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At times I dont play well with others and I run with sharp objects.
When I'm not doing those things I am a wifey and mommy to a hard working man and our 6 beautiful children.
Yes I said 6 and YES only ONE daddy ;o)
Pretty much from 1990 to 1999 I was either pregnant, nursing or pregnant and nursing ;o)
My hubby is my FIRST, my LAST, my ONLY LOVE
18yrs and counting I am NOT here for dating...
I would be completely lost without my kids, they are my world.
Some would say I started my family way too young; I say it's really none of their business ;o)
For whatever reason I started when I did and I am so very thankful.
My kids are growing up with a mom that understands their wants and needs and more than anything, I want to be the best mom I can be
I am currently torn between doing my dream job or settling for a night job, some where doing something :o/
In a perfect world, I could get the dream job and the kids will be all right.
Of course this world is no where near perfect and its a good thing too or I would never fit in lol
My kids are awesome, they do well in school and we are ALWAYS complimented on their behavior when we go out. (I'm so proud of them!)
I can finally say I am a grown up now lol
I know! You're thinking what have I been doing for the past 15yrs?
Practicing I guess...
Lets see what else....
My mother swears I have a little black cloud that follows me around.
The old saying is true for me: If it werent for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all ;o)
People assume because I am/was a young mother that I must be a bad mother. I now know I am the best mother I can be. I just hope my kids agree 20 yrs from now ;o)
My two cents to the world, dont be so quick to judge.
The ones you think you know, will more than likely surprise the hell out of you in the end.
I am at a point in my life that I need/want to enjoy life to its fullest. Seems I didnt do enough of that in my past....
Now the inner teen wants to come out and play...
So enjoy your stay while your're here in my page. Turn up the music, help yourself to what's in the fridge BUT leave it clean and take off your shoes before you go runnin around on my carpet!
Love ~Aimee~
Doctor Unheimlich has diagnosed me with
All his' Disease
Cause: unknown
Symptoms: being able to fire webs from wrists, excessive blindness, aggression
Cure: bleach
Enter your name, for your own diagnosis: