kerijoyo profile picture


On my own but not alone

About Me

Like us all, I'm living my purpose in this world. I am an eternal seeker of truth and beauty in all this world has to offer. I'm continually learning to embrace change and accept what's so. I know that I am ultimately responsible for creating my life and right now I'm happy just being alive - plain and simple. There's nothing to get and nowhere to go.I wouldn't be who I am without my family. They are the wonderful souls who love me, for what I am AND what I am not. They're the people I bear my soul to, who I converse with about everything and about nothing. They are my heart. I love you all.Next of kin is music. I am a woman of taste and that is most apparent in the stacks of my music library. Much of my time is spent discovering, listening, dancing, and loving its divine essence.Aside from the need to survive, I enjoy food of all cultures and am making my way up the culinary ladder. I eat well and live a relatively healthy lifestyle.Yoga is where I go to center myself, clear my head, relieve stress and tension, and push myself. It is more than a practice; it is a lifestyle that I am creating. It is truely one of the most beautiful regimens this world has known.At home, I celebrate my time alone, nurturing and reviving the parts of myself that are beat down from life. For fun, I'm out with friends engaging in witty humor, drinking, dancing, lounging, playing pool, watching movies, or just sitting with a bottle of wine and good conversation. I'm usually up for anything, will try most anything once, and love to explore. MyGen Profile Generator

My Interests

Since my interests vary with the seasons, I'm currently into music, snowboarding, painting, cooking, yoga, pilates, getting outside, photography, film, being creative, finding ways to express my creativity, spirituality, love and relationship, learning, being a part of the joy my niece has brought to this world, and gearing up to be a parent.

I'd like to meet:

Real peeps - like in the heart, deep down in the soul, can't stop the body rock, I love you man peeps. And dorks can come too.



To narrow it down a bit: Most films by Wes Anderson, the Cohen Bros., Quentin Tarantino, Tim Burton, and David Lynch. I like a lot of what Focus Features puts out. Overall, I most enjoy independent films that don't follow your typical formula and involve stimulating imagery, stories and concepts. I'll pretty much watch anything just because.


TV sucks just about everything but when I'm okay with that I do like Lost, Family Guy, Sex in the City, Will and Grace, The Simpsons, and Project Runway. That's about all I can do, with the exception of assuming the position of the day in front of the tube from time to time.


The Celestine Prophecy, Nothing in This Book is True, But It's Exactly How Things Are, Fast Food Nation, The Mastery of Love, The Four Agreements, Slaughterhouse Five, Siddhartha, Jitterbug Perfume, Still Life with Woodpecker, Another Roadside Attraction, Brave New World, 2012: Maya Cosmogenesis, Cunt, Animals as Guides for the Soul, The Seat of the Soul, Ishmael, Books by Osho, Poems by Rumi, coffee table books with art or photagraphy, any book that gives information on something I'm interested in or learning.


My mom, My son, Tori, Everyone who lives to love and loves to live :-)

My Blog

This is crack...

and we all love that don't we. Welcome to the land of diminishing returns. I'm sure you'll enjoy your stay. Yay!
Posted by kerijoyo on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST