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Minimum Effort, Maximum Results Quote - Angela Simpson

About Me

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Hi guys, wat can i say, im an 19 yr old fella from geelong, born n bred there, nothing can beat ur home town. i am very australian, if i had my way id be walking round in a flano, blue wife beater, stubbies n thongs with a VB in my hand. i love everything australian, i am very australian, n very passionate, bit like steve iwrin, love that kid (R.I.P steve, we miss u). i have an awesome array of friends, possible the greatest ever friends in the world. i also have a girlfriend, her name is tate, the greatest girlfriend known to mankind. she is the greatest person i have come across in my time here on this great planet. I should also mention my friend arnie, great kid she is, she creates some good times n she always has a camera to capture those good times, i love it (keep up the good work arnie). david boon is one of my idols, he drank 52 cans(of beer) on a flight to london 1 year, 1 achievement that should noted all around the world. i hav recently completed my PhD in Bull Shitting, 1st person ever to accomplish this achievement...i hate bad drivers, i hav really bad road rage, but if u no how to drive properly n ur not a stupid driver then u won't get to c my road rage. i hate people that can't drive including those who don't indicate, cut infront of me, sit at green lights, drive during the day with their lights on, people who drive slow especially those who drive slow in the right hand lane on the highway, i also hate people who get overtaken and then speed up n people who block people in other lanes. I hate people who don't thank other people when the driver stops for them n let them go through.....I HATE BAD DRIVERS..... I hate smoking, don't blow smoke in my face either i hate it, just because u want to kill urself early doesn't mean we all wanna join u...i also barrack for the mighty GEELONG CATS footy club best team in the AFL......thats all i can really say, thanks 4 cuming to my website, add me!!!!!! it'll be fun, u no it will be!!! if u want to no me, add [email protected] add me to msn

My Interests

My girlfriend tatie, just chilling out sinking piss with the boys, and living it up in southbank

I'd like to meet:

Will Ferrell, Chopper Read, Ozzie from VU, Carl Barron, Stranchanie, Bob Marley, Kenny Smyth


I generally like most kinds of music except for rap and that heavy metal bullshit that they call music these days


Anchorman, the castle, mostly anything with will farrell (absolute legend that kid), Kenny


Thank god your here!!! Prisonbreak Heroes NCIS Rove The Chasers War on Everything The Footy Show Footy Classified The Footy


Your results:
You are Iron Man Iron Man 100% Green Lantern 80% Superman 50% The Flash 50% Wonder Woman 40% Robin 30% Hulk 30% Catwoman 30% Spider-Man 20% Batman 20% Supergirl 20% Inventor. Businessman. Genius.
Click here to take the "Which Superhero are you?" quiz...


Ron Burgundy (your my hero ron, y ron???), Ricky Bobby, Boony, Strauchanie, Blokeman