Photographer and Printmaker, Making my own art and reproductions for other artists. For a more complete view of my work, pick a link below.
My Home Page
My Flickr Page
What I used to be:
Conservative, A person with 2 kidneys, Engineering Manager, Mechanical Engineer, Young, Overconfident, Coop in a shoe factory, Demolition Derby Driver, Warehouse worker, St. Louis Zoo Employee, Disco Dancer...
See My Work, and me, in person...
Rusty Spring 2 --2 Brand New works of mine!--Opening Fri. April 18, 7-11 --Through May 31 2008...
ArtDimensions' Third Floor Gallery...
1214 Washington Ave...
St. Louis, MO...
Wed-Sat, 12:00 - 4:00 --
--ArtD 3rd Floor Gallery Page--
Artfair at Laumeier --May 9, 10, 11, 2008... Friday 6-9pm, Sat 10-8, Sun 10-5... $8 admission... 12580 Rott Road... St. Louis, MO
Old Capitol Art Fair --May 17 & 18, 2008... Sat 10-5, Sun 10-4... Free... Old State Capitol Plaza... Springfield, IL
Greenwich Village Art Fair --September 13 & 14, 2008... Sat 10-6?, Sun 10-5... Free... Rockford Art Museum... Rockford, IL
Recent Work
I'm looking for models to continue this series...