~|cHrIsTie|~ profile picture


*~--Silence is GoLdEn --- Duct tape is SilVeR ~*

About Me

I shovel ice for a living ,...slinging drinks to some of L.A.'s most infamous residents., as well as a vast majority of bums, freaks, coo-coo's, fishwifes, socially inept, runaway's, he/she's, poets, punks, wanna-be's ,goldiggers, frauds, cops, dicks, pricks,strippers, and of course, the servant to the servants such as myself..
gets me ouuta my house, socialize , and enables my inpulsive spending habbits..-not to mention the endless experiences of everything from bitch fights, shootings, and other varieties of strange and unusual encounters .......I came from a middle class neigborhood in san Diego... ...where the short bus stopped at a house on everyone's street,.and.the only adults ever home were the ones on welfare,.preoccupied with the days soaps... even the baby sitters were like the unseen entities of the house...disappearing behind locked doors with boyfriends...or smokig weed out by the pool pump with friends.. ..and everyone had a tweaker living at the end of their street in the house with 5 cars that don't run, ... a dirt yard,.... a stinking couch ....a mangy dog that roamed the neigborhood as if it were a cat....tupperwear with no lids,...and that goddamn shag carpet that no one walked over without socks....I dig music,... I've been playing guitar for so long that sometimes I wonder why the hell I still suck... I have a psyco dog named Maxwell Smart... a rat catcher cat named Tazarooni Macaroni (TAZ for short) and a black lab named Angus Edmund Frehley. I talk too much..... I smoke to much, drink to much,...and at least one bill every month somehow ends up getting paid late.... I sometimes rent pay per view porn (huge rip off) and Ocasionally, I find myself cross-eyed from a computer induced semi-coma, after long insignifacant periods of time spent staring at my computer screen.....Some people compare my house to that of of beach bungalow, I guess you could say that my place is a bit 'janky'..but the rent is cheap, the yard is big, my landlord is cool, and I call it home...I collect comic books, and action figures, and my dream car of all cars in this world is a primer grey '66 Chevelle (malibu), decked out with Crager rims, bucket seats, a push button am/fm radio (alpine in the glove compartment of course!) and a nice variety of hand picked stickers to decorate the metal dashboard.. I know that transformers are cooler than GO-Bots...and I was the only girl on my street that wanted a Haro instead of a huffy. I remember the days when Tonka trucks had rubber wheels and were made out of metal....and unleaded gas was $1 a gallon. I can't surf, I used to skate (or die!) and due to a minor lack of coordination, grace, and agility, I probably have more scars than I have teeth. My woredrobe consists mostly of jeans, camos,...and a seemingly ENDLESS supply of killer tour shirts.. I can't say that I own a dress., and the only pair of heels I have are still in the box... My jewelery box never really seems to earn it's name because the only things in it are a couple rings that don't fit,.. a necklace that needs a new clasp, zig zags, an occasional half-smoke joint,.. asprin, and a couple credit cards. I was invited to the Magic Castle recently...however, due to the lack of sophisticated clothing in my wordrobe.....that invite was graciously declined....... Next time! My backyard is big enough to race dirt bikes in circles around my house...and every Monday,.. I host the semi-weekly local 'BB gun holders association target practice'... where we shoot our BB guns at various targets across the yard... drink beer,do shots of jack,.. and play with dogs and guitars till either the sun goes down, someone gets shot, someone has to leave for work , or the booze runs out.My refrigerator always has Coke, food, and booze in it... I don't have a silverwear organizer, I keep my glasses in the freezer and none of my dishes match. I use my stove and I actually cook my meals. My dishes are usually always done. ,and at least twice a week, my neighbor requests the locally famous "rockchick breakfast"... . I know that a Mikita isn't a dog,..and I would prefer a gift certificate to Guitar Center instead of Victorias Secret anyday.I only clean my house if someone is coming over....but my trash is NEVER overflowing...I know it's time to do laundry when either I run out of underwear, or bath towels and if you're anal enough to notice, you might see that the corners of of my bathroom usually have lint caked into them..(but Im working on that)... I never run out of razors, soap, paper towels, or toilet paper, and you WON'T find any cheap ass Suave shampoo in my shower...(ONLY THE GOOD STUFF!). I don't kill spiders, so there are usually a couple high cob webs in the corners of my livingroom walls... and sometimes I use my windowsill for an ashtray, as well as a chewed up gum depository.I like going to rock shows, and dive bars. I hate fairs, and festivals..I don't buy pre-cut christmas trees, and I never have birthday parties..I tend to like animals more than people, I never plan a 'girls night out' .I don't watch sports (except for supercross)-but I like to listen to baseball games on the radio. I like to draw, I'm learning to paint.. I know how to "code" (html, web crap....you know....don't you?) and I make extra money sewing custom clothing for people.... I only cry when noone is looking...and now and again I lose my mind and have a major freak out episode...(usually at work---everybody RUN!)I guess you could say .......that's all I have to say about me.

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

click here


MUTE THE T.V.- locate that arrow thing called a play button----
Click it watch it-- think about it, --then get the earphones- play it again- turn up the volume 3 notches, close your eyes...and tell yourself 6 times:
"music is good---must BUY albums...

music stealing STOP must ,good is music
music is good.., must BUY albums!!"

My Blog


People really SUCK! O.k.  - It's no mystery that in general,... the majority of  people in this world suck !  Perhaps, my cynical outlook on the nature of a regular everyday human being...
Posted by ~|cHrIsTie|~ on Mon, 19 May 2008 12:36:00 PST


      So, the older I get, the more immature I tend to feel about myself....not because I am 'immature', just because people my age tend to have 4 door cars, a kid or two, at ...
Posted by ~|cHrIsTie|~ on Fri, 14 Mar 2008 06:22:00 PST


DEVIL IN DESQUISE 3.14.04   One kiss 2 kiss 3 and 4 What I would do for just one more The crush of all time Fell out of the sky Along with one dirty little lie And it Tears me apart Almost every ...
Posted by ~|cHrIsTie|~ on Mon, 12 May 2008 01:39:00 PST

Sour Flower

So, it's May....  the older I get, the faster time flys by.... and it's fucked up,..cuz I'm still telling these goddamn old stories that I've already told a thousand times before.... Don't get me...
Posted by ~|cHrIsTie|~ on Sun, 11 May 2008 08:13:00 PST

photo shoot I did with Kate

Posted by ~|cHrIsTie|~ on Wed, 15 Aug 2007 07:12:00 PST


I can't say that I am a ray of sunshine unfortunately..... I'm usually smiling and joking around,.. but at this moment, I'm really,,,,, just a ball of gelatinous pepper, drinking jager bombs by myself...
Posted by ~|cHrIsTie|~ on Mon, 13 Aug 2007 02:55:00 PST

A colage of Custom MySpace Layouts I did

Posted by ~|cHrIsTie|~ on Sat, 14 Jul 2007 05:24:00 PST

Old Journal Entries

FYI:  This blog is actually a journal entry from like 2001 or 2002 I found a bunch of old journals the other day and being that Im bored, and have  nothing better to do right now,... I deci...
Posted by ~|cHrIsTie|~ on Tue, 15 May 2007 03:04:00 PST

Old journal Entries

FYI:  This blog is actually a journal entry from like 2001 or 2002 I found a bunch of old journals the other day and being that Im bored, and have  nothing better to do right now,... I dec...
Posted by ~|cHrIsTie|~ on Sun, 13 May 2007 11:04:00 PST

GrIpPiNg the BuZz

5th November, 2004. 3:54 am. gripping the buzzI think it's latesometimes.,,. I put a cloth over my cable box so that the time on it doesn't fuck with my buzz.... I know it's late.... I don't need my g...
Posted by ~|cHrIsTie|~ on Sun, 13 May 2007 10:46:00 PST