I love being an actress,dancer,and my passion is to write songs, poems, stories just whateva. I love to design clothes too. This year I would like to complete the design logo for my clothes. Urban wear for tha gangsta diva..
DONT TRY....IM COLD AS ICE.... When we enter a relationship, we don..t often think or see beyond the physical being. We are attracted to the body, face or personality. We may like what the person does or how they do it and want to be a part of that. We may even experience a pull from within that we can..t actually explain. But how often do we stop to consider the true depth of the person we are attracted to? There is a being before us who has a past, present and future. There is flesh and bones, hurts and scars, feelings, thoughts and ideals. When we enter the world of another being we must be willing to be a part of it all. When someone entrusts their heart to you they are giving you a piece of their soul.You cannot treat a soul casually. You must protect, nurture and handle it with care. Our interactions with one another go far beyond the face, body and hair. One other thing we must consider when we enter someone..s heart, there is a heart and soul inside of us which they will play apart. If we want to be loved and loving, we must reveal ourselves. We must be real. As obvious as that may be, many of us go through life avoiding such disclosure. In fact, most of us practice concealment by playing roles which eventually alienate us from ourselves and others as well. We claim to have certain feelings which we actually do not have, we profess to be loving when we are full of hostility; we appear calm when, in reality anxiety is nearly overwhelming us, and we say we believe in things, when, in truth, we do not. Even with those people about whom we care most, we share little of our true feelings, beliefs or needs. Perhaps because we wont so to be loved, we fear the truth that may come with openness and consequently, we present ourselves as the sort of person WE believe would be accepted and loved; we attempt to hide things WE think could damage that image. Another reason we try to conceal ourselves is the fear of change. For most people, change is frightening and we want to think of ourselves as “constantâ€. We’ve molded our image and seem to believe we are all that we will ever be when, in reality, our needs, desires, goals, values, behavior and feelings change with experience and age."I respect the heart and soul of my friends and lovers. " passed on knowledge Taken From The Book Acts Of Faith
Every song I play or write will define every moment in my life...which stirs up good memories. Life is real tell it. Music is my passion. Everything moves to a beat. Hyphy..R/B..all is all
My favorite movie has David Bowie in tights...ha
Gang of Roses...etc..
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Futurama, Family Guy..South Park...Simpsons, King of the Hill, 106 and Park.The Wire...I know the first few were cartoons but I like all the pretty colors...:)THIZZZ OR DIE.... Lyrics
Remember Goosebumps???"Are you there God, Its me Margaret?" How square is that??It is easy to be independent when you've got money. But to be independent when you haven't got a thing, that's the Lord's test.My hands, my feet, I throw my whole body to say all that is within me.Money just draws flies.Mahalia JacksonMySpace Layouts
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