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"What is love?"
Written by Rahim~~What is Love?
Merely a figmant of our imagination?
The deep void that deteriarates
Equilibrium within the human emotion,
A sanctuary to hide,
From a world in which we are all products of,
Complacent in its grip as it consumes you,
Soothes you, until it moves you
To do the un do-able
Relentless and swift,
Reletivly invisible
but tangible to the individual
A cloud that complements a nice day,
Or provokes a terrible storm
A master of manipulation, madness--
Disaster dressed in seductive robes,
Symbolic of holy communion,
For if not meaningful
is completely meaningless
Divine in its true nature,
But disaterous in its failure,
A reason to dispose of humanity, law, balance
Infalible, unexplainable,
undetained, innevitable,
The source of madness within us all
A reason to be unreasonable
A candle that burns within darkness,
Blazing like the gates of Troy,
And just as deadly, sickening
An unconcious state of infatuation,
Beckoning you to a pre ordained doom
A decision of the spirit, a choice,
Nullified soley by the intervention
Of another thorn enthralled rose,
Sweet to the sight,
Yet harmful to the touch
Love is the out reaches of space,
Territory man is not quite familiar with,
Love is the moon, for it glows in the night,
And suffocates you, draining you of life
Of power, of free will. Of logic,
Destined be and forever remain,
A question unanswered, what is love?