kenjie profile picture


HIP-HOP Make u strong... just spread rhymes!!

About Me

mE?!?! dErS nuThiN riLi iNtErEsTiN bwT mE!! iMa b0riNg pErs0n..a d0rk! sUcH a s0rE L0sEr!! oL i kN0w iS dAt iMa pArTy aNiMaL!! i LuV r0ad3pin,maLLiN aNd eSpeCiaLLy cLuBbiN!! jUz cLap uR hAndS! aNd eVeRyb0dyS g0nA cLAp bAck!! iF u d0nt Lyk mE..i d0Nt Lyk u eiThEr..s0 y wAstE tYm 0n eAch 0tHeR?!?! biAtch! dEY LaF aT mE c0z iM diffeReNt..i LaF aT dEm c0z dEYr aLL tHe sAme.. miNd uR 0wN beEzWax aNd iM g0N miNd miNe! i CaN bE uR fRiEnd bUt i CaN aLs0 b uR w0rSt nYtmArE! d0Nt jUdGe mE wiD d WaY i m0Ve,h0w i Lo0k,d WaY i dReSs c0z uL nVeR knw d REAL me iF u aInT g0nA sH0w mE sUm m0VeS...! i MaY n0t bE 'tHe oNe' bUt hEy! i MaY bE uR 'eVerYtHiNg' 0o0o0ohhhh yEh! pLAyAz g0na pLay!! hAtErs g0na hAtE!! bALLeRs g0nA baLL! sh0t cALLeRs g0Na cALL..W0RLDWIDE!! i pRomiSed mySeLf dAt i wiLL nEveEr eVeR g0Na mAkE d SaMe miStakE agEn (cr0ssed fingErs) i aiNt g0Na sHeD an0tHer buCket 0f tEaRs aGeN..i cAn bE a pLAyEr..bUt 0o0o0ohh dAmN i CaN bE Ur L0vEr f0r LyF..i kN0w dAt iTs bEtTer t0 LoSe pRidE bEcAuSe oF LuV dAn L0siN LuV bc0z oF priDe..i tAkE diS 0nE sEri0usLy..beLiV iT 0r n0t..i MaY s0uNd riLi wEiRd bUt diS iS hU i riLi aM..i hAtE pReTeNdiN c0z iT'll giVe mE n0 g0od..s0 wUt iF sUm pe0pLe w0nT LyK me f0r hU i aM?! d0Es My LyF rEv0LvE ar0uNd dEm? dEr iS a biG w0rLd 0uT dEr, biGgEr dAn a pArTy, biGgEr dAn skuL..iT w0Nt MATtEr iF u r d SeXieSt pERs0n aLivE 0r tHe m0St poPuLAr sUpErsTaR ar0uNd..fiNd 0Ut hU u R aNd tRy n0t 2 bE aFrAid 0f it..diS iS LyF.. uL nVeR sEE d rEaL bEauTy 0f iT tiLL u sTumBLe aND fALL..LiV iT t0 d fuLLeSt c0z u oNLy LiV 0NcE..iM JuZ a pLaiN BoY hU LiVs iN diS pLaiN w0rLd..s0 jUz sHakE aNd p0p dAt b0otY,BeAr wiD dA bEaT aNd g0 bUmp bUmp bUmp!! kiCkaSs!!!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:





SeX iN THe CiTy


KaHiT AnO BaStA HiNDi LoVe SToRieS


My Blog


Q & A Q: WHY DO MEN BECOME SMARTER DURING SEX? A: Because they are plugged into a genius Q: WHY DON'T WOMEN BLINK DURING FOREPLAY? A: They don't have enough time Q: WHY DOES IT TAKE 1 MILLI...
Posted by kenjie on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

MY angel and friend BY: kenjie

I never thought that I would find a friend so great and a friend so kind I look up to you in every way 'cause I learn something from you every day. Without you I don't know where I'd be bu...
Posted by kenjie on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

SONG oF Love

fallin out fallin in nothings sure in this world no no breaking down breaking in never knowing what lies ahead we can really never tell it all no no say goodbye say hello to a lover or f...
Posted by kenjie on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST