Sean profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I'm 24 and work for Wal-Mart as an Assistant Manager, hopefully becoming a Store Manager before I hit 30.

My Interests

Bass, Guitar, Music, Gaming, Computers

I'd like to meet:

People who use their heads for something besides hanging their hat.


Pretty much any kind of metal (except nu-metal), though I listen to a lot of other genre's too. To name some bands, Iron Maiden, Angel Dust, Shadow Gallery, Dragonforce, Symphony X, Power Quest, Oratory, Dream Theater, Iced Earth, Supreme Majesty, Blind Guardian, (Old) Metallica, Mercyful Fate, Kamelot, Hammerfall, (Old) Helloween, Gamma Ray, Emperor, Immortal, Elvenking, Skyclad, etc.


I don't see all that many movies, but I enjoy pretty much any action movie, or movies with a twisted, complex plot like Pulp Fiction.


TV doesn't have much worth watching anymore. There's a few good shows here or there, but the vast majority of it is reality TV and the crime against music that is American idol.


School ruined reading for me. Being a history major required me to read about 5000 books, many of which were older than me.


My parents for raising me right. I'm seeing how a lot of my generation is turning out, and I can't thank my parents enough for giving me a clear definition of what's right and what's wrong. Steve Harris for making me practice harder, the man is the God of bass playing as far as I'm concerned. Sam Walton for creating the biggest retail empire in the world out of a Five and Dime store.