All kinds of music, cheesy movies, laughing at dumb people, making fun of dumb girls, dumb people in general, astrology, reading erotic novels, saturday morning cartoons, making people laugh, Disneyland at night time, little beach shops, sex, taking random driving trips to no where inparticular, staying up really late and then sleeping in when I have nothing important I need to do, pink, green, yellow, going to the gym, ribbons or flowers in my hair, dancing with gay boys, bowling, playing pool, collecting shot glasses and pretty bottles, writing down my emotions, drinking beer, having a boy paint my toe nails, having crushes on boys, driving my truck as long as there isn't any traffic, drinking with my friends and forgetting about my insecurities, cute underwear, my dog Gypsy, downloading illegally and making mix CDs, taking pictures to capture every moment possible, being lazy with my best friends
I'm really here to reconnect and keep in contact with old friends. If I don't know you, I won't add you, sorry.
I like it all...just depends on my mood. I also love the mixes that people make at work, they don't realize it but I like to be exposed to new music everyday, that's why I work in the music store.
How To Deal, High Fidelity, Footloose, Dirty DancingA Walk To Remember, Bodyguard, Bring It On, Fear, Girl, Donnie Darko, Neverending Story, Good Will Hunting, Pretty Woman, Finding Nemo, Romeo & Juliet, Cruel Intentions, Crazy/Beautiful, Teen Witch
Just recently got a DVR, I'm addicted to the Hills!!! And like always, ANTM
Hot PinkA Walk To Remember, Mastery Of Love, Last Vampire by Christopher Pike, anything by Nicholas Sparks or Laurell K Hamilton, astrology books, dream books, sex books (hey what do you expect, I'm single), any contemporary romance, and every magazine known to woman...Cosmo, Glamour, Marie Clare, Hollywood Life, EW, People, US, Rolling Stone, Spin
My mom...she was so strong for so she's no longer in pain and in a better place...I love you Mom.