I'm a creative, obsessive, person who has a shopping, and procrastination problem. I love animals and if possible I would have a ton of them. Right now I only have 1 dog (Lucky), 1 hamster named Butterscotch, 1 fish and 3 parakeets (Blue, Jesse & 7) and our new addition a turtle (Zippy Jr.).
I can be very passionate about certain issues and fierce when it comes to protecting my child. I love to dance, sing and watch romantic movies. I'm a giver by nature and sometimes I've been taken advantage of. I believe in love at first sight. My husband is my partner in crime and we get each other. I always tell him he can't leave me cuz no one else will get him. And besides he's an old fart now...lol. Just kidding honey!
I'm addicted to chocolate, Winnie the Pooh, Bees, 99 cents stores and get distracted by anything sparkly. I cry about stupid things and when I love, I love hard!! I can't wait until my daughter becomes rich and famous so she can take care of me in my old age which is coming up soon!
Check out the Panasonic website to see all the stuff we won and the movie that will be coming out next summer produced by Brett Ratner from Rush Hour and X-Men fame. Click onto the Rockford Family to see our videos.
Panasonic Living in HD
Me acting a fool in the Girl Scout Talent Show.