I have come to the conclusion that every person in this world has been put here for their own very special reason. I am a difficult person to get to know, I tend to be shy, and I also tend to be very stubborn and independent. I have been on my own journey of sorts, and life has thrown me some unexpected curve balls that I have had to deal with. In these struggles I have not only found strength within myself that I never knew existed, but I have also found strength in the people around me. I have learned that every person that has come into my life has taught me lessons, and made me the person I am today. Some of those lessons have not been pleasant, but just getting through them, and moving past them is a lesson within itself. Some of those lessons I am still trying to grasp, and I would like to think that everyday I become a better person in some way because of it. After losing my best friend, I realized very quickly how precious life really is. His death taught me many lessons, but his life, and the relationship I had with him will stay with me forever. He opened up a part of me I never knew, and he showed me the person I have always wanted to be. He believed in me, even when I didn’t believe in myself, and he gave me the courage to accept that person, and strive even harder to see it through. With his passing, I lost so much, but I am so blessed to have had him in my life to begin with. He changed me in so many ways, and I feel so lucky to have ever known such an amazing person. So in this life of total unpredictability, my friends and family are my constant. I am truly lucky.
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