I have been taking some of your feedback into consideration, and after viewing my page on a smaller screen i have found it takes some time to get to the button, so here for you people, a comment box :)
I Love You Sam..
Cooks at work do not disturb its under control.
Why Hello im Sam
I have many of nicknames lol, 'The pie Man' Bennet thought of it hehe. 'Coldheart' Munkey ben thought of that classic. Im going to the Ridings 6th Form at the moment, studying Media Studies, History ICT and probz do Art and Design when we start again. Its all pretty cool, some teachers of total twats but oh well. People who can make me laugh and have good taste in music are the best of all!I love adds from all types of peoeple :) so dont be scared.. add away!
I post alot and i mean alot of bulletins, alot of them are riddles and stuff, quite good fun in boring times of need :)
Stories from me and ben!
Everyone on here says there is not enough room on here to tell people what you want to say, i will argue them about this, i am trying to make the longest best profile ever!! I will write true stories about anything that has happened throughout my school / social or just plain fun life! If anyone has anything they would like me to write about just send me a message, thats friends from brockridge infants school (4-7 or whatever) Highcroft Junior School (7-10 i think or maybe 11) and The Ridings High School!
I have been updating this madly recently and i would like to start my profile with one crazy but amazing nights, my 16th birthday garden party! Alot of people came to this and alot of people want a repeat of it (Never going to happen humphries lol) Well the main event of my 16th birthday party was THE SEAL, yep thats right mr sealey himself, anyone that doesnt know he is the drunk, yep thats right, he had 3 ciders and a bit of advocate (egg yolk) and he was OUT! 3 STRIKES AND YOUR OUT SEALEY! He started so well, but the drink soon kicked in, and then a game of twister did not help things as old man pushed him over. Soon after that he was sick all over my garden, it was horrible! then he fell asleep / unconcious on a chair, and then suddendly he dissapeared, no-one knows where!
Ben kindly drew this picture to show the steps of sealey.
Me and Ben would like to give a massive shout out to one the of the most famous CBBC character some of you people might know of him as 'James MacKenzie'
For some of you big fans we have even watched many episodes and compilied a list of his quote
"Let the challenge... begin!" (with a slight jerk of the head) "You had gold in your sights, but sawdust in your brains!" "You will be sorry that you were born without wings, young warriors" "It is lucky I have my own brand of magic" "I see you all have the will to survive..." "You leave... with honour" "You must be quicker, young warrior!" "Time is not on your side!" "Either you did not listen to your heads or there was nothing worth listening to in the first place!" "May the luck of the Raven's Eye be with you!" "Hold your head high, young warrior!" "Everything in their power will stop you!" "And so you must pay the price. You must now lose a life!!" "The sands are beginning to fall!" "You must make a decision!" "I was hoping my warriors would be as wise as the owl. Instead it turns out that you are all as featherbrained as the cookoo" "Are you ready?" "Speed is of the essence, my young friends!"
But MOST PEOPLE KNOW HIM AS 'RAVEN'This section is a very important section, it has some things to do with a new person who has recently joined myspace, yes thats right its LUKE COLEMAN! He is a wicked kid apart from one thing, many arguments have occured over this, he states that people who play mini golf use no skill (Twat coleman ) however this is very wrong, as my simple diagram will show:
Also i said to coleman i hate Tiger Woods ( Colemans suck toy ) please back me up here people! (Just say he is a dick, even if you think not) He is gay, he looks gay he has too much money, and this would be his dream and coleman literally would love to be his yacht boy, even trimming the grass just so he could look up to his hero! this is for you coleman!!!!!
Earlier this year i went on a history trip which was alright... It all started when Ashley Stone turned up late to the coach, Mr Ford wasnt happy and his facial expression was angry if anything. This was the start of a very interesting relationship, there tension could be cut with a knife!! We were promised a 'Fun' trip full of drinking and having a great time out!! O let me tell you how wrong he was! Drink was FORBIDDEN, FORBIDDEN FORBIDDENNNN!
How the history trip was described was very sneaky, it was stated, 'that a brilliant, once in a life time, fun packed trip' all is true except the last bit!
All we did was eat chicken, (uasully fried) some form of potatoes and usaully some stale vegtables!, that was for 10 days! lunch usaully as well as dinner!
Some things which i do remember well was the 'vodka stool' on the streets of Prague, it was like a ice cream van but a vodka stool thing hehe, me and Tom Ross got some shots down and i think it came to 20p each! BARGAIN!
The two best things i remember from the trip though, is: no1 - When Smallen woke up, he was just in boxers he got fully dressed, scarf and all! and then said he was having a shower! Why didnt he just pick up his clothes and go to the shower which was in the room!!!!! and a close second, no2 - Has to be when Ed Mannings stood in mud and trailed it all over this rather expensive Prague hotel, as we were on floor 5 the mud was from ground level all the way up to level 5 and it was all over our room!! then miss Forrester and Fenner came in and said 'If you touch that and then your eye.... YOUR A BLIND MAN' We couldnt stop laughing!!
In year 9 of School we have the amazing oppruinty to go to a place called Park End in Wales/Engalnd we got there and though 'yeh' this is good. o how wrong me and ben could be, we both liked geography and thought this would help. We shared a room with James Baker and Andy Watson. When we got to our room, there was a fire drill and we have to go out the window for 5 mins, not a great start! The two guys that organised everything were called Domonic and Malcom i will never forget them! The first thing that we could do was a 'walk' we asked them do we need walking shoes or wellies as it has been raining in Bristol, they both said ' oh no you dont need them just were them nice new shoes you got on they will be fine, its all on concerete' oooo we said thanks alot. We started walking down the road and then they said we would take a shortcut, 10 miles later shoes soaked with mud after crossing through rivers, marshes and every known terrain we got home, dom and malcom thought it was funny as they had wellies, we werent laughing! That evening we had a meal with them all and 30 of our friends, before we could go in shoes and socks off! the food was horrible! And one evening malcom STOOD UP IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DINING ROOM, PLACED HIS HANDS OVER HIS EARS, WAITED TIL EVERYONE WAS LOOKING AND SHOUTED I CANT HEAR MYSELF THINK YOU ARE A DISGRACE! I CANT STAND IT ANY LONGERRRRRR! GET OUT, EVERONE GET OUT, DOM THEN STANDED UP AND SHOUTED YEHHHHH THIS IS THE WORSE SCHOOL I HAVE EVER MET! Mr presscot was shaking his head with disgust!
Again this is a rare picture from the actaul parkend website, took 5 hours to find that, its sooo unknown, the guy in the canoe, is malcom! this picture is gold dust!!
Me, Ben and Joe had a terrible experience 2 years ago, this was one of the worst things that had ever happened to us! we were bored and thought we would go to mill lane (place where i live) and start lets call it a fire/explosion, this includes, a daily mail newspaper - a can of any lynx and a box of matches, some branches as well if you can find them, then you start the baby up!
we did so! it was Joes simple job to tell us if anyone was coming, he said 'its clear chapman' i started it off! Then we heard 'THERES A FIRE OVER THERE' we started to panic, the fire was getting very hot! and then a guy with a big german shepard dog said 'OI LADS GET HERE NOW' we tried to find an escape! ben panicked and was heading for the fire, i followed we jumped down this mini 2 metre high clift and BOOOOOM THE CAN EXPLODED! we could hear the dog barking, but we were just running, the ground was wet but we didnt notice this, we were just gliding on the ground, we ran for about 2 miles were we fianlly lost him!
If i can give you any advice, get a better person to do look out than Joe Ashford (he is gay though)
Ingridents -
In year 11 of Ridings, we had an amazing chance to skip normal P.E, for the chance to go to Bradly Stoke Leisure Centre, ben and i were very excited as we could play squash and sooo on, but when we got there we had to change into our gear, we had forgot the gym was still open to other people, we entered the changing rooms, steam filled our faces, and the misty outlines of 'naked' men scared us, the steam blurred our vision, we had to be careful what we grabbed onto for reassurance!
I was innocently getting changed, ben was safe as he was changing kinda in the corner of the locker, but this naked guy came walking past and said 'excuse mate' and then he thrusted at me! this is and was the most scary, scaring and sickest thing that has ever happened, all ben could do was laugh!!!!!!!
But then next week ben got the threesome of guys walking past, first one had shorts on and no top, the next guy a long tshirt, but no shorts and the 3rd guy was just fully naked and all brushed past ben! Excellent!
The sick steam fullfilled place
We went to Ramseys party and we came through to the lounge and saw this girl we had never seen before, we though yeh! shes alrite! wouldnt mind a bit of her! literally 10 mins later me and ben were screaming NOoooOOOOooooOOoo, it was her voice we are not sure where she came from but my god her voice was sooo damn annoying!
The only way we could stop her from talking was letting ben tell her some of his stories about him family history, he told the same story about 7 times and it took 10 mins to tell them! She thought it was funny to start with, not after the seventh time.
When we were all on the dance floor i shouted more loudly than i thought and said ' MY GOD SHE IS ANNOYING' she heard this and confronted me i just said i was talking about the curtains!! I have a BAD relationship with curtains as you can see from one of my pics!! It strangled me! Maybe that was revenge from blaiming the curtain, you just never know. FATE HAS ITS WAYS!
I went to Fuerteventura with my best buddy ben and we went to a beach were Sangria Man gave us free sangria all day, the glasses did get smaller, but he never said no!
Well we did buy them rip of ice lollies, so we could get the stickers, 2 euros each and they were pretty shit! I couldnt belive i got the 'Tormenta' sticker twice just didnt belive it.
If anyone who reads this, dont bother going to Fueteventura July 19th to the 26th, just no point, the beaches were very good with nice women in the day, but at NIGHT, it was horrid. We saw some bad people, a girl with some horrible tight and i mean tight read trousers, but she had this greasy hair, which was straight at he top and curly at the bottom, her face wasnt much better. The worse thing had to be the last night, there were hundreds, just everywhere. In the clubs, on the street. ARGH i hated it! but loved it as well.
Rock Cafe gave you a free cocktail voucher to use in Waikai which was nice, i did take about 40 of them but as no-one else was in Waikai i doubt they really noticed!
The flight going was ok, a very nice looking air hostess, she was very nice but on the reuturn flight we had a added extra which i have NEVER seen before and i tell you i dont EVER WANT TO SEE HIM AGAIN! How can i put it, fat, gay with these horrid glasses and this shocking hair cut and orange face!
you dont know what i have gone through to get this picture, here he is on the far left!!!!
He just said ' Hiiiiiiiiii, how are you? nice holiday? oooo you look nice! I tell you what mate! FUCK OFF! The plane back did get alot better though, with the amazing film 'Firewall' this is a once in a lifetime film! and i mean it!! WATCH IT!!!!!
On the 2nd day i truly thought he saw a w.o.w.e.r of a w.o.m.e.n now, i state that i only saw her hair, and her hair was very nice, hair of a 20 year old! Problem is that when she turned around all features dropped very fast!
Ben was in a dream on the first night of the holiday, there was this women outside the resturant,she was alright looking! When we ate there one night, we were sat at the top ben thought he would make a shadow onto the wall below which the women could easily see! The bad/good thing is that the women loved it! After this he wanted her! and every night we annoyed/flirted with her!
The 3rd night when we saw her, ben said the next night i would take a picture of them 2 together, this all failed, the next night was this guy and i mean this guy was the David Dickinson of Spain, he was ugly! Bens face was not impressed at all!
And how can i not mention the SANGRIA MAN! Without him our throats would of been soo dry we wouldnt be able to talk! He owned that beach and people respected him 100% we must of had about 50 euros + of free drinks!
Where the sangria man was, good old google earth!A few months ago me and ben went to the Bristol Kite Festival, we go every year and it gets better and better! We had bought 2 kites, these were the bad boys kite only if you were over 10 years old could you use these baby's! We were just about to put them together when a twelve year old boy came over with his 'POWER KITE' made out he knew everything, laughing at us. He just came over and starting putting our kites together. We were not best pleased even though he knew his stuff, but NOT GOOD ENOUGH HE STARTED FLYING BENS KITE AND THEN NEXT THING WE KNEW IT SMASHED INTO A WOMEN WITH SOME WEDGES AND MELTED CHEESE, SHE DROPPED THEM ALL OVER THE FLOOR! THE KITE WAS UN FLYABLE! UN FLYABLE I TELL YOU! HE JUST SAID 'LOOKS LIKE YOU NEED A NEW KITE, QUITE A CHEAP FABRIC THIS KITE' ITS NOT THE KITE MATE ITS YOU!! Then we started flying my little beauty, ben lifted it up and it was going, then suddenly smashed into the ground time and time again!! A guy came up to me and said 'make the strings longer, just do it! JUST DO IT' i thought i would listen a little bit to his advise, but it still smashed into the ground, the guy appraoched again laughing smugly, 'DONT YOU KNOW WHAT YOUR DOIN, I DONT BELIVE YOU, YOU GOT YOUR HANDLES THE WRONG WAY AROUND, DO YOU NOT KNOW WHAT BR STANDS FOR, DONT YOU KNOW!?!?!?!? BR IS SIMPLY BLUE HANDLE ON THE RIGHT! YOU ARE ONE HELL OF A AMATUER' I WAS NOT HAPPY! THANKS ALOT JON TO YOUR SO CALLED EXPERTISE! IT REALLY HELPED! MY CORD NOW SNAPPED, THE KITE JUST WENT ROUND AND ROUND. JON WAS NO WHERE TO BE SEEN!
This is our kite going into a child, his nose was bleeding afterwards, we are soo sorry stuart!
More recently, at school we went on a school trip to London for Art and Graphic students, i do neither but oh well, old scally didnt mind! When we got there i have to say it was amazing, they had these 6 massive slides which were ment to be art! but who cares we wanted to go on them:In the end we didnt, but that didnt matter, we got something alot better than that, we are in the Novemember 2006 Ridings High School letter, oh yes! we are looking damn good!Some other random stuff for you. I was ringing the owner of Dojos trying to organise something for Kostas, and he phoned me at 2am!!!!!!!!!! i couldnt belive it, just going to sleep and i hear my phone vibrate, Sid was all awake and cheerful, let me tell you i WAS NOT!
I asked him about DJ's and i said 'How much are your Dj's?' and he replied 'Oh mate we dont Dj's you will have to get your own' i said 'ooh right but at Ben Rices Birthday you supplied the Dj for like £80' the Sid said the classic comment 'Is that BENNY BOY, OH MATE THATS WICKED, YEH I WILL GET YOU A DJ, IT WILL BE ABOUT £80'
I was very confused and trying not to laugh, ben loves this true story!
Last night, we went to a club called Shelter for Emmas and Lydias Party, a very good party! It was more at the end when things went weird, we were going home, and then suddenly me, ben and joe all felt terrible. Ben tried to make himself be sick (ewww) and he failed, we couldnt be bothered to wait for our booked taxi so we just got in this random one!
Firstly he dropped ben off, and then Joe who was in the back passed out, and i didnt notice, so when we got to Joes i thought he was asleep when i tried waking him up i relised he wasnt, if this happens to any of you with your mates do what i did!
Push him like 10 -15 times very hard, then push him so he rolls over! and then the final bit, put a strand of hair out every 10 seconds. He woke up very soonly! :)
The taxi driver then said this ' There are 3 types of drunks, the first one was like Ben, quiet and calm, then you mate talkative and sensible, and then the knob head joe, the fucker that cant handle his drink and ruins the night'
I was like whattttttt!
Ben and i were in year 7 when we created the Miller story, many know this story i wont go into much detail as its quite a weird / strange / beautiful / crazy / happy ending type story, it involes many people including teachers and even smallen who is one of the newest but naughiest extras!
Year 7 was a crazy starting year for ben and i we didnt know each other but after just 3 days we were best buds! its always going to be like that, hopefully. It was on the second day i belive and we were meant to be having science with Dr Connern ( Wicked teacher ) but he wasnt in, so instead we had MR SINGH, THE WORST TEACHER EVER! it all started very well with a opening line of ' Your good little soliders arent ya' literally 3 mins later 'STAND UP, YOU ARE THE WORST CLASS EVER' i shall never forget that! One of the craziest unanswered things ever is this, on a summer day in July, ben and i were with Kerry Franklin, Sarah Smith, Kerrie Hall and maybe Jenny Hillyaird we cant really remember who else, but they said they were going to get a ice cream so ben and i turned around and were chatting for like 2 mins MAX! we turned back around and they were half way through there ice creams and stated ' where have you been' PLEASE HELP US WITH THIS!!
One of the newest additions to our group was a boy called JOE ASHFORD, i met him in maths in year 8-9, we have been good friends since, i always thought he was gay , but he never admitted ( he has recently admitted he was gay, and had a bf ( i can tell ) it was the start of year 9 when joe got a bent nose, this was by Colin Porter throwing a bag at his face! if any of you have my msn, you will see my name is *Joes Nose Is Like A Blind Carpentars Thumb* thats where it all started from, and no i never change my msn name! Well back to the story, joe got annoyed by us calling him 'bent' so he invented the 'CLAW' as he had sharp nails it worked, he would go crazy and scratch / pinch till you either back off or hit him back hehe!!
There is Joe!
At the end of year 11 we had our prom which was a good laugh, i remember getting my tux on the second but last night and there was literally 20 people in suits you all getting them tried out, they were not happy, 1 guy trying to deal with everyone! When we were going to the prom we had to take smallen, *shakes head* he brought a personal cd player with him and actaully listened to it!!!!!!!!! but when we got there it was like 30 mins earlier so literally no-one else was there, so ben and i took all the wine, we had about 3-4 bottles each , so when people were arriving we were quite drunk , and when the food came we were not in the mood to even look at it, But overall a good night, the dancing was great from what i can remember, i do remember ben trying to do some break dancing and he fell over! hehe!! And how can i forgot the SEAL, SEALEY, SALTY SEALEY, TITANIC OR EVEN ROB, he came in with a red silk shirt, people just wanted to touch it all night lol!
Ben on left, the seal on the right!