Family, Reading, Ice Skating, Snow Boarding, Boating...and watching the most amazing drummer in the world (my husband, bENp! Check out his drumming clip on the right!)
Joyce Meyer & Stormie O'Martian (two amazing women who have really helped me become a better person)Jesus in the flesh...
(see video to the right)
I like a bit of everything. But I epecially enjoy just about everything that comes from MASKARAID Productions! WWW.MASKARAIDPRODUCTIONS.COMWatching these wee ones sing and dance is another favorite pastime of mine. (Check them out next door on the right!)
I like a bit of everything. My favorites being Romatic Comedies, actions, Christmas movies, Star Wars and Lord of the Rings...
I'm not a big t.v watcher, but when I do I love to watch I Love Lucy, The Cosby Show, The Flinstones, The Jetsons, Grey's Anatomy and Day Break. I really liked Related too, but it was canceled :(
I'd have to say Power of a Praying Wife, The five Love Languages, Little Women, Undercover, Billie Sings the Blues
Jesus: what else is there to say! My mom: an amazing woman who takes whatever life throws her way and always comes out on top...a true inspiration to all.