Steph profile picture


I've got my thumb on my pulse, and a finger on the trigger

About Me

♥HI! My name is Stephanie!♥

but this fall I will be going to The University of Missouri...I'm really excited =) I LOVE to dance and party and just have a good time.
I listen to mostly hxc and metal rock music but there are a few country and rap songs that I like. I have a 2005 SCION TC (hot car) =) YAY! And I LOVE it!!! I work at a toddler daycare center as a toddler teacher aide at Shiloh Christian you can tell i love kids! Also, please don't send me messages like "yo whassup gurl..i dropped by your page and i liked, wanna chat?" I'm really not into that kinda thing..I'd rather like to get to know people as friends, not potential fuck buddies. thanks.


My Interests

being caught in the rain, snow storms, ice cream, chick flicks, rock concerts, pink pens, red roses, cherry slurpees, my ipod mini, a new cd, birthdays, driving around, sunshine, swimming, swinging, singing, dancing, drawing, talking to my friends, kisses, hugs, phone calls, messages, watermelon, sandy beaches, ocean waves, scuba diving, suprises, new clothes, cool sunglasses, flirting, wrestling, mud fights, sleeping, presents, poetry, tennis, holding hands, crushes, laughing, crying, doing absolutely nothing, spit ball wars, manicures, new shoes, traveling, making new friends, never forgetting the old ones, skipping, spinning, water slides, rollercoasters, frozen lemonade, family visits, wild flowers, climbing trees....memories.My other half =D me and my baby sis i miss you! My other best friend i love you girlie! my baby! just me =) i love my sister more than life itself

I'd like to meet:

nobody.Myspace Graphics
Myspace Layouts


LET IT DIEWe had fire in our eyes In the beginning I Never felt so alive In the beginning you You blame me but It's not fair when you say that I didn't try I just don't want to hear it anymoreI swear I never meant to let it die I just don't care about you anymore It's not fair when you say that I didn't try I just don't care about you anymoreWe had time on our side In the beginning we We had nothing to hide In the beginning you You blame me but It's not fair when you say that I didn't try I just don't want to hear it anymoreI swear I never meant to let it die I just don't care about you anymore It's not fair when you say that I didn't try I just don't care about you anymoreYou say that I didn't try You say that I didn't try You say that I didn't tryI swear I never meant to let it die I just don't care about you anymore It's not fair when you say that I didn't try I just don't care about you anymore


I really haven't seen a lot of movies..but im working on it. So far, my favorite movie of all time would have to be The Boondock Saints!


That 70's Show, Family Guy, Comedy Central, Maury, Unsolved Mysteries, CSI, Law and Order, The Jerry Springer Show, Fuse , and anything else that might be on.


My favorite book of all time is definately Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. It really is a masterpiece.


I'd have to say my heroes are my friends who have stuck by me all these years, through everything. My biggest mentions would have to be Heather, Katie, Jossolyn and my little sis Rachel. You all are definately a huge part of my life and have helped me become the person I am today. I love you guys so much! Thank you! =]

My Blog

tag! you're it!!!

You have to write 10 random things about yourself, and then tag 10 other people to write 10 things about themselves and respond to your list. 1. when im nervous, ill sometimes bite my lip until it bl...
Posted by Steffi♥ on Fri, 13 Apr 2007 11:33:00 PST

Sold My Soul

Have you ever had everything you ever wanted, everything you've ever hoped for, sitting right in front of you, but you can't seem to reach it? And if you do, it slips right out of your hands...
Posted by Steffi♥ on Fri, 05 Jan 2007 08:33:00 PST

A memory of love =(

(This is a song that I wrote for the light in my darkness)I woke up this morning, to see the sunlight on your face.The face of an angel, I think I must be dreaming.But for the first time, my eyes are ...
Posted by Steffi♥ on Mon, 16 Oct 2006 03:37:00 PST

The new

1. Your sign? gemini2. Single OR Taken?single 3. Are you in love? i am 4. Have you ever been seriously hurt by the person you loved? yeah, but its just made me stronger5. What would be your ...
Posted by Steffi♥ on Mon, 16 Oct 2006 07:35:00 PST

summer drama

okay, so, this summer has been pretty fun. ive made a lot of new friends, gone to parties, and had the time of my life. unfortunately, these last few weeks have been terrible. i dont feel like i know ...
Posted by Steffi♥ on Sun, 04 Sep 2005 11:19:00 PST

SO FUNNY!! WATCH!!! this it is sooo funny! the kid with his feet ducktaped to the skateboard is my friend ryan. dont ever try this. lmao!
Posted by Steffi♥ on Sat, 03 Sep 2005 11:26:00 PST

Application....make me feel loved...

Current mood: Name: Age: Location: Work? School? Lazy bum? For you, what is success in life? Do you drive? Piercings? Tattoos? Favorite Bands? Do you play an instrument, or vocals? What do you want t...
Posted by Steffi♥ on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST