Drink?”, seeks to jolt the viewer into thinking more deeply about the longer term affects on the survivors of Drug Rape… Avoiding traditional dialogue in preference to a disturbing soundtrack and the use of real text messages from a drug-rape survivor, the film has been described by one reviewer as “a size 12 boot to the chest”.

(May 2005)
A series of 10 one-minute postcards that refugees had written about life over in the UK made for the BBC.

(Jan 2006)
John has been dying for seven years and is now trapped inside a body that doesn't function. No more words. We follow his daughter, Catrin on her journey of grief and bereavement throughout John's final years. However, amazingly, laughter is a key theme that runs as a survival technique throughout the Doyle family. (Screened at Sheffield doc.film festival 2006).

Set in the future. Focusing on our wasteful society, archaeologists dig out objects from 2006

____*GRACE - RE-MAKE*____
(Unfinished - deadline; Jan 15th 2007)
Focusing on my relationship with my sister, Grace. A very personal film for me. I feel i do not know Grace and did not spend enough time with her as we were growing up. A non-verbal relationship for me seems hard to learn... but I want to know her more than anything! A film I have always wanted to make...

Visting villages in Sierra Leone with a Charity.

I'd like to meet:

My husband


I'm rubbish at reading books - I completely admire people who love reading!

R e a d - t o - m e :)