Yeah, lifes a bitch...Science, Astronomy, Video Games, Rollerblading, Camping, Nature, Worken Out, Clubbing, Making strange noises in public bathroom stalls, counting the hairs in my goatee, and long conversations with the voices in my head.
Aliens, The Boogeyman, Santa Claus, maybe the Easter Bunny, Alf, Joe Momma, heard shes a real bitch, Elvis, he still lives! Hes rocken with the Aliens I want to meet.This Rocks!This is hilarious!
Anything that Rocks!!!11!!1!
Anything with violence, explosions and breasts, or better yet, violently exploding breasts!
Adult Swim, Discovery Channel, Late Night Cinamax (soft core pr0n!) other then that I don't use a television for anything other then games.
Books? TVs so much faster.
I don't need no Heroes, I'm more then enough man baby.