Jess Hart is a multi-talented musician and a dynamic composer. A self taught musician, she has studied guitar, piano and taken vocal lessons. Jessica began composing music and lyrics at a young age. She played local venues with an alternative band from 1999 to 2002, but began performing solo shortly afterwards. Jess performed monthly shows at Bar Rumeurs (Hudson, QC) and played at local community events, becoming popular for her mix of covers and original compositions. She now performs regularly in the Montreal area, at Hurleys Irish Pub and has performed at several other venues including McKibbins, Honey Martins, Ye Olde Orcharde, Casa del Popolo and the Hudson Village Theatre. Over the past year Jess Hart has been working closely with Studios Piccolo in Montreal to create a professional demo. She has had the opportunity to work with producer Dominique Messier, engineer François Lalonde and studio manager René Aubé. To listen to clips of these demo tracks visit the music section of the website. Jess Harts compositions are appreciated for her refreshing combination of thoughtful lyrics and her unique vocal and musical style.
CONTACT: [email protected]