Waking the Girl Productions was the brain child of then Concordia University Theatre students Gillian Ferrier and Vanessa Matsui.The mandate of the company is to create and present socially relevant theatrical works by Montreal women.Waking the Girl Productions inaugral peice was Fairly Stale; a story unbound by Amanda Kellock. It was performed at the Liverpool International Theatre Festival to rave reviews and received the adjudicators award for Best New Play. The production was later invited by artistic directior Eva Moore to tour Nova Scotia and be a part of the World Theatre Festival and Congress the following year.They later went on to present the controversial and famous The Fairies are Thirsty by Denise Boucher. Their version of the play recieved a four star review from the Montreal Gazette and was later invited to perform as a part of the GLBT. It was directed by Elkahna Talbi, starring Gillian Ferrier, Vanessa Matsui and Dalia MaromThier most recent endevour was a new work entitled Misery Loves Company by Gillian Ferrier. They performed at Playwrights Workshop Montreal to a sold out audience and then went on to perform at the Liverpool International Theatre Festival.IN JANURARY WE WILL PRESENTE "MISERY LOVES COMPANY" AT THE WILDSIDE THEATRE FESTIVALdiv.layoutbutton h1 a:hover {
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