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A.J. FactsAlex James McLean A.J. and Bone January 9, 1978 West Palm Beach, Florida CapricornFavorites Color: Purple and Yellow (depending upon which source you believe) Food: McDonald's Musical Instrument: Bass Guitar Film: Pulp Fiction TV Show: Seinfeld Film Stars: Dustin Hoffman, Geena Davis A.J. McLean, a young man with a big, beautiful bass voice is the designated flirt of the Backstreet Boys. A.J. has been singing and entertaining since he was six years old. His first theatrical production cast him in the role of 'Dopey' in "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs". He followed this debut with parts in "The Nutcracker", "Fiddler On The Roof", and "The King And I". A.J. had appeared in 27 plays by the time he was twelve years old. He is an all around talent, not only can he sing and act, he's a natural dancer. He learned ballet, jazz and hip-hop. He puts all of his talents to good use during their live shows. A.J. was cast in the Nickelodeon series "Welcome Freshmen" and auditioned for other Nickelodeon shows and also Disney projects. He met Howie and Nick at one of these auditions and the roots of the Backstreet Boys were planted.A.J. enjoys everything about being in a group like the Backstreet Boys. The travel, performing, and fans are great, but sometimes the extent of their fame amazes him. It's just not as easy as it used to be to go out to a club or even shopping. A.J. loves the fans though and will always stop to sign an autograph or have a picture taken.The Backstreet Boys have labeled A.J. the flirt and also Mr. Talkative. If he isn't flirting, he's on the phone. Usually he's calling his family in Florida. They all agree that he's very good at talking. He's a good storyteller and he'll tell stories for hours, sometimes they're true, sometimes made up.Of all the Backstreet Boys, A.J. admits he is the most girl crazy. The first thing he notices are a girls' eyes, he says he can tell so much about a person looking into the eyes. A.J. prefers long hair but short hair is fine too. A.J. says he was raised to respect women and he is quoted as saying, "I'm the type of guy who likes to be there 24-7. I'm Mr. Roses. I'll sing outside your window. I'm as old fashioned as they come." A.J. wishes all the adoring girls now were around when he was in high school. AJ's the most striking Backstreet Boy. Countless sunglasses, tattoos, rings, hats, various haircuts ... AJ's the exeption from the rules. But it's not just his appearance which makes AJ fascinating and remarkable. It's also his outgoing attitude which takes him to the center and AJ loves to be in the center of interest from his early childhood. His prized possession is his class ring. He was a child model. His right earlobe was ripped in half by a fan who grabbed his earring while reaching up to touch him. He admitted himself to an undisclosed clinic for alcohol abuse, depression and anxiety. (10 July 2001) He won a silver medal on the Nick sports show, 'Guts' in 1992 The Backstreet Boys are planning to shock fans with their next album. Though a spokesperson for the group says a title and release date have not been set, the members are making a concerted effort to transcend the their trademark pop boy-band sound, according to member AJ McLean. A.J. has a plan to go back to college at some point of the future. Is into rehab for alcohol abuse, depression and anxiety. Whenever they are in a foreign city, Howie and Kevin like to try the local food, while Nick, Brian and A.J. search out the closest McDonalds. A.J. claims that he is still nervous before starting every new song in concert. Had a puppy named Tobi Wan Kanobi that is now living with his mother. A.J. hates Easter cause when he was a nipper his mom used to make him dress up as a bunny and hang out eggs. Never smiles in pics.AJ Mclean's Quotation: "You can fall down the stairs, you can fall off a tree, but the best way to fall is in love with me!!"