~mo'gli~ profile picture


Looking on she sings the songs, the words she knows, the tune she hums

About Me

things i love..
-sitting in the middle of a field, just to think
-thunderstorms, when im tucked up and snuggly warm on my sofa
-being the first to use the jam and the last to finish the branflakes
-holding hands with my husband
-watching films that hold my attention and really make me think
-watching Lost with my fellow dedicated friends all gathered at my house
-listening to beautiful and soulful music
-catching up with my fantastic friends over coffee
-seeing people I love that I haven't seen in a long time
-reading a good book that challenges and inspires me
-having deep conversations that make you reconsider your thoughts and feelings and at the same time cause you to hold dear to the true fundamentals of life
-worshipping God in whatever form that takes
-painting to express emotions and thoughts
-going to acoustic nights
-buying beautiful and quirky cards to save just in case
-having fresh flowers in my house
-discovering new, unusual names
-romantic, quirky surprises
-funky earrings
-a great find in a charity shop
things I dislike...
-big budget films that sacrifice any storyline for the sake of special effects
-the fact that there is so much ingrained injustice and prejudice in society
-when someone argues for the sake of arguing when they know little or nothing about the subject
-people dropping litter because of laziness
-thinking of something witty to say, or a great comeback, hours after the conversation
-commercial music that has no purpose or thought
-people who like something just to be seen as cool
-living your life with no care towards others around you
-losing, i am too competitive for my own good
-getting so frustrated that all i can do is cry
-messing up my words in an argument
-not spending enough time with my husband
-being let down
-upsetting or hurting people By the way i will only add bands if i genuinely like your stuff, and its even more impressive when you send me a message before you request to be my friend, okies?
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My Interests

Singing, painting, music, youth work, going to gigs


Just a few of the bands im into at the mo..- Minus the bear, 65 days of static, The Rapture, Sufjan Stevens, broken social scene, Imogen Heap, Hot Chip, yeah yeah yeahs, incubus


Little Miss Sunshine, The Royal Tennenbaums, The English Patient, Napoleon Dynamite, Amelie, I Heart Huckabees, Anchorman, Garden State, Cold Mountain, House of the Flying Daggers, The Chorus, Crash, The Constant Gardener, Walk the Line, A Very Long Engagement, Almost Famous, Me You and Everyone We Know, Hotel Rwanda,Junebug


the good life


velvet elvis, by rob bell

My Blog


This blog is all about Miss Katie Irwin. I said ages ago that I would write about each of my top friends and now I have a bit of free time I am using it wisely to tell everyone how fantastic Katie is!...
Posted by ~mo'gli~ on Wed, 27 Dec 2006 08:44:00 PST

and the first person is....... miss daisy zecca!

This is an entry all about my lovely best friend daisy. I have known daisy for 2 years now, and we met at soul survivor. Sitting with a coffee and chatting to daisy is one of my favourite things to do...
Posted by ~mo'gli~ on Wed, 06 Sep 2006 04:30:00 PST

all about my top 12 friends

I have decided to copy an idea off my friend josiah and write a blog entry about each of my top friends and say how lovely they all are. so keep checking back as it maybe you next. xxx...
Posted by ~mo'gli~ on Tue, 05 Sep 2006 01:04:00 PST

ethics in trade

Been musing about all this fair trade and ethical trading stuff for quite a while now, ever since the Tearfund Lift the Label Campaign. I even got involved and wrote a letter to the Arcadia group whic...
Posted by ~mo'gli~ on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST