~ BUSH ~ profile picture

~ BUSH ~

Lifes Short have a blast

About Me

Well a little about me eh? I'm Ron I'm 23 all I really gotta say is come out and party with me!! we'll have some fun! if you can't find a party give me a call I've always got something going on!!!Views on life: Lifes to short to deal with peoples BULLSHIT! have fun!! You'll be old before you know it!! so have fun!Money, and Material things come and go!!! good friends are always there and wouldn't trade you for anything!!!! HOT or NOT .com .. language="Javascript" src="http://www.hotornot.com/services/sticker/uhon.php?min_a ge=18&max_age=25&username=ronnyb2099"..
A "Getting to Know You" Survey
The Basics
Name:: Ron Bush
Birthdate:: 10-15-1984
Birthplace:: Bixby
Current Location:: Bedroom
Eye Color:: Green
Hair Color:: lite brown
Height:: 6'4
Your webpage:: here
Are you taken?: Nope
Are you a virgin?: Nope
How many & what kind of pets do you have?: Bird - Sun Conure
What's your job?: Store Detective - Crook Catcher
What's your Dream Job?: Movie Star!! lol
Who is your best friend?: I have too many!
What instruments do you play?: none
What are your hobbies?: Working Out
What are your goals?: get through college, own a house before 25
Would you ever sky dive or bungee jump?: hell ya!
What kind of books and/or magazines do you read?: Maximum, Stuff
How would do describe yourself?: Fun, Outgoing...shy at first unless the 3 beer limit comes into play!
What is a topic you wish you knew more about?:
What do you daydream about?: Settling down and having a family!
What are your religious/spiritual beliefs?: nope
List 3 Things You Would Change About Yourself:
One:: I Wish I was more outgoing!
Two:: that I wasnt a spender....
Three:: too SHY!
Either / Or
Shy or Outgoing?: Shy at first
Spender or Saver?: spender
Truth or Dare?: Dare
Books or Movies?: movie
Romantic Comedy or Action Adventure?: either
Cats or Dogs?: Dogs
Mountain or Beach?: Beach
Sweet or Salty?: Sweet
Do You...
Drink?: Yes
Get annoyed easily?: nope
Like to travel?: Would like too, never have time too :(
Like to drive fast?: Hell ya! you would think with all my speeding tickets i would slow down!
Sing well?: I can do alright
Want kids?: some day
-----What would you name a boy?:
-----What would you name a girl?:
Have You Ever...
Performed on stage? In what?: nope
Been in a car accident?: ya, in toledo just a small one tho!
Been out of the country? Where?: nope
What Is...
The last CD you bought?: ummm....cant remember
The last movie you saw in the theater?: Couldn't really tell you
The last movie you rented?: Rome Season 1
Your greatest fear?: loneliness, being old and gray....and alone
Your greatest strength?: being Outgoing, and care free
Your greatest weakness?: Over Protective of family and friends
Your happiest memory?: cant recall any with all the changes happening in my life.....
Your Favorite...
Movie:: Wedding Crashers
TV Show:: Happy days! Friends, Stargate SG1
Food:: Tacos
Drink:: Miller Lite, Bud Light, Diet Coke
Color:: Green
Season & WHY:: Summer, Its outdoor time :P
Day of the week & WHY:: Thursday-saturday its near the end of the week!!
Store:: MEIJER... lol i dont really have a favorite
Quote:: Lifes to Short, Have a Blast! or Its all good!
What Do You Think About...
Abortion:: Its not up to me, Its not coming out of me
Homosexuality:: No PDA...and I'm fine
God:: I go to chruch every so often so
Jesus:: Never been to big into this
Satan:: I hate these questions...
Heaven:: Might not be a Heaven or Hell, but I'm sure we all go someplace
Hell:: Might not be a Heaven or Hell, but I'm sure we all go someplace
Miracles:: Of coarse
Astrology:: Ya, a little bit
War:: Not when the economy is at a high.... but i suppose the Troops!!!
Ghosts:: yup
Reincarnation:: weird, but possible
Karma:: Good Karma, bad Karma ya.....i dont really look into this tho
Luck:: I Dunno.... ive always had bad luck!
Aliens:: The Universe is huge, do you really think we are alone?
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My Interests

Partys, Drinking, Computer games, Any video game really


The Doors, Temptations, Eminem, 3 Doors Down, Third eye blind, Beatles, Hendrix, Beach boys, Rage Against the Machine, Ram Jam, Shinedown, Ziggy X


You name it I'm a big movie buff all thou I'd have to say Wedding Crashers, American Pie set, Dragonball Z, Seventh Samurai, Street Fighter, Underworld, Scarface, The Matrix Trilogy, The Last Samurai, Gladiator, Batman, Teenage Ninja Turtles and much more


Dragonball Z, Friends, Family Guy, Futurama, Simpson,


lol... ya right :D

My Blog

Tag, I’m it

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