Politics, Film/Television/Music/The Media, Writing, The San Francisco 49ers, Computers, Working Out, Scotch, Steak and Girls
People who I'll get along with.
Top five favorite films in no particular order: 1) The Godfather 2) Trainspotting 3) Kill Bill Volume 1 4) Moulin Rouge 5) All that Jazz
Top five favorite TV Shows in no particular order: 1) Six Feet Under 2) The West Wing 3) The Hills 4) Good Eats 5) Magnum PI
I don't read enough. That's not to say I don't have favorite books, but between you and me, I don't read enough.
Top five superheroes: 1) Superman 2) Sherlock Holmes 3) Wolverine 4) Batman 5) Qui Gon JinTop five people who I admire: 1) Shakespeare 2) Bill Walsh 3) Thomas Jefferson 4) My Dad 5) Nathan LaneTop five people who I wish I were: 1) Steve Jobs 2) Juan Carlos II 3) Hugh Jackman 4) The Director of the CIA 5) David GeffenTop five sandwiches I've ever had: 1) Grand Slam Roast Beef with Horseradish from Shortstop 2) Corned Beef Sky High on a Baguette from Jerry's 3) Monte Cristo Sandwich from La Plaza Mayor de Salamanca 4) Mom's Sunday Submarine Sandwich 5) Chicken Finger Sub from Rogans