veganism. straight edge. shoplifting. X'd rifles. hitchhiking to small towns. liberation struggles. living a life worth living by any means necessary.
No reason to live without a reason to die.
Time to draw a line in the sand and start picking sides.
THE SOLDIERS: Earth Crisis. Abnegation. Framework. Slavearc. Contempt. Statement. Raid. Absence. Green Rage. Gatekeeper. From the Dying Sky. Reprisal. Day of Suffering. Conflict.
THE NOSTALGIA: Undertow. Outspoken. Unbroken. Ressurection. Chokehold. Mouthpiece. Into Another. Strain. Shelter. 108. Rob R Rock. Culture. Strife. Doughnuts. One King Down. Government Issue. Morning Again. Endpoint. Flagman. Worlds Collide. Majority of One. Encounter. Turning Point.
THE CREW: Chain Of Strength. Brotherhood. Release. Bold. Wide Awake. Project X.
THE SCREAMS: Portraits Of Past. Honeywell. Policy of Three. Puritain. Makara. Fingerprint. Zegota. Mohinder. Constatine Sankathi. Ottawa. To Dream of Autumn. Usurp Synapse. Systral. Morser. Acme. Judas Factor.
THE CRUST AS FUCK EXISTENCE: Disrupt. Civil Disobedience. Masskontrol. Consume. Assuck. Bread and Water.
THE NOW: Himsa (shut up). Funeral Diner. Tears of Gaia. Purification. Purified in Blood. Cherum. Heavan Shall Burn. Parallax. Dead To Fall. Undying. Remembering Never. Remains of the Day. Uzi Suicide.
THE POSEURS: You know who you are. And time will get you in the end.
Please stop saying "You don't hang out anymore".
I just don't hang out with you.
Declaration of war.
Diet for a new america.
Art of deception.
Animal Liberation.
Confessions of a Master Jewell Thief.
Evasion - Book II: almost complete, glimpsed by few, authored by some sellout poseur.
Anyone in prison for selfless reasons.... And those never caught.