Extended Network Banners from MySpace Editor . MyWackoSpace MySpace Icons Icons Collage Photo Collage MySpace Graphics MyWackoSpace MySpace Slideshow Upload Images MySpace Graphics MySpace Editor Contact Tables Icons Collage Celebrities Tables Love Layouts Love Contact TablesName: Belal A. Alter/Age: 18 B-Day: 07.08.1989 Schule/School: Gesamtschule Essen-Süd Klasse/Grade: 12 (Abitur) Wohnort: Essen Hobbies: Fußball, Fitnessstudio, Feiern, Internet, Girls ;) Wenn ihr mehr wissen wollt, dann schreibt mir :P If you want get to know more 'bout me, write to me ;)ICQ-Number: ask me :P MSN/Windows Live Messenger: ask me :P
What is your full birth name? BeLaL A.
What is your date of birth? AuGuSt 7th, 1989
Where were you born? EsSeN
What are your parents' names? ???
How many siblings do you have? How old are they and what are their names? 2
What's your hair color? BrOwN
What's your eye color? BrOwN
How tall are you? 1,74 m
How much do you weigh? 65
What size shoe do you wear? 42
What's your house look like? How many bedrooms, bathrooms, etc.? 3 BeDrOoMs, 2 BaThRoOmS, 1 LiViNgRoOm
How many pets do you have? What are they and what are their names? I don't have pets
What's your marital status?
Animal? DoGs
Color? BlAcK&BlUe
Sport? SoCcEr
Artist/ Group? MaSsArI, ShAwN DeSmAn, 112
Movie? ScArFaCe
Actor? Al PaCiNo, DeNzEl WaShInGtOn
Actress? PeNeLoPe CrUz, EvA LoNgOrIa, CaMeRoN DiAz, EvA MeNdEs
Food? PiZzA
Drink? IcEtEa
Restaurant? ???
Car? PoRsChE
School subject? SpOrT
Cologne/ perfume? JeAn PaUl GaUlTiEr, BrUnO bAnAnI, D&G, HuGo BoSs
Television show? ChApPeLlEs ShOw
Television station? ???
Radio station? 106.7
Vacation spot? ???
Clothing store/ brand? G-sTaR
Holiday? SuMmEr
McDonalds or Burger King? BuRgEr KiNg
Pepsi or Coca-Cola? CoCa-CoLa
Cell phone or the Internet? BoTh
Movies or television? BoTh
Board games or cards? BoArD gAmEs
MTV or VH1? BoTh
Horror or comedy? HoRrOr
Summer or winter? SuMmEr
Dogs or cats?
Appetizers or dessert? DeSsErTs
Concerts or gigs? CoNcErTs
Parties or get-togethers? PaRtIeS
Chocolate or vanilla? ChOcOlAtE
Beer, vodka, or wine? NuThIn
1970s or 1980s? 1970s
Rain or snow? SnOw
Mario or Luigi? LuIgI
Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, or Jessica Simpson? JeSsIcA sImPsOn
Drunk or high? DrUnK
Day or night? NiGhT
Black or white? BlAcK
CDs or mixes? MiXeS
Corvette or Mustang? MuStAnG
Reality shows or sitcoms? ReAlItY sHoWs
Been high? How about any other drugs? Care to mention? No
Been drunk? No
Stolen something? What was it? No
Gotten in a fist-fight? No
Had sex? Maybe ;)
Vandalized someone's property? No
Ran over an animal? No
Trespassed? No
Wished death on someone? No
Told your parents you hated them? No
Been fake to someone? No
Flew on an airplane? Ya
Broken a bone? If so, what was it? No
Been in a car accident? Ya
Do you find yourself attractive? Ya
Are you a jealous person? No
What do you want to be when you get older? Dream job? SoCcEr-PlAyEr
What's your cumulative grade point average? ???
What's the meanest thing you've ever said to anyone? DoN't ReMeMbEr
Do you fart, burp, etc. in front of your friends? How about in front of anyone? No
If you had to go on a reality show, what one would it be? DoN't KnOw
Who are your top 3 male and top 3 female friends? I'vE a LoT
Do you have any tattoos or piercings? How many and where? No
Do you like drama? No
What do you think is your best feature - physical & personality? DoN't KnOw
Would you change for someone you liked? Ya
Would you rather be physically or mentally hurt? No
What do you appreciate most in life? My FaMiLy