Sha~na~na profile picture


All understanding begins with our not accepting the world as it appears. - Alan C. Kay

About Me

"I am what I am and that's all that I can more, no less. What you're seeing is me." (gotta love J5) I'm an open book. Go ahead and ask me anything and I'll answer truthfully.
I'm a lover of life, people, music, community and spirit. I value and honor family, friends, honesty, integrity and communication. I love to laugh and make others laugh. I'm fully self-expressed and don't EVER apologize for it. I'm child-like NOT childish. Despite my chronological age, I still like to party and go out with my friends usually dancing, house parties or intimate get-togethers. I love to dance and find it extremely healing.
I have a very dry sarcastic sense of humor (must be my NYC east coast upbringing) and it can get me into trouble. Oh well...I'm over it! (lol) I like to talk shit most times, but I mean no harm. I'm pretty direct and honest, but never mean or rude.
Overall I believe that Life is truly a miracle whatever your religious or spiritual beliefs. I'm grateful to be here--healthy vibrant and alive--and I cherish the people and friendships that I have in my life. The fact that I get to create myself over and over again in any given moment really excites me. And for me, the excitement of the unknown far outweighs the fear of it.

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My Interests

vanilla lattes, smell of rain, my nephew's laugh, house music, red wine, writing, painting, kissing, chocolate, sushi, LOST, driving fast, spontaneous trips to nowhere, comfortable silences, camping, entertaining and cooking, giving back, dancing

"Only one thing is eternally true, and that is your consciousness. And if you can bring your consciousness to the present, you cannot go wrong. Whatever you do out of that consciousness is always going to be right, not according to any criterion, but just because it is coming out of a total awareness. Out of total awareness nobody has ever done anything wrong. According to me, right is what comes out of your spontaneity and out of your consciousness and out of your presence here and now." Osho, excerpted from Sat Chit Anand

What Kind of Kiss Are You? (for guys & girls)
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Your Scent is Blue

Like Blue, you change and adapt frequently.One moment you're sexy and captivating...The next? Fun, warm, and inviting.You're hard to predict - but that's the essence of your charm.Power scents: Jasmine, orange flower, and lotus flower.

What Scent Are You? Take This Quiz :-)

Find the Love of Your Life (and More Love Quizzes) at Your New Romance.

I'd like to meet:

Anybody and everybody near and far...but there's a catch! If you want to be my friend, then you have to send me a message!!! Tell me a joke. Ask me a question about myself. Tell me what motivates you to get out of bed in the morning.

I surround myself with positive people who are up to something in their lives and in the world. People who are willing to step outside themselves and push the limits to who they are and what they can be. It's the journey that's the adventure, not the end result.

I like confident people--not cocky--who can handle their own in any given and/or unfamilar situation. Spontaneity and adventure is the spice of life and I like spicy people!

If you're resigned and cynical about life, then move on. It takes too much energy to remain negative and miss out on what this world and the people in it has to offer. If you're out to have fun, meet new and interesting people, want to dance, or just shoot the shit...hit me up!


House Music 24/7...Deep, dark, crunchy, dirty, tribal, funky, jazzy, sexy house music. Harmonies, melodies, vocals...drums and bass. Honestly, I love all kinds of music. I own close to 600 cds and always looking for new stuff that turns me on. (Not feelin any love for country tho...just can't seem to find the connection.) It all depends on my mood. And as a classic Gemini, my moods have been known to change quickly. One minute I'm listening to Ani DeFranco, next it's Beastie Boys. I might throw in Mark Farina and then switch it up with Bad Brains or Tribe Called Quest...I don't play an instrument and I can't sing for shit, but I do appreciate good music and artists who express themselves through music.


Waking Life, Run Lola Run, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, Amelie, Dazed and Confused, Zoolander, Raising Arizona (or anything Coen Bros), Spirited Away, This is Spinal Tap, The Royal Tennenbaums, What the Bleep?, Usual Suspects, Queens of Comedy, anything Roger Moore, Office Space, Happy Gilmore, Tommy Boy, Rocky Horror, and everything Kevin Smith...pretty much anything that's a little off the wall that tickles the mind (and funny bone)

My Blog

Is there a Doctor on board this plane?

OK...I have to share the CRAZY plane ride home from Hawaii with you all because if I don't write it down I don't think I'd believe it myself...and I was there! LOL  It's a long one so strap ...
Posted by Sha~na~na on Wed, 12 Oct 2005 10:00:00 PST

Makes me want to be a lesbian...

What is it with the guys here on myspace? What happened to integrity and honesty? I just heard about a girl who was murdered by someone posing to be a photographer here on myspace. Now of course you c...
Posted by Sha~na~na on Mon, 10 Oct 2005 04:17:00 PST

"Have a Seat": Barstools and Drunken Bimbos

So there I was... Having a rolling good time at the John Digweed show this weekend bending down over my purse to get something and I suddenly sense  a body crouch down behind me. No big deal......
Posted by Sha~na~na on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


All my tattoos mean something to me on a deeply profound level. They represent and remind me of who I am and where I come from. They keep me centered and grounded. That's why I chose them for th...
Posted by Sha~na~na on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

To Live or Die?

It seems to me that some people don't believe they're "really" living unless there's something wrong (ie drama) in their lives. Some are even "masterful" at creating drama (consciously or subconcious...
Posted by Sha~na~na on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST