TERMINAL APATHY profile picture


uncontrolable rage and blind hatred

About Me


Podunkville USA, Piedmont, Oklahoma is where we call home, and being stuck in podunkville U.S.A. has caused us to grow a great desire to destroy everything in our path including Care Bears. NOTHING, shall stand in our way as we embark on a epic quest to TAKE OVER THE WORLD!(or disney land we'll take what we can get)...The World just sounds better. Well thats enough jibba jabbuh hate talk, so now some basic info about us. We love kickin back a few brewskies and rockin the faces off of anyone that will come see us play. We like to play video games and eat chocolate greasy foods. We often stay up past our bed times (except for Ryan, who is promptly in bed by 9 PM...every night pussy or not). Fans tell us that we really push the limits on personal hygiene, and that we find the word FUCK easily used in any sentence:} But never the less, WE ARE HERE TO ENTERTAIN YOU!!! All We can say is, Prepare Your Mind For ... RAZZLE DAZZLE!!!!

Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / Blood and gun - Image Hosting

My Interests


Member Since: 7/31/2006
Band Members: steve- lead vocals/ryan- guitars/pat- guitars/mike- percussion/cowbell


Influences: pantera, machine head, killswitch engage, metallica, black label society, chimaira, lamb of god, alice cooper, misfits and danzig... ted nugent, van HALEN not van HAGAR, ozzy, blue oyster cult, the doors, charlie daniels, the almighty DIO, iron maiden, judas priest, megadeth, god forbid, bleed the sky, the ramones gabba gabba hey!, johnny cash, social distortion, dimmu borgir, dog fashion disco, the rolling stones, cream, black sabbath, Your MoM, Butthole Surfers,Robin Sparkles,Your Grandma,Tom Jones,Glasscasket, cattle decapitation,David Bowie,Bach,Your Great Grandma,..and...Fog Hat
vote for your favorite terminal apathy song
your time has come
shred the flesh
state of the union
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Sounds Like: a wet sock being hurled at a brick wall.
Type of Label: None

My Blog

how long do we have?

About the time our original thirteen states adopted their new constitution in 1787, Alexander Tyler, a Scottish history professor at the University of Edinburgh, had this to say about the fall of the ...
Posted by TERMINAL APATHY on Thu, 26 Jul 2007 07:37:00 PST

And so it starts...

Hey how are ya? Well as you probably heard there's finally new music up. Bout damn time huh? Stay tuned for more info on the cd as it unfolds. We have two shows we need to sell tickets for. The first ...
Posted by TERMINAL APATHY on Sat, 16 Jun 2007 11:20:00 PST