NaTta...43 profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

hey hows it goin im natta my m8s call me that or percy... love sport nd keeping fit play cricket 4 geelong nd south barwon the greatest club of all... ply footy 4 the mighty roosters 2008 is the yr of the rooster!!! i live 4 my m8s JD probly gonna b the greatest cricketer to hit the planet by the time he's done... BuRkeY jst does wot he wants on nd OFF the field hahaha cammo sikest c#nt (ladies i dnt call him horse 4 nuthing;) ) busy jst gonna save the country we live in... StEvo sikest chik on the planet nd i could 4get april jAne she's AWSOME life wouldnt b the same wid out her in it...

My Interests

Cricket,football, surfing, goin out, goin 2 Fenix,relex'n with m8z Drinkin Beer, Chillin', nd playing my ps2.

I'd like to meet:

brendan fevola, sonny bill williams nd ben cousins cause there all geniuses...View All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment


Heapz of shit... gUn's N roSeS, AC/DC,sum41, dj clinton sparkz, motley crue, fallout boy, avril, LiMP BiZkiT...


AncoRmAn, BorAt, teladager nights, get rich or die try'n, shooter, shawshank redemtion...


wOtzzZZ oN... ThE FRESH pRiNcE oF bEllAIRE...(best show of all time) the footy show, prision break, my nAME is earl... R wicked


read THIS! poRnOs Nd ALPHA...


BrEnDaN FeVoLa,sonny bill williams,Ben cousins,buDDy fRankLin, anthony "THE MAN" mundine, willie mason... AnD jOeL dAvIes hahahaha

My Blog

Sonny Bill Williams "The Hitman" ...
Posted by NaTta...43 on Mon, 21 Apr 2008 12:56:00 PST