Ich heisse Mina. Ich bin swanzig jahre alt. Mein sohn ist veir jahre Ich besuche meiner Familie und freunden senr gern. ich fete an die Wochenende ohne mein sohn. Ich bin fur neue freunden suchen, die matur und sehr sein. Ich arbeite bei Cracker Barrel. Ich zage nach Indiana von Jacksonville Florida und V.B. an. Ich habe eine neue NIESE auf der weg und sie werde sehr schon. Ich werde ein Zahnarzt und bekonmen sehr viel geld ohne ein mann. CH BIN IN Corpus Christi TX. geboren Mein Geburstag ist 13.August 1986 Ich esse schokaladae gern und ich trinke jeden nicht oft nur anderen Menschen.liebe MinaPoem thief!!!
To all you bitches that take claim to poems that you did not write or felt the feeling of the emotion of the purpose it was written stay the the fuck away, come up with your own shit. i just found a poem someone stole from me that i wrote when i was younger.so if your gonna write a poem dont be naive and get your shit copy right. bitches that dont have thier own thoughts leave mine alone. who ever took claim to my poem must be really stupid, who ever you are, put it on the net word by word not even taking out my silent signature..Its somewhere written with in my poem plus i have the original one on school book paper with dates plus copies.if your going to be gay an claim a poem make sure you really wrote it.YOU SUCK
Never say I love you
If you don't even care
Never talk about your feelings
If they aren't really there
Never hold my hand
If your going to break my heart
Never say your going to
If you never plan to start
Never look into my eyes
If all you do is lie
Never say hello
If you really mean goodbye
If you really mean forever
Then say you will try
Never say forever
Cuz forever makes me cry
...originally written by me, Amanda Fechner when I was 15.