rock music,books(fantasy or horrer),video games(rpg's),anime and my girlfriend (yummy)
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I'd like to meet ville valo and chris angel. embed allowScriptAccess="never" allowNetworking="internal" enableJavaScript="false" allowScriptAccess="never" allowNetworking="internal"
I'll listen to anything that not reggaeton but my favorite will alwayes be rock because theres alwayes a song that can go with my mood. My favorite band will alwayes be HIM.
To many to choose from but for now zoolander and the matrix 1,2 and 3
I love anime like inuyasha,fullmetal alchimest,naruto, dragonball z and many more. I also like family guy, american dad, simsons futurama and mind freak.
Harry potter, animorphs, Eragon and goosebumps.(mostly adventure)
ville valos music did afect my life so him and my friends and girfriend who made me who i am today but i can't help but think that someones been watching over me making sure me and the people i love are ok and i give him all my thanks and respect.