wil profile picture


"wil, you are so totally freakin' awesome..." -dali lama

About Me

I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.1

The ultimate knockout

My Interests

poker, basketball, music, mountain biking, hallucinogens, and jesus

I'd like to meet:


the black keys, the white stripes, kings of leon, langhorne slim, the strokes, who shaved fatty, and the chinese danger band. i also listen to a lot of old black man blues such as muddy waters, junior wells, robert johnson, and my favorite, buddy guy. there are so many others...


PULP FICTION is the greatest movie of all time!!! i also like forrest gump, apocalypto, borat, good will hunting, rounders, kill bill, high fidelity.... i recently watched black snake moan and it was awesome!!!


oh man, we have a big one... i love watching conan o'brien, the office, poker, basketball, football, and cesar milan the dog whisperer. that guy's amazing!!! judge judy is fun to watch when there's drunk people over...


i'm more of a magazine type of guy, which means i'm kind of dumb. i really liked ishmael (everyone should read it), the power of now, and johnny cash's autobiography, cash by johnny cash.
