L. Mondriaan profile picture

L. Mondriaan

NEW TEAM UP - M&M - Live shows soon!!

About Me

LEFTERN HEMISPHERE - NEW TUNE! ALL THE ORIGINAL TRACKS: THE WOO EXPERIENCE, MAC DA KNIFE, ONE FOR GEORGE C., BULLDOZER, SPOONBENDING, FUKT & DOPE.FAT.SHIT FROM THE ALBUM ¨THE WOO EXPERIENCE - Volume 1¨ (ALL RIGHTS RESERVED BY COPYRIGHT LAW.) -- SMOKIN, ELAZTIKS, BASEGGIATTA, LAYERHOLD, GINGERBREADBOY & OFFSIDE FROM THE ALBUM ¨THE WOO EXPERIENCE Volume 2¨ (ALL RIGHTS RESERVED BY COPYRIGHT LAW.) -- RUBBISH, M.I.D., BASEGGIERO, THE KOOKS ARE IN CHARGE, ONSTA LA CHICHI, LIFE AQUATIK, ACID JAWS, ACID MAN & ACID MAN (Spoonbender remix) from a third album: LUKE MONDRIAAN & SPOONBENDER - ¨THE KOOKS ARE IN CHARGE¨ (ALL RIGHTS RESERVED BY COPYRIGHT LAW.) WERE COMPOSED, ARRANGED & RECORDED BY MUSIC PRODUCER: MONDRIAAN. MIXING & MASTERING WITH MUSIC PRODUCER/ENGINEER: SPOONBENDER AND RAFAEL CADAVIECO AT SALA DE MAQUINAS STUDIO CARACAS, VENEZUELA APRIL-MAY 2007 -(www.salademaquinas.net)......Born in ..79 ex-saxophone player alberto garanton as independent minimal/techno producer mondriaan shows a -darkwood- big sound quality in his music with a classical touch while keeping his compositions together with a more minimalistic approach to harmonic change and rythmic shifting. Stressing a lot on rare song forms with no symmetric bar count and the constant use of poly-rythms indulge the listener to constantly find his groove. Basically all instrumental tracks on the albums with no lyrics to guide the listener leave the construction and deconstruction of the sounds themselves for self-interpretation. Evoking most of the time a Chicago Detroit House & Techno sound frame reveals to us his major influencing styles and love for the same. Spending most of his life listening to Mike Ink, Thelonious Monk, John Coltrane, Elvin Jones, Bird, Miles, Headhunters, Sly & The Family Stone, Parliament Funkadelic, Gil Scott Heron, Brothers Johnson & Quincy Jones to name a few can lead us into the territory of his basic dance music influences as a youngster. South american music has influenced his life and his music as well. Having spent a part of his life south of the border has made latin american music a part of the every day life. The tracks on myspace are from the debut album ¨The Woo Experience¨ which consists of a 2 volume set consisting of 13 tracks. The main idea behind this project is all about the Live Performance. One of a variety of original sounding electronic dance music producers from venezuela delivering some dope grooves for the dance floors' big sound......A Love Supreme.....release date soon!!.....................................LEFTERN HEMISPHERE - TEMA NUEVO! TODOS LOS TEMAS: THE WOO EXPERIENCE, MAC DA KNIFE, ONE FOR GEORGE C., BULLDOZER, SPOONBENDING, FUKT & DOPE.FAT.SHIT DEL ALBUM ¨THE WOO EXPERIENCE - Volumen 1¨ (TODOS LOS DERECHOS RESERVADOS POR LEY DE COPYRIGHT.) -- SMOKIN, ELAZTIKS, BASEGGIATTA, LAYERHOLD, GINGERBREADBOY, OFFSIDE DEL ALBUM ¨THE WOO EXPERIENCE - Volumen 2¨ (TODOS LOS DERECHOS RESERVADOS POR LEY DE COPYRIGHT.) -- RUBBISH, M.I.D., BASEGGIERO, THE KOOKS ARE IN CHARGE ONSTA LA CHICHI, LIFE AQUATIK, ACID JAWS, ACID MAN & ACID MAN-(Spoonbender remix) de un tercer album: LUKE MONDRIAAN & SPOONBENDER ¨THE KOOKS ARE IN CHARGE¨ (TODOS LOS DERECHOS RESERVADOS POR LEY DE COPYRIGHT.) FUERON COMPUESTOS, ARREGLADOS & GRABADOS POR EL PRODUCTOR MUSICAL/DJ: MONDRIAAN. MEZCLA & MASTERIZACION POR EL PRODUCTOR MUSICAL/INGENIERO: SPOONBENDER Y RAFAEL CADAVIECO EN EL ESTUDIO SALA DE MAQUINAS CARACAS, VENEZUELA ABRIL-MAYO 2007 - (www.salademaquinas.net)......Nacido en el 79 el ex-saxofonisota alberto garanton recientemente trabajando como productor de minimal/techno nos muestra en su primer album un sonido mas amaderado y opaco de sonidos grandes con un toque clasico. Un concepto minimalista hacia los cambios armonicos y ritmicos son elegidos ante una vision mas cargada de informacion. La irregularidad de la ¨forma¨de lo temas sin estructura simetrica de barras y el uso constante de poli-ritmos llevan al oyente a constantemente encontrar su groove. La musica esta muy influenciada por el House de Chicago y el Techno proveniente de Detroit revelandonos su gran admiracion y respeto por el estilo. Pasando la mayor parte de su vida escuchando a Mike Ink, Thelonious Monk, John Coltrane, Elvin Jones, Bird, Miles, Headhunters, Parliament Funkadelic, Sly & The Family Stone, Gil Scott Heron, Quincy Jones y Los Brothers Johnson para nombrar algunos podemos ver de donde vienen las ganas de bailar. Viviendo una parte de su vida en America del Sur a convertido la musica latino americana en algo de su dia a dia. La musica de mondriaan puede llevar a la impresion de sonar algo reptitiva para muchos o puede dejar que los finos y diminutos detalles de los sonidos atrapen los pies y la imaginacion. El album es todo instrumental y deja los distintos sonidos que se construyen y deconstruyen para su libre interpretacion. Los temas que estan en myspace son del album debut ¨The Woo Experience¨ que consiste de 2 volumenes. La idea principal detras de este proyecto consiste en la actuacion en vivo. Uno de los variados y originales productores de musica electronica bailable de venezuela soltando algo fresco para el sonido grande del dance-floor...........A Love Supreme.....fecha de release pronto!!
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Member Since: 8/1/2006
Band Members: M&M (Mekaniko & Mondriaan) decks + virus synth new team up!Alberto Garanton also known as Mondriaan (minimal/techno) & MX-1 (hiphop/electronica/ragga) - www.myspace.com/mx1music - PART OF THE FLYING MONKEY COLLECTIVE ARTS / SOON RECORD LABEL - (www.myspace.com/elflyingmonkey) -CONTACT EMAIL:- [email protected] - DEBUT ALBUM COMING SOON! --¨The Woo Experience Volume 1 & Volume 2¨ (ALL RIGHTS RESERVED BY COPYRIGHT LAW) -- Music Composed, Arranged & Recorded by Music Producer/Dj MONDRIAAN. Mastering by Producer/Engineer SPOONBENDER - www.myspace.com/spoonbender25 - and RAFAEL CADAVIECO at SALA DE MAQUINAS STUDIO (www.salademaquinas.net) - www.myspace.com/salademaquinas - Caracas, Venezuela April-May 2007.
Influences: ....acid....Liniers....fun
Sounds Like: Thelonious Monk on acid, or maybe....an air-conditioner!
Record Label: Unsigned/Independent Release
Type of Label: Indie