People, Eyes, Footprints, Flashing, The human form, pure unadulterated beauty, Virgin Snow, Feminisim, Vaginas, Kitten Yawns, Baby Socks, Tattoos and Piercings, Astrohooker Boots, The curve of the waste, Birthday Cards, Kisses between friends, Adventures, Sea Glass, Faries, Fetishes, Stars in the night sky, Hugs, The strenght of sexual abuse surviors, All survivors, Learning, days so pretty they hurt because our minds can't concive the joy we feel, The meaning of tears, obscure friendships, unexpected smiles, a cool breeze, faith, pictures, poetry, pesto, soup, drawing, midwifery, miss matched pairs, Ihop, Safe places (My house in the rain, a sun warmed feild, a river bank) Pineapple (I don't like eating it that much but for some reason it facinates me!) Juggling, The watch tower, free nights and weekends starting at 7 pm, herbs, black and red, altoids, candles, salsa from the restruant in my home town, making buttons on a whim (I have a janio button!!!), understanding why people do the things they do, tea, home videos, I make pants!!!, tapistries, wind, wind chimes, sushi night, crafts (I lik to pretend like I am martha stuart without that whole jail thing), hugs, comprehensive sex-ed, Connections, Learning everything, People watching, saving the world, barter fair, Trailblazing, Holistic Healing (Blame that on my mom), Reproductive rights, pasta, the food co-op, hitch hiking, Travle on a Whim, you
People. All kinds of people from anywhere. I am a huge dork when it comes to having friends. When I was growing up I lived on a commune that hosted over 100 people a year and this provided me with the ability to talk to anyone about anything. I love everyone. No matter thier creed, apearence, smell, or taste. I love them because they are people and therefore they are beatiful. But, just because I want to meet alot of people does NOT mean I want to be a friend whore. Feel free to message me, but DONT FUCKING ADD ME IF YOU DON'T KNOW ME. If I talk to you and get to know you then we can be friends, but I truely love and andmire EVERY single person on my friends list and I don't want to clutter it with a bunch of people I know nothing about. So I really would love to message you and get to know you, and then we will build a friendship . . . that is how the real world works and that is how I choose to live my myspace life. al/webzine/featureblock-srsignup-choice-sm.gif
Jonathan Culton, Beatles, Toys that Kill, Nirvana, Mitalica, Sublime, Nine Inch Nail (Trent is a God!!!), Old old Green Day, I have recently rediscoverd a love for Queen ( you can't help but to love good old Fready) Aiden (An up and comming garage band that just signed with Victory Records), Black Southern Baptist Gosspel Music, All swing and stuff from the big band era (how can you no be happy listening to that stuff) That one song about killing his parents with a guitar. Somebody told me it was the intro to wasted youth, I am not sure though. 50's Rockabilly shit, Any way that song makes me so happy. Dido, yeah i know she is kinda of a whinny bitch but she is kinda fun to sing to. Steven Lynch. Sigar Ros, The Mars Vulta, Butthole Surfers, Simon and Garfunkle, Bright Eyes, THREE LEGGED MULE, Blue Jalatie. I come from hick world so I even like select country songs but i don't even know the names, all I know is parts of the lerics. I like Afro-man for sentamental reasons, Flogging Molly, Show Tunes (Guys & Dolls and South Pacific have great songs) To me the sexiest songs ever are the national anthem on the electric guitar and Amazing Grace sung acapella by a guy with a deep voice. Alice in Chains, Regge (Ya, mon!) Led Zeplin, AC/DC, I have reseantly decided not to like Bejork. I love all the music my friends make, they are all so very talented. And Last but not least, My mom when she sings me to sleep when I am sick.
The Princesess Bride, Back to the Furture II, The Mating Habits of Earth Bound Humans, Some Like it Hot, The Bicycle Thief, Van Wilder, Nepolian Dynomite, Final Destination, Seven, Ghoast Ship, Midget Porn, Fried Green Tomatoes, Airplane!, Con Air, Flubber, Car Pool, SIN CITY, Idol Hands, Resivoir Dogs, What the Bleep do we Know, Snow falling on ceders, Garden State (I know that is a cliche movie for my age group right now but I love natile portman) Hook, Shawshank Redemption, Natural Born Killers, Wedding Crashers (I accidently saw it three times in theaters so it has to be on this list)
Law and Order:SVU and CSI (I don't have cable right now and i can't live without my cop shows!!! Okay so i can but i miss them) Dharma & Greg (Yeah what . . . I know I am a dork) The Nanny (In the morning while i get ready for class), Family Guy, The "I love the . . ." series on VH1, Pretty much any documentry. Dagrassi: The next generation (even though i have only seen like two episodes since i moved to Bellingham) Then there are the old shows: All in the Family, The Jeffersons, Three's Company, The Cosby Show, I dream of Jenie, Bewitched, Peticoat Junctions, My Three Sons, The Brady Bunch, Hogans Heros, and of course the God of all TV . . . M*A*S*H. (I love you Alan Alda, I still wish i could have that mas children and he is like 70!)
Cider House Rules, The Century of Sex, Princsess Bride, DeVinci Code, Not The Bible, The Curage to Heal, I Love You Like a Tomato, The castle, The foundling, Biographies, The Yearling, Nancy Drew, The Boxcar Kids, My Side of the Mountain, The Hatchet, My mommies journals, The secreat of the old poast box, Narnia, Sex for One, Box Car Children and Nancy Drew (from when i was a kid), I love hystorical novels about any time prior to the fifties, espacially ones about war time. I am not sure why. Biographies about Helen Keller, Harry Hudiny, and Susan B. Anthony. I was obsessed with those three when I was younger. Political satire, even though I hate her I love reading Anne Coltaire because I think it is positivly hystarical that there are really people in this world who think like that.
Adam Grey, "Baby Brown", Nick Wiezmen, Max Sweetingham, Sean Waterson. I have a rule, all of my Heros must be significantly younger than me. They are all amazing boys who have taken care of me at my darkest (and drunkest) times.