dimensional meltdowns, horror movies, sci fi novels, creature longings, devil lashes, keeping an open dialog with ghosts and cockroaches, prancing with the sewer rats, making movies with our director Vassolini Shitcock, studying, training, learning, adapting, fighting, flailing, fierceness and fucking freaked out, we arn't going down without a fight, wanna make this increasingly fascistic and sterile world perkalating with chaotic love and magic trash. "Angel on the Nod and the Phantasy Defylment" must tour the world/s, Hades and Hollywood need revisiting, but wanna get over to Berlin and Japan and the floating market in Bankok, etc..."The Floating Corpses" Symphany for the Zombie/Buried Alive Album in the works, winks and whispers before the next big bang, black hole blissed out, "Angel...Defy!" album Sketches of Habenero Nights and Beyond also being put together, should be done in the Fall after the hottest chemical moon, oh, networking, expose, glamour, resistance, deviance, noise punk rock n roll dead wave, if any of you ghoulz are interested in a free catalog/newsletter of our records and videos, "the freak mafia guide to glamourous anarchy" email us your mailing address and we'll send it out to you/z. also, we have a sampler cd we are trying to get out there, we are coming to NYC at the end of September 2004, and are aiming for L.A. in late October or early November... sinsearingly, Roxy Monoxide and LuLu Larceny...
friendz and peers, also, an independent record label to work with and/or a patron of the arts; help in touring the world and spreading our muse ick and primordial android grooves... co-conspirators and interesting audiences...
www.myspace.com/thefreakmafia www.thefloatingcorpses.com