WHISKEY RIVER GIRL! profile picture


At least I have mountains

About Me

Hey -- Im Laura. What are you supposed to say in these things? Lets see - Im working so i can go to school. Im a whiskey river girl and it makes life a little easier to smile at. i love to have fun. who doesnt?

My Interests

Interests, eh? Im intersted in you. jk that was corny. I like to just do anything that'll get a smile out of me or make me say, "wow, im glad that wasnt a waste of time"

I'd like to meet:

hmmmm.....bill clinton. ha! that nukah.


Create a playlist with this song on imeem
depends on my mood.


right now my fav is y tu mama tambien


Catch 22 Joseph Heller; 100 Nights of Solitude; Mere Christianity; Closing Time Joseph Heller; Bell Jar; Black Boy; East of Eden; Catcher in the Rye; Lolita; Memories of my melencholy whores Secret Garden... My friends the list goes on


JESUS "the man" CHRIST; Joseph Heller

My Blog

Wonder who that beautiful blonde on my right is?

Her name is Briann "Beee-u-tay-ful" McPeak and I love her! And she needs to send me more pics of us so everyone can see! Dont bother asking for her number. Shes to good for you. Dont bother trying to ...
Posted by WHISKEY RIVER GIRL! on Tue, 27 Dec 2005 09:13:00 PST