things i love..
-sitting in the middle of a field, just to think
-thunderstorms, when im tucked up and snuggly warm on my sofa
-being the first to use the jam and the last to finish the branflakes
-holding hands with my husband
-watching films that hold my attention and really make me think
-watching Lost with my fellow dedicated friends all gathered at my house
-listening to beautiful and soulful music
-catching up with my fantastic friends over coffee
-seeing people I love that I haven't seen in a long time
-reading a good book that challenges and inspires me
-having deep conversations that make you reconsider your thoughts and feelings and at the same time cause you to hold dear to the true fundamentals of life
-worshipping God in whatever form that takes
-painting to express emotions and thoughts
-going to acoustic nights
-buying beautiful and quirky cards to save just in case
-having fresh flowers in my house
-discovering new, unusual names
-romantic, quirky surprises
-funky earrings
-a great find in a charity shop
things I dislike...
-big budget films that sacrifice any storyline for the sake of special effects
-the fact that there is so much ingrained injustice and prejudice in society
-when someone argues for the sake of arguing when they know little or nothing about the subject
-people dropping litter because of laziness
-thinking of something witty to say, or a great comeback, hours after the conversation
-commercial music that has no purpose or thought
-people who like something just to be seen as cool
-living your life with no care towards others around you
-losing, i am too competitive for my own good
-getting so frustrated that all i can do is cry
-messing up my words in an argument
-not spending enough time with my husband
-being let down
-upsetting or hurting people By the way i will only add bands if i genuinely like your stuff, and its even more impressive when you send me a message before you request to be my friend, okies?
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