Vivian profile picture


About Me

My Interests

Anything that involvesd people and ambience (alcohol helps too)- bars, clubs, just being with people...

I'd like to meet:

Hmmm...i would say peeople that I knew and have lost contact with and even some new people. You can never know too many people right...???


I like everything and I'm also musically talented!!!Learning to play acoustic guitar. But band wise, I would say I love Red Hot Chilli Peppers and a lot fo old school stuff like George Michael and Madonna, but I've been getting really into the electronica scene- Modjo, Andy Callwell, Timo Maas, etc....


Swingers, Half Baked, Breakfast Club, Pretty In Pink, Better Off Dead, Pulp Fiction and Goodfellas


Love Will and Grace and have been watching a lot of Golden Girls (I actaully get the dirty jokes now..) and I love cartoons-I have a 6 year old sister, thats my excuse...


"Catcher In the Rye", Jonathan Ames's books, especailly "What's Not TO Love?" and Maya Angelou


Uhhhh... off the top of my head, my mom- she's a tough one in many ways and she's taught given me life lessona that I will never forget...isnt that an obvisous answer though?