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About Me

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"An actor must interpret life and in order to do so he must be willing to accept all experiences that life has to offer. In fact he must seek out more than life puts at his feet. In the short span of his lifetime an actor must learn all there is to know, experience all there is to experience or approach that state as closely as possible. He must be superhuman in his efforts to store away in the warehouse of his subconscious everything that he might be called upon to use in the expression of his art. Nothing should be more important to the artist than life and the living of it, not even the ego. To grasp the full significance of life is the actor's duty; to interpret it his problem; and to express it his dedication... Being an actor is the loneliest thing in the world. You're all alone with your concentration and imagination, and that's all you have. Being a good actor isn't easy. Being a man is even harder. I want to be both before I'm done." -James Dean

My Interests

Books, Video Games, Kick-boxing, most of all Movies

I'd like to meet:

God...so I can lay at his feet and say "I'm sorry"


Blah Blah Blah


Just saw a great film called C.R.A.Z.Y.It's a story of two love affairs. A father's love for his five sons. And one son's love for his father, a love so strong it compels him to live a lie. That son is Zac Beaulieu, born on the 25th of December 1960, different from all his brothers, but desperate to fit in. During the next 20 years, life takes Zac on a surprising and unexpected journey that ultimately leads him to accept his true nature and, even more importantly, leads his father to love him for who he really is. A mystical fable about a modern-day Christ-like figure, "C.R.A.Z.Y" exudes the beauty, the poetry and the madness of the human spirit in all its contradictions.BTW....i copied all that from IMBD


Reading this book called "The Discovery of Heaven" by harry mulisch. It's long as hell, about 730pgs. But its completely worth it.Hailed as one of the most entertaining and profound philosophical, novels ever written.


James Dean

My Blog

Fox Pilot.....Yay!!

A friend of mine just entered this on the FOX Storyteller Challenge. Its a rough cut. A newer cut is being worked on right now. We just needed it to be entered. It's a show about several friends who ...
Posted by karlito on Fri, 09 Nov 2007 11:24:00 PST

My short film "Full Metal Turntable"

Hi all, My short "Full Metal Turntable" is an editors pick on the Comedy Central/Atom Films "Test Pilot" Contest. For all of you that know about the crazy events surrounding the film (i.e. we shot on...
Posted by karlito on Thu, 12 Jul 2007 01:21:00 PST