Hey hey there and welcome to my steaming fresh MySpace site! Bon apetit!
In an nutshell, I was born with the ability to generate vocalisations and mind-shattering gibberish in Sydney (Australia) in 1976. I then spent time growing up in the bush at Port Stephens before moving back to Sydney and then finally moving to Brisbane in 1989 where I have dwelled since - with exception of living in tropical Kuranda (near Cairns, Australia) in between January 2003 and February 2004.
When I am not spending my time randomly foraging for edible weeds in the majority of council parks in the wider Brisbane metropolitan area, I have been working in the film and television industry as a sound recordist (the guy who holds a fluffy microphone on the end of a stick), and I also occasionally dabble in film lighting, camera operation and other stimulating technical roles.
I also spend large amonts of my time consistently practising with artistry, graphic design, webpage design and photo manipulation to try and help keep myself busy when the gigs are few and far between...
If you're really stumped for things to do you can view my updated antics at my website - http://www.chrisyg.com