I was born in Dallas about 23 years ago, and lived here most of my life with some brief stints elsewhere. Eventually though, I came back to Dallas and set up shop doing photography about 4 years ago.
I believe in the beauty of life, in the wonderfulness of love, and that through an appreciation of aesthetics, a more fulfilling life can be lived, and a greater understanding of humanities ailments can be had.
I am the first to tell you that I do what I do and that I am good at what I do, not because I am talented, but because I work very hard at it. It's easy to say that someone is talented and to leave it at that, but it's not a talent. I have shot more than 1000 photoshoots over the last 4 years, gone through three cameras, over 200,000 images, numerous 23 hour and 45 hour days. I've done the whole "rockstar" life, logged more then 120,000 miles on my car doing this, etc etc etc... Believe me when I tell you, if I was talented, it would have been a hell of a lot less. My people will tell you differently, and that's a good thing, but in my own head I'm just a workaholic who landed in the arts and never looked back. It's a good thing and a bad thing.
I live fairly simply, but I always stick to the idea living beautifully. I take the long way to get places if the road is prettier, drive slow or stop on the side of the road to enjoy a view. I eat, sleep, drink, everything that is delicious and a treat for my senses. I don't think that sensuality should mean just sexual pleasure, but rather a pleasure for all of the senses, audible, tactile, taste, smell, visual.
I have a beautiful amazing girlfriend that inspires me in everything that I do, and is always there for me.
For anything business related, it will be going through the production company Burning Brand Productions, so make sure to simply just email Burney at [email protected] for a quick response.
All Images Copyright Jacob Fakheri 2003-2008. Any violations of Copyright WILL BE prosecuted to fullest extent of Federal Law.