Tennis and Comic Books - yes you did read that correctly. Daredevil, Green Arrow, Green Lantern, The Goon.
Best writers BMB, Steve Niles, Joss Whedon.
Audio dramas: Anything Darker Projects, Silent Universe, Dr.Floyd, Pendant Productions, Big Finish.
I'd like to meet:
Which Doctor Who Doctor are you?
You are the 6th Doctor-- Colin Baker! He's not as popular as the rest, but he holds his own with his brand of wit and personality.You are loud. Very very loud. You want people to notice you, dammit. The way you dress, the way you speak, the way you eat your cereal in the mornings just screams 'LOOK AT ME!' You try to be different then everyone else and, well, you succeeded.
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The Subways - very rare something cool comes out of the garden city.
All types of music liked ranging from anything Soul Assasins to Frank Sinatra to Beastie Boys.
Best Tracks
Everlast - What it's like
Creed - My Sacrifice
Without a doubt Heat (Pacino and De Niro rule). Anything directed or written by Kevin Smith or Luc Besson. Will Ferrell, Adam Sandler and John Candy are comedy legends.
Doctor Who, CSI (Vegas, New York. Miami is growing on me), The Sopranos, The Contender, TNA Wrestling, Red Dwarf, Spaced, Buffy, Angel, Cold Case, Heat Guy J, Robot Chicken, Spawn. Probably could fill this space if I wanted.
Douglas Couplands Girlfriend in a Coma is the best book written (Generation X, what can I say!). Books by Anne Rice and Mick Foley (yes the wrestler) are cool too.
Bill Hicks - accept no substitutes