~JeSsIca~ profile picture


..JuSt KiddiNg..

About Me

...Coming Soon...

I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !

My Interests

WeLL...playin tennis fo sho...HoOpin...sNoWbOaRdInG...wOrKiN oUt...MoViEs...SHOPPIN eSp sHOeS... DaNcInG...HanGin WiTh Family and FriENds...lOng aWaiTed LA tRips...haha

I'd like to meet:

nO HaTErZZ PleAse...


tell Me wenn To Go...mmm Dj Razor Rus Exclusives cuz hes the bestest Dj ever...Nikki Diaz(shes awesome check her out)...Tupac...Reggae...BhAnGra...RaP...R&B...and all that other good stuff...


StOmP the YaRd...BaD BoYz II...LoVe and BaSkEtBaLL...RuSh HoUr I and II...MeNacE 2 SoCiEty(DeSilva's class)...bRowN SuGaR...nEvEr BeEn KiSSeD...tHe WooD...Th...CrasH...ThE SixTh MaN...HoNeY...Veer-Zaara...and MaNy mOrE


ESPN...Tennis...NBA...NFL...Grey's Anatomy...Sex And The CiTy...ohh and How Could i 4gEt the Best 1 of All...FreSh PrinCe Of BeL Air...Woohoo


dOnt RealLy LiKe To REad...


mOm n PoPs