LiKe dancing.. aNy KiNd Of dance.. WeLL bUt NoW mY cArEeR iS wItH dancing. i liKe hAnGiNg OuT w/ mY fRieNds AnD... rOAdTriP, gOin To bEaCh, sOunDtRiPpiNg... hAhA! aNd aFtEr i dO aL tHat.. i LiKe To sLeEp.. and i love HAVAIANAS flip-flops.. ihave3pairs..
i want someone to LOVE♥ Love♥ is not about finding the right person;but creating a right relationship; It's not about how much love♥ you; have in the beginning but how much love&;hearts; you build till the end..
.rnb. .hip-hop. [i hate rock!]
.into the blue. .honey. .the marine.