Music, antiques, traveling, cooking, decorating, gardening, crafts...entertaining Chelsea, my 16 year old feline daughter...pretty much anything to keep myself busy :)
My ancestors...would love to know about their lives and loves...everything that led to my parents and then me...and Clay Aiken! AGAIN! What a charming man.."Haven't we met before?"...thought I was living a moment out of one of my favorite old movies...those are words I will never forget :)
Clay Aiken...The Eagles...Clay Aiken...a few other people...Clay Aiken.....have I mentioned Clay Aiken?!!
The classics...Casablanca, Gone With The Wind, An Affair to Remember, Carousel, White Christmas, Some Like It Hot...most anything with Cary Grant, Susan Hayward, Katharine Hepburn, Spencer Tracy, Audrey Hepburn, Bob Hope, Bing Crosby...just to name a few....I really think I was born much too late.
Comedies...soaps....newsmagazine shows...reality shows... (love Amazing Race!)...what ever happened to the good ol' fashioned movie-of-the-week tear jerkers?
I don't have much free time but I cherish my autographed copy of "Learning To Sing", and a good friend just gave me "The Kite Runner" which I hope to begin soon. A couple of years ago I began reading each book in the Bible and I hope to gain better understanding as I continue that journey.
My dad...for teaching me to be self sufficient and independent; my mother...for showing me how to live with cancer instead of dying from it; my sons...for the enormous love and joy you have brought me. My life would not be complete without you; my friends...for sharing your lives with me; and Clay Aiken...may goodness and mercy follow you all the days of your life.