I'd like to meet:
♠ ♠ ♠ The horror that is daryl® ♠ ♠ ♠ link: http://myspace.com/fallen_spades
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YM: [email protected]
Recent Blog Entries: -comment or you die
24/12/06 - The Beginning
i didn't know how, or why, it all happened so fast....
23/12/06 - The End
its the end for me, huh? guess all things must come to an end...
14/12/06 - Personal Jesus
Yesterday I saw a beggar down the street on my way to class, some people give them money for either of these two reasons:...
19/2/06 - Infestation
Today I found large networks of "Anay/Termite" infestations near our stairs...
[...Pics...] [...Friends...]
So daryl why do you look so frikin fugly?
Ummm well, that could be attributed to my messed up heritage.
A healthy mixture hispanic, chinese (father's mother side), french (mother's father side) and filipino blood. I don't look THAT bad do I?
*coughyesyoudocough* Erm... Next, question. Why is it that you keep on freaking people out? Is it genetic? Self-inflicted? Elaborate.
That could be because I'm quite the eccentric, or... it could be the spoiled macaroni I oh so love to eat. Just stop asking and love me. Please!!! YOU NEED TO LOVE ME!Look into my eyes...
Ahh... yes, haha, funny. Moving on, how do you fare in the world where tongues need to wag in order to be able to survive?
Good I guess, I speak three languages, English, Tagalog and Bisaya. So Caleb, Isko, and Inday can probably understand my ramblings.
Bisaya eh? Is it your breaktime at the ricemill slave?
Bisayans are notoriously known to be the gullible working class.
Well, we aren't all that! You're a fucking racist Mr. "Imaginary-Questionaire-Daryl". I should soak you in cheap detergent.
Cheap Detergent? If It's Ariel I'd be happy to oblige.
Erm... heheh...
Anyway, let's continue shall we? Aside from those, do you know other foreign languages? Spanish, Chinese or French perhaps?
I'll soak you in a detergent soo cheap it doesn't even have a name. *fuming*
Serious Tone:
Everyone I've got an announcement to make, daryl is a fucking fa-mmhhphhhhphphphp!
Metamorph Daryl Puts a sock into Interviewer Daryl's mouth
Are you trying to put both of us into Jeopardy for blackmailers!?
*removes socks*
I'll play with this stupid interview. Just fucking shut up.
Where was I?... oh, yeah I don't speak spanish, chinese nor french so sorry Antonio, Cheng and Antoinette, I may not be able to understand you.
GASP! Fresh AIR!!!
You're fucking crazy! I ain't getting paid for this...
Oh, sorry, um let's continue shall we? I've heard that you're such a potty mouth. tsk stk
I inherited a "swearing" gene from my father's side of the family. It's like I really don't even mean to swear.
Comes out naturally.
It's fucking irritating at times, see what I mean?
I'd like to humor people, point and laugh at them and all that stuff. I'm an asshole, so what? Sucks huh? Well when things get out of hand, poking people with a stick really appeals to me.
Poking people?
... with a stick?
How... charming.
Next question, do you have any dark hidden juicy secrets? The types that we should know?
*Nervous Laugh*
Uh, NO! Nope, nope secrets here. Heheheh. Honestly! NOTHING NADA! Nope, I'm just your ordinary guy.
*Evil Smirk*
Anyway, any last words?
Well, any other complains of harassment should go to my comments. Tell me to go fuck screw myself, or something similar, I don't mind.
Oh yeah, as much as possible please avoid getting on my bad side. If you intend to mess with me I might kill your dog and/or burn your house down. Otherwise, I'm very harmless.
Well thank you for staying with us Mr. Daryl, I had fun interviewing you.
*Evil Grin*
Daryl is 99.9% Evil
He's the most evil person you know.
Bubonic plagues, Locusts Infestations
and Pandemics follow upon his wake.
The devil is even a little scared of him!
Be afraid...
How Evil Are You?
Vitals /////////
Age :: 18
Body :: 5'7
Status :: I really don't know
Here for :: Buck-Fuddies! j/k Friends would do.
Orientation :: Haven't been oriented yet
Hometown :: Pluto the non Planet
Ethnicity :: Spanish, Chinese, French, Pinoy. .Alternative....
....Metal Rock....
....Light Reggae/Beach....
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