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I have already met some of the most wonderful friends I could ever imagine. These are the people I have known for almost the entire 9 years I have been here in Atlanta. One thing I must say about Atlanta, you meet people fast and before you know it, you have this great big circle of friends stretching all over the city. But the one and most precious thing I have learned about this is that you can have a shit load of acquaintances; but there are only a few that you could actually say are your true friends and will have your back. The ones that you know will be there for you even when the smallest thing occurs in your life that may be insignificant to them but is important to you and they listen. I have met people who I thought were friends, but became my worst nightmare; for that my lesson was learned in becoming more aware and conscious to who I allow in my life and who I choose to keep out. Would I change anything about my past or the people I have met.....NO not at all. Because if it wasn't for those life experiences I will not be who I am today.
Create a Myspace LED Scroller
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