WeLL...playin tennis fo sho...HoOpin...sNoWbOaRdInG...wOrKiN oUt...MoViEs...SHOPPIN eSp sHOeS... DaNcInG...HanGin WiTh Family and FriENds...lOng aWaiTed LA tRips...haha
nO HaTErZZ PleAse...
tell Me wenn To Go...mmm Dj Razor Rus Exclusives cuz hes the bestest Dj ever...Nikki Diaz(shes awesome check her out)...Tupac...Reggae...BhAnGra...RaP...R&B...and all that other good stuff...
StOmP the YaRd...BaD BoYz II...LoVe and BaSkEtBaLL...RuSh HoUr I and II...MeNacE 2 SoCiEty(DeSilva's class)...bRowN SuGaR...nEvEr BeEn KiSSeD...tHe WooD...Th...CrasH...ThE SixTh MaN...HoNeY...Veer-Zaara...and MaNy mOrE
ESPN...Tennis...NBA...NFL...Grey's Anatomy...Sex And The CiTy...ohh and How Could i 4gEt the Best 1 of All...FreSh PrinCe Of BeL Air...Woohoo
dOnt RealLy LiKe To REad...
mOm n PoPs