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About Me

I am in my 30's...I teach...I am also premed."Attitute Is Everything.""The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the most of everything that comes along their way."
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My Interests

Writing, Drawing, Reading, Watching Television, Listening to music.

I'd like to meet:

Nice people...with a good sense of humor...but not lewd...or rude...NO FREAKS or NUTCASES please. ISIS ISIS ISIS ISIS ISIS ISIS ISIS ISIS ISIS Click here to make Falling Objects ISIS ISIS ISIS ISIS ISIS ISIS ISIS ISIS ISIS ISIS ISIS ISIS ISIS ISIS ISIS


Mostly Jazz, R& B, and REAL Hip Hop...not the BS they call hip hop...but I'm flexible to other types of music.


My favs are mostly from the 60's and 70's...but I do love an old classic musical...and many from the 80's-present....Some favs are Pillow Talk...Big Bad Mama...Claudine...Enemy of the State...and The Divine Secrets of the Ya YA Sisterhood.


I LOVE DALLAS!!!...and Police Woman...and the Avengers...and Space:1999...and Charlie's Angels...and the Facts of Life..and Soap...and Mission:Impossible...many of my other favs unfortunaltely have not made it to dvd yet (Like Soul Train)...Oh...I also like L&O: SVU and Grey's Anatomy
Take My Quiz
A) Baby, this Love I Have~Minnie Riperton
B) Knucklehead~Grover Washington, Jr.
C) That......'s What Love Is Made Of~the Sylvers
ISIS has siblings...How Many?
A) Four
B) Two
C) Six
ISIS LOVES 70s TV...which crime fighter is her FAVORITE?
A) Sgt. Pepper Anderson~Police Woman
B) Kelly Garrett~Charlie......'s Angels
C) Cinnamon Carter~Mission:Impossible
What instrument does ISIS play?
A) Flute
B) Drums
C) Violin
Make a Quiz for Your Profile!


African American fiction...esp books by Eric Jerome Dickey..but again...I am very flexible...I love a good romance novel though... Click here for more information about the songs
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Songs In The Key Of Life (Childhood-Adulthood)
Song You Believe Your Parents Conceived You To: Probably..." Come Git To This" by Marvin Gaye or "Give Me Your Love" by Curtis Mayfield...I hope something good.
Song That Best Makes The Soundtrack of Your Childhood Neighborhood Theme: "Mighty Mighty" by EWF
Theme Song To Your Closest Sibling: "International Lover" by Prince...ANYTHING by Prince
The First Album You Ever Purchased: Many Facets of Roger by Roger Troutman
The First Single You Ever Purchased: "Memory Lane" by Minnie Riperton
Album Cover That Scared You In Your Childhood: Bustin Out Of L Seven by Rick James...that moon...those glowing eyes...EEEK!!!
Song That Scared You In Your Childhood: When I was a Lil ISIS I wasn't scared by's the Big ISIS that is now frieghtened as some truths told in music
The TV Theme of Your Childhood: Soul Train/TSOP and the ones after it...Good Times and the Electric Company
Favorite Song From Sesame Street: I have two...the Sesame Street Song that Stevie Wonder did...and Beet Beet Suga beet beet Suga beet Suga beet beeeeeet.
Favorite Song From Mister Rodgers Neighborhood: Everybody's Fancy..."Some are fancy on the outside...some are fancy on the inside...everybody's fancy...everybody's fine...your body's fancy...and so is mine."
Favorite Song From The Electric Company: Ahhh...ok BOOM...Sweet Sweet Sway...The E on the End...Greedy Greg Grabbed the Green Grapes...Knock Knock Rock...Punc TU A TION...pun pun pun PUNC TU A TION!
What Were You Banned From Listening To In Your Childhood: Millie Jackson...Richard Pryor...or anything else dirty...and we snuck in the basement and listened anyways.
Rock Song That Rocked Ghetto/Ghetto Song That Rocked The Suburbs (as a kid): Bohemian Rapsody by Queen, Walk This Way by Aerosmith, Welcome to the Jungle by Guns and Roses
Song You First Slow Dragged To: Hmmm...1988...Keith Sweat..."Right and a Wrong Way To Love Somebody"
First Cassette You Got For Your First Walkman: Hmmm...It was actually a jazz old one at that...Joe Sample...Rainbow Seeker
Best Cosby Show Theme: s1 and s2..Grover did that one...and s3...the latin jazz one...and the Bobby McFerrin one...ok I really like them all.
Favorite Soundtrack Of Youth: I LOVE Saturday Night Fever and Lady Sings the Blues and the Wiz
Song That Played When You Got In Trouble And Grounded At Home: music...just the sound of the belt and mom's voice
Song That Played When You Thought You Was About To Get Some: "Come and Talk To Me" by wait... that was the kiss...nevermind.
Song That Played When You Got Some: Don't remember...too "busy"..I THINK it was "I'm Still Waiting" by Jodeci
The Theme To Your First Break Up In High School: "I Will Always Love You"...the Whitney version...and "If I Ever Fall In Love Again" by Shai...I HATE those songs to this day Dammit!
The First Compact Disc You Ever Brought (not Album/Cassette): Donna Summers Anthology, and Stevie Wonder's Songs in the Key of Life
Album That You Stole From A Friend: The Sylvers...Boogie Fever: the Best of The Sylvers...still got it...but I'm actually REALLY gonna give it back.
Your Favorite Album You Think Your Friend Stole: Not a COUSIN stole my Destiny's Child Writing On The Wall cd...AND my Romeo Must Die cd...but I got them back.
If Ever In Car Accident....What Song Was Playing?: "Keep On Walkin" by Ce Ce Peniston
5 Songs You'd Put On A Mixtape For A Potential Love One: "Searchin' " by Roy Ayers, "Baby, This Love I Have" by Minnie Riperton, "Soul Searching" by AWB; "Every Generation" by Ronnie Laws; "Loran's Dance" by Grover Washington, Jr
Song To Best Describe Your Best Relationship: "Knucklehead" by Grover Washington, Jr
Song To Best Describe Your Worst Breakup: "Caught Out there" by Kelis
First Concert You Ever Went To: Commordores, Stephanie Mills, and the Fatback band
Magical Concert You Ever Went To: Chic...EWF...Luther...and The Crusaders...all of these were magical to me
Worst Concert You Ever Went To: None...ISIS don't pay to see bad shows.
Coolest Celeb Ever Met: Eric Jerome Dickey, and Walter Mosley
Assholish Celeb You Ever Met: None
Godlike Celeb You Ever Met: Ginuwine
The US Weekly "Oh They Just Like Me!" Celeb You Ever Met: None
Song So Hype You'd Run Your Moms Over With A Trash Truck Going 100 mph: Gosh there are SO many..."Flashlight" by Parliament
Song That Has The Ability To Make You Cry: Order My Steps
The One Song That Has The Ability To Make You A Kid Again: "Love Rollercoaster" by The Ohio Players
Song You Are Ashamed To Admit You Love: "Behind These Hazel Eyes" by Kelly Clarkson
Song/Album That You Have To Gunpoint Others To: Song: "Sweet Dream Machine" by the Supremes...Album: Reed Seed by Grover Washington, Jr...most of my peers don't really dig jazz like I do
If You Were To Marry Now What Song Would Be Your Wedding Song?: "Now That I Have You" by Teena Marie
What Song Best Describes Your Children/Future Children?: "All About Love" and "Sunshine" by EWF
Who Killed Music?: Fake singers...and "fake" hip hoppers...get some substance to yo music or move out the way so the REAL singers and hip hoppers can do their thang.
Who Keeps Music Alive For You?: Anybody who REALLY BRINGS their music and lyrics...I can't stand the BS that actually gets airplay.
Song Playing Right Now: "Mellow Madness" by Quincy Jones
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My Blog


OK...I 've had it. Dear Young People...*Some of Y'all anyways*...and Some of y'all not so young people too... It is time for y'all to learn the word RESPECT. Respect for yourselves and for each other....
Posted by ISIS on Tue, 29 Apr 2008 05:44:00 PST

Long @$$ Blog Thingy

Here's how it works:1. go to (don't sign in)2. type in your answer to the question in the "search" box3. use only the first page4. copy the html and paste for the answer1. What's y...
Posted by ISIS on Thu, 06 Mar 2008 05:55:00 PST

A piece of my mind...

This goes out to the fool in YouTube who dissed my post about Lillian Hayman *she played Sadie Gray on OLTL in the 60s, 70s and 80s* Had you REALLY paid attention to my words... You would have seen in...
Posted by ISIS on Mon, 11 Feb 2008 09:57:00 PST

Ive Been Tagged....SO IM IT!!!

FIRST: Patience is a virtue...sometimes ISIS can't just whip something up...the muse must often marinate before producing. SECOND:  Why all the double and triple tags...if ONE person already tagg...
Posted by ISIS on Mon, 03 Sep 2007 08:54:00 PST

Finding Souls Soul

Soul Train seriously done lost it's soulCuz in music "that's played" TRUE soul ain't being toldCuz sex is what sells not love or wealthDayum that sucks,Music should be mo' bout love of selfAll the boo...
Posted by ISIS on Sat, 11 Aug 2007 08:40:00 PST

Hottest MC's List

Ok I'm sitting here watching MTV2 and they're debating the Hottest MCs List and  I must say that I find it quite disturbing that COMMON is at 9, Jay-Z @ 7, Kanye is 4 and Andre 3000 4. The Game a...
Posted by ISIS on Tue, 31 Jul 2007 12:40:00 PST

Rise Up

Rise Up By LaShawn N. Hardy   It's time to RISE UP And take hold of what's RIGHTFULLY YOURS Ripe for the picking And willing to be held By you If you're willing to Take hold of it It is time t...
Posted by ISIS on Tue, 05 Jun 2007 01:50:00 PST


The other day I'm getting ready for work and my mom calls me...pissed like a mofo... "What's up, Ma?"  I ask cautiously...even though I KNOW I didn't do it. She then tells me what my bastard of a...
Posted by ISIS on Fri, 23 Mar 2007 06:12:00 PST

Being Alone With My Thoughts

So like...I've been here alone for a week and a half almost...and I'm at the point of making myself ill...I know I know...I shouldn't worry so much but I can't help it...My gram has been there for me ...
Posted by ISIS on Fri, 23 Mar 2007 05:50:00 PST

Ask Yourself This

Question the Building By LaShawn N. Hardy   What kind of building are you constructing?   Is it one filled with lust and desire burned in you from living in the world?   Or is it on fil...
Posted by ISIS on Wed, 29 Nov 2006 07:24:00 PST