HANA :) boys, drinking and dancing @ cumby.. me and bel own the dancefloor haha, havin fun with my girls - and the fellaz, meeting new people, doing random things like jetty jumping at night in the nude.. haha.. go yorkes!
I just love meeting new people.. i find people interesting and i like to know what they're about.. i dont like fake people.. if i have a problem with someone ill tell them.. i do get along with most people i meet, but i can tell when people are not genuine.. Im from the country so coming to the city is great! Im not a country bumpkin tho!Hana has lots of hot friends who i wouldnt mind getting to know!! I love you hana, not just coz ur guy friends, just coz ur such a great person.. im so glad i met you!BUT - also.. anyone with a nice six pack and the nice little v that boys have..!!add me to MSN - [email protected]... waiting to hear from ya ;)
doesn't matter.. anything that sounds good..!!
team america - hewwooww.. FUCK YEAH!! anything that makes me laugh.. i love a good chick flick sometimes tho.
i love my soapies! its sad i know!
none- i only read when i have to.. like uni texts books and thats not often!
Hana! She is my fav hero in the universe! she goes off..Get Your Own! | View Slideshow