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About Me

I edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts!
Hi everyone, my daughter is making me tell you about here goes. Try to stay awake...okay??I am 36 years old, happily married to my true love Joey and have two...uummm...great??? children. Just kidding. My kids, if you can call them that, are wonderful. First there is Michael who is 20 going on 16. Then we have Brandie who is 16 going on 20. Sometimes I can't tell them apart.Okay enough kidding around. As you can probably tell from the above information, I like to joke around a little and hate to talk about myself. Most people that know me, know that I am hardly ever serious, because when I am they think I'm mad about something...that's me in a nutshell. I have high high's and low low's.Oh well. If I have to tell something about myself I guess I could start off by saying that I am an Accoutant for a Multi-Million Dollar Vitamin Warehousing Company. I LOVE my job. It's like I worked all the crappy jobs just to build up to this one. Like a climax at the end of a good book.Speaking of good books...I wrote one and had it published...well I guess it was good, maybe just okay. Heck I don't know, friends and family rarely tell you the truth anyway, and that's the only people that I had a chance to sell any books to before HURRICANE KATRINA came along and took all my books, she also took the rest of my possessions, but those were just junk...mostly the kids stuff...not so important to me...Enough about them, this is supposed to be about me. Anyway, I started a new book quite a while back and have yet to finish it...I keep saying, all I need to finsh it is one more chapter, but since the Hurricane I haven't had the time or the inclination to finish it. Maybe soon. Then I can come back and tell you about it.Okay that's it. Kind of longwinded but like I said I DO like to write.