Ivan Il Terribile profile picture

Ivan Il Terribile

I am here for Friends

About Me

Fighting against my hate since 1984. Yes, I grew up in the 90's and nobody will never change this. A Communication Sciences student at the University of Lugano, working part-time for a local newspaper and still looking for a permanent job. Money is never enough. Croatian living in Switzerland, still speaking his mother tongue because cursing in Croatian is the most original way to shout at people. My freetime is all about music, football and total boredom at home. Though I have so many regrets I still try to enjoy life sometimes. There are still some things which help me a lot to do this. For example check out these ones:

My band: THE 3 JERKS
My Football team: AS TEGNA
My side project: FACE THE GAME

3 things I love: Haribo Quaxi, your mom, laughing.
3 things I hate: Juventus FC, Ska-P, old people.

My Interests

Eating and drinking different kinds of food (anyway life is better with a can of coke, some junk food and a cold bottle of the best gazzosa al mandarino around), listening to different kinds of music, driving my mother's car and singing at the same time, playing football, playing with my band and my useless side project, jumping around, hanging out with my crew of jerks, loneliness, sleeping, dreaming (better to not say of what), my bedroom, supporting a.c. milan, fantasies, my bed, ordinary blasphemy especially in my mother tongue, staying negative towards all those who deserve it, screaming in a microphone, taking random pics with my mobile phone and using them as display background, collecting CD's, T-shirts, watching the stars shining in the sky, observing the night in its beauty, losing whole days on the internet, downloading tons of good songs, writing several kind of stuff, my stereo, walking around with tons of music in my ears which helps me to ignore everything and everyone, sociology, having cool meetings with the martini youthcrew, wasting time by reading stupid jokes and playing useless flash games, procrastinating, listening to sad and melancholic songs, being bored as hell, going to cinema, feeling the emptiness of an empty moment, being with my friends and my family, enjoying the silence, remembering good and bad times while trying to fall asleep, doing nothing, sweatshirts, watching the sky in an unstable weather day, playstation, PC, watching TV for hours, running a blog, reading.....I think I'm not too far from being a common person in its early 20s. Dio porco.

I'd like to meet:

Honest and friendly people.

My MSN ID: [email protected]


The soundtrack of my emotions and life has no limits.


Black cat white cat, almost all the BUD SPENCER stuff, Hot Shots II, Problem Child, Fantozzi (all), Escape from Alcatraz, The Dobberman, Matrix, The Blues Brothers, Space balls, The lord of the rings, The green mile, Catch me if you can, Once upon a time in America, The Shawshank redemption, Forrest Gump, First blood and every other movie which has enough pathos to make me feel something special.


Got sick and tired of it.


Should read more.





My Blog


Hey italofoni visitate il mio blog di splinder su http://hardcore4life.splinder.com e lasciatemi un commentino! Mosh!
Posted by Ivan Il Terribile on Thu, 08 Sep 2005 02:36:00 PST


Vi sentite due eroi???? ALLORA ADESSO MORIRETE, EROI DI MERDA!!!! I really love this quote.....but I don't know from which movie it was taken out. WE ARE THE UNDERDOGS!!!!! This one rocks too Che pal...
Posted by Ivan Il Terribile on Mon, 15 Aug 2005 05:14:00 PST

Awesome!!! Demo almost done!!!!

Finally there it is: check out here the official Tundra HxC website and listen to the samples of the upcoming demo cd entitled "Urla dalla steppa" (Screams from the steppe). The cd should be hopefully...
Posted by Ivan Il Terribile on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


This week is gonna be cool: at first I did well my fucking informatics exam, achieving a fucking and brutal 8!!!! Tomorrow the winter exams session will finish with the last exam, and next weekend (if...
Posted by Ivan Il Terribile on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Let's begin...

So, let's start this Myspace account hoping to meet cool people around here........so, what can I say? Nothing!!!! Enjoy this little page (if you can). Cheers
Posted by Ivan Il Terribile on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST