Sam The Sangria Man

About Me


I have been taking some of your feedback into consideration, and after viewing my page on a smaller screen i have found it takes some time to get to the button, so here for you people, a comment box :)

I Love You Sam

Cooks at work do not disturb its under control.

Why Hello im Sam

I have many of nicknames lol, 'The pie Man' Bennet thought of it hehe. 'Coldheart' Munkey ben thought of that classic. Im going to the Ridings 6th Form at the moment, studying Media Studies, History ICT and probz do Art and Design when we start again. Its all pretty cool, some teachers of total twats but oh well. People who can make me laugh and have good taste in music are the best of all!I love adds from all types of peoeple :) so dont be scared.. add away!
I post alot and i mean alot of bulletins, alot of them are riddles and stuff, quite good fun in boring times of need :)

Stories from me and ben!

Everyone on here says there is not enough room on here to tell people what you want to say, i will argue them about this, i am trying to make the longest best profile ever!! I will write true stories about anything that has happened throughout my school / social or just plain fun life! If anyone has anything they would like me to write about just send me a message, thats friends from brockridge infants school (4-7 or whatever) Highcroft Junior School (7-10 i think or maybe 11) and The Ridings High School!

I have been updating this madly recently and i would like to start my profile with one crazy but amazing nights, my 16th birthday garden party! Alot of people came to this and alot of people want a repeat of it (Never going to happen humphries lol) Well the main event of my 16th birthday party was THE SEAL, yep thats right mr sealey himself, anyone that doesnt know he is the drunk, yep thats right, he had 3 ciders and a bit of advocate (egg yolk) and he was OUT! 3 STRIKES AND YOUR OUT SEALEY! He started so well, but the drink soon kicked in, and then a game of twister did not help things as old man pushed him over. Soon after that he was sick all over my garden, it was horrible! then he fell asleep / unconcious on a chair, and then suddendly he dissapeared, no-one knows where!

Ben kindly drew this picture to show the steps of sealey.

Me and Ben would like to give a massive shout out to one the of the most famous CBBC character some of you people might know of him as 'James MacKenzie'

For some of you big fans we have even watched many episodes and compilied a list of his quote

"Let the challenge... begin!" (with a slight jerk of the head) "You had gold in your sights, but sawdust in your brains!" "You will be sorry that you were born without wings, young warriors" "It is lucky I have my own brand of magic" "I see you all have the will to survive..." "You leave... with honour" "You must be quicker, young warrior!" "Time is not on your side!" "Either you did not listen to your heads or there was nothing worth listening to in the first place!" "May the luck of the Raven's Eye be with you!" "Hold your head high, young warrior!" "Everything in their power will stop you!" "And so you must pay the price. You must now lose a life!!" "The sands are beginning to fall!" "You must make a decision!" "I was hoping my warriors would be as wise as the owl. Instead it turns out that you are all as featherbrained as the cookoo" "Are you ready?" "Speed is of the essence, my young friends!"


This section is a very important section, it has some things to do with a new person who has recently joined myspace, yes thats right its LUKE COLEMAN! He is a wicked kid apart from one thing, many arguments have occured over this, he states that people who play mini golf use no skill (Twat coleman ) however this is very wrong, as my simple diagram will show:

Also i said to coleman i hate Tiger Woods ( Colemans suck toy ) please back me up here people! (Just say he is a dick, even if you think not) He is gay, he looks gay he has too much money, and this would be his dream and coleman literally would love to be his yacht boy, even trimming the grass just so he could look up to his hero! this is for you coleman!!!!!

Earlier this year i went on a history trip which was alright... It all started when Ashley Stone turned up late to the coach, Mr Ford wasnt happy and his facial expression was angry if anything. This was the start of a very interesting relationship, there tension could be cut with a knife!! We were promised a 'Fun' trip full of drinking and having a great time out!! O let me tell you how wrong he was! Drink was FORBIDDEN, FORBIDDEN FORBIDDENNNN!


How the history trip was described was very sneaky, it was stated, 'that a brilliant, once in a life time, fun packed trip' all is true except the last bit!
All we did was eat chicken, (uasully fried) some form of potatoes and usaully some stale vegtables!, that was for 10 days! lunch usaully as well as dinner!
Some things which i do remember well was the 'vodka stool' on the streets of Prague, it was like a ice cream van but a vodka stool thing hehe, me and Tom Ross got some shots down and i think it came to 20p each! BARGAIN! The two best things i remember from the trip though, is: no1 - When Smallen woke up, he was just in boxers he got fully dressed, scarf and all! and then said he was having a shower! Why didnt he just pick up his clothes and go to the shower which was in the room!!!!! and a close second, no2 - Has to be when Ed Mannings stood in mud and trailed it all over this rather expensive Prague hotel, as we were on floor 5 the mud was from ground level all the way up to level 5 and it was all over our room!! then miss Forrester and Fenner came in and said 'If you touch that and then your eye.... YOUR A BLIND MAN' We couldnt stop laughing!!

In year 9 of School we have the amazing oppruinty to go to a place called Park End in Wales/Engalnd we got there and though 'yeh' this is good. o how wrong me and ben could be, we both liked geography and thought this would help. We shared a room with James Baker and Andy Watson. When we got to our room, there was a fire drill and we have to go out the window for 5 mins, not a great start! The two guys that organised everything were called Domonic and Malcom i will never forget them! The first thing that we could do was a 'walk' we asked them do we need walking shoes or wellies as it has been raining in Bristol, they both said ' oh no you dont need them just were them nice new shoes you got on they will be fine, its all on concerete' oooo we said thanks alot. We started walking down the road and then they said we would take a shortcut, 10 miles later shoes soaked with mud after crossing through rivers, marshes and every known terrain we got home, dom and malcom thought it was funny as they had wellies, we werent laughing! That evening we had a meal with them all and 30 of our friends, before we could go in shoes and socks off! the food was horrible! And one evening malcom STOOD UP IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DINING ROOM, PLACED HIS HANDS OVER HIS EARS, WAITED TIL EVERYONE WAS LOOKING AND SHOUTED I CANT HEAR MYSELF THINK YOU ARE A DISGRACE! I CANT STAND IT ANY LONGERRRRRR! GET OUT, EVERONE GET OUT, DOM THEN STANDED UP AND SHOUTED YEHHHHH THIS IS THE WORSE SCHOOL I HAVE EVER MET! Mr presscot was shaking his head with disgust!

Again this is a rare picture from the actaul parkend website, took 5 hours to find that, its sooo unknown, the guy in the canoe, is malcom! this picture is gold dust!!

Me, Ben and Joe had a terrible experience 2 years ago, this was one of the worst things that had ever happened to us! we were bored and thought we would go to mill lane (place where i live) and start lets call it a fire/explosion, this includes, a daily mail newspaper - a can of any lynx and a box of matches, some branches as well if you can find them, then you start the baby up!
we did so! it was Joes simple job to tell us if anyone was coming, he said 'its clear chapman' i started it off! Then we heard 'THERES A FIRE OVER THERE' we started to panic, the fire was getting very hot! and then a guy with a big german shepard dog said 'OI LADS GET HERE NOW' we tried to find an escape! ben panicked and was heading for the fire, i followed we jumped down this mini 2 metre high clift and BOOOOOM THE CAN EXPLODED! we could hear the dog barking, but we were just running, the ground was wet but we didnt notice this, we were just gliding on the ground, we ran for about 2 miles were we fianlly lost him! If i can give you any advice, get a better person to do look out than Joe Ashford (he is gay though)

Ingridents -

In year 11 of Ridings, we had an amazing chance to skip normal P.E, for the chance to go to Bradly Stoke Leisure Centre, ben and i were very excited as we could play squash and sooo on, but when we got there we had to change into our gear, we had forgot the gym was still open to other people, we entered the changing rooms, steam filled our faces, and the misty outlines of 'naked' men scared us, the steam blurred our vision, we had to be careful what we grabbed onto for reassurance!
I was innocently getting changed, ben was safe as he was changing kinda in the corner of the locker, but this naked guy came walking past and said 'excuse mate' and then he thrusted at me! this is and was the most scary, scaring and sickest thing that has ever happened, all ben could do was laugh!!!!!!!
But then next week ben got the threesome of guys walking past, first one had shorts on and no top, the next guy a long tshirt, but no shorts and the 3rd guy was just fully naked and all brushed past ben! Excellent!
The sick steam fullfilled place

We went to Ramseys party and we came through to the lounge and saw this girl we had never seen before, we though yeh! shes alrite! wouldnt mind a bit of her! literally 10 mins later me and ben were screaming NOoooOOOOooooOOoo, it was her voice we are not sure where she came from but my god her voice was sooo damn annoying! The only way we could stop her from talking was letting ben tell her some of his stories about him family history, he told the same story about 7 times and it took 10 mins to tell them! She thought it was funny to start with, not after the seventh time. When we were all on the dance floor i shouted more loudly than i thought and said ' MY GOD SHE IS ANNOYING' she heard this and confronted me i just said i was talking about the curtains!! I have a BAD relationship with curtains as you can see from one of my pics!! It strangled me! Maybe that was revenge from blaiming the curtain, you just never know. FATE HAS ITS WAYS!
I went to Fuerteventura with my best buddy ben and we went to a beach were Sangria Man gave us free sangria all day, the glasses did get smaller, but he never said no! Well we did buy them rip of ice lollies, so we could get the stickers, 2 euros each and they were pretty shit! I couldnt belive i got the 'Tormenta' sticker twice just didnt belive it. If anyone who reads this, dont bother going to Fueteventura July 19th to the 26th, just no point, the beaches were very good with nice women in the day, but at NIGHT, it was horrid. We saw some bad people, a girl with some horrible tight and i mean tight read trousers, but she had this greasy hair, which was straight at he top and curly at the bottom, her face wasnt much better. The worse thing had to be the last night, there were hundreds, just everywhere. In the clubs, on the street. ARGH i hated it! but loved it as well. Rock Cafe gave you a free cocktail voucher to use in Waikai which was nice, i did take about 40 of them but as no-one else was in Waikai i doubt they really noticed!

The flight going was ok, a very nice looking air hostess, she was very nice but on the reuturn flight we had a added extra which i have NEVER seen before and i tell you i dont EVER WANT TO SEE HIM AGAIN! How can i put it, fat, gay with these horrid glasses and this shocking hair cut and orange face!
you dont know what i have gone through to get this picture, here he is on the far left!!!!

He just said ' Hiiiiiiiiii, how are you? nice holiday? oooo you look nice! I tell you what mate! FUCK OFF! The plane back did get alot better though, with the amazing film 'Firewall' this is a once in a lifetime film! and i mean it!! WATCH IT!!!!!

On the 2nd day i truly thought he saw a w.o.w.e.r of a w.o.m.e.n now, i state that i only saw her hair, and her hair was very nice, hair of a 20 year old! Problem is that when she turned around all features dropped very fast!

Ben was in a dream on the first night of the holiday, there was this women outside the resturant,she was alright looking! When we ate there one night, we were sat at the top ben thought he would make a shadow onto the wall below which the women could easily see! The bad/good thing is that the women loved it! After this he wanted her! and every night we annoyed/flirted with her!

The 3rd night when we saw her, ben said the next night i would take a picture of them 2 together, this all failed, the next night was this guy and i mean this guy was the David Dickinson of Spain, he was ugly! Bens face was not impressed at all!

And how can i not mention the SANGRIA MAN! Without him our throats would of been soo dry we wouldnt be able to talk! He owned that beach and people respected him 100% we must of had about 50 euros + of free drinks!

Where the sangria man was, good old google earth!

A few months ago me and ben went to the Bristol Kite Festival, we go every year and it gets better and better! We had bought 2 kites, these were the bad boys kite only if you were over 10 years old could you use these baby's! We were just about to put them together when a twelve year old boy came over with his 'POWER KITE' made out he knew everything, laughing at us. He just came over and starting putting our kites together. We were not best pleased even though he knew his stuff, but NOT GOOD ENOUGH HE STARTED FLYING BENS KITE AND THEN NEXT THING WE KNEW IT SMASHED INTO A WOMEN WITH SOME WEDGES AND MELTED CHEESE, SHE DROPPED THEM ALL OVER THE FLOOR! THE KITE WAS UN FLYABLE! UN FLYABLE I TELL YOU! HE JUST SAID 'LOOKS LIKE YOU NEED A NEW KITE, QUITE A CHEAP FABRIC THIS KITE' ITS NOT THE KITE MATE ITS YOU!! Then we started flying my little beauty, ben lifted it up and it was going, then suddenly smashed into the ground time and time again!! A guy came up to me and said 'make the strings longer, just do it! JUST DO IT' i thought i would listen a little bit to his advise, but it still smashed into the ground, the guy appraoched again laughing smugly, 'DONT YOU KNOW WHAT YOUR DOIN, I DONT BELIVE YOU, YOU GOT YOUR HANDLES THE WRONG WAY AROUND, DO YOU NOT KNOW WHAT BR STANDS FOR, DONT YOU KNOW!?!?!?!? BR IS SIMPLY BLUE HANDLE ON THE RIGHT! YOU ARE ONE HELL OF A AMATUER' I WAS NOT HAPPY! THANKS ALOT JON TO YOUR SO CALLED EXPERTISE! IT REALLY HELPED! MY CORD NOW SNAPPED, THE KITE JUST WENT ROUND AND ROUND. JON WAS NO WHERE TO BE SEEN!

This is our kite going into a child, his nose was bleeding afterwards, we are soo sorry stuart!

More recently, at school we went on a school trip to London for Art and Graphic students, i do neither but oh well, old scally didnt mind! When we got there i have to say it was amazing, they had these 6 massive slides which were ment to be art! but who cares we wanted to go on them:In the end we didnt, but that didnt matter, we got something alot better than that, we are in the Novemember 2006 Ridings High School letter, oh yes! we are looking damn good!

Some other random stuff for you. I was ringing the owner of Dojos trying to organise something for Kostas, and he phoned me at 2am!!!!!!!!!! i couldnt belive it, just going to sleep and i hear my phone vibrate, Sid was all awake and cheerful, let me tell you i WAS NOT! I asked him about DJ's and i said 'How much are your Dj's?' and he replied 'Oh mate we dont Dj's you will have to get your own' i said 'ooh right but at Ben Rices Birthday you supplied the Dj for like £80' the Sid said the classic comment 'Is that BENNY BOY, OH MATE THATS WICKED, YEH I WILL GET YOU A DJ, IT WILL BE ABOUT £80' I was very confused and trying not to laugh, ben loves this true story!
Last night, we went to a club called Shelter for Emmas and Lydias Party, a very good party! It was more at the end when things went weird, we were going home, and then suddenly me, ben and joe all felt terrible. Ben tried to make himself be sick (ewww) and he failed, we couldnt be bothered to wait for our booked taxi so we just got in this random one! Firstly he dropped ben off, and then Joe who was in the back passed out, and i didnt notice, so when we got to Joes i thought he was asleep when i tried waking him up i relised he wasnt, if this happens to any of you with your mates do what i did! Push him like 10 -15 times very hard, then push him so he rolls over! and then the final bit, put a strand of hair out every 10 seconds. He woke up very soonly! :) The taxi driver then said this ' There are 3 types of drunks, the first one was like Ben, quiet and calm, then you mate talkative and sensible, and then the knob head joe, the fucker that cant handle his drink and ruins the night' I was like whattttttt!

Ben and i were in year 7 when we created the Miller story, many know this story i wont go into much detail as its quite a weird / strange / beautiful / crazy / happy ending type story, it involes many people including teachers and even smallen who is one of the newest but naughiest extras!

Year 7 was a crazy starting year for ben and i we didnt know each other but after just 3 days we were best buds! its always going to be like that, hopefully. It was on the second day i belive and we were meant to be having science with Dr Connern ( Wicked teacher ) but he wasnt in, so instead we had MR SINGH, THE WORST TEACHER EVER! it all started very well with a opening line of ' Your good little soliders arent ya' literally 3 mins later 'STAND UP, YOU ARE THE WORST CLASS EVER' i shall never forget that! One of the craziest unanswered things ever is this, on a summer day in July, ben and i were with Kerry Franklin, Sarah Smith, Kerrie Hall and maybe Jenny Hillyaird we cant really remember who else, but they said they were going to get a ice cream so ben and i turned around and were chatting for like 2 mins MAX! we turned back around and they were half way through there ice creams and stated ' where have you been' PLEASE HELP US WITH THIS!!

One of the newest additions to our group was a boy called JOE ASHFORD, i met him in maths in year 8-9, we have been good friends since, i always thought he was gay , but he never admitted ( he has recently admitted he was gay, and had a bf ( i can tell ) it was the start of year 9 when joe got a bent nose, this was by Colin Porter throwing a bag at his face! if any of you have my msn, you will see my name is *Joes Nose Is Like A Blind Carpentars Thumb* thats where it all started from, and no i never change my msn name! Well back to the story, joe got annoyed by us calling him 'bent' so he invented the 'CLAW' as he had sharp nails it worked, he would go crazy and scratch / pinch till you either back off or hit him back hehe!!

There is Joe!

At the end of year 11 we had our prom which was a good laugh, i remember getting my tux on the second but last night and there was literally 20 people in suits you all getting them tried out, they were not happy, 1 guy trying to deal with everyone! When we were going to the prom we had to take smallen, *shakes head* he brought a personal cd player with him and actaully listened to it!!!!!!!!! but when we got there it was like 30 mins earlier so literally no-one else was there, so ben and i took all the wine, we had about 3-4 bottles each , so when people were arriving we were quite drunk , and when the food came we were not in the mood to even look at it, But overall a good night, the dancing was great from what i can remember, i do remember ben trying to do some break dancing and he fell over! hehe!! And how can i forgot the SEAL, SEALEY, SALTY SEALEY, TITANIC OR EVEN ROB, he came in with a red silk shirt, people just wanted to touch it all night lol!

Ben on left, the seal on the right!

My Interests


I would like to give a massive shout out to an amazing artist, called Zuby he comes from Oxford and studies at Oxford Uni, he rocks in my opnion! If you like him support him with this logo on your profile!

Want this badge?

Before we get into anything, i firstly would like to say thanks for viewing and maybe even reading my profile, if you leave me a comment / picture comment i will reply as soon as possible :)

If anyone wants to find the best song in the world, please get this one, it is a real song from 'R Kelly' and its called 'Trapped in the Closet' it has 12 chapters and goes on for more than 40 mins! Here is the best VERSE!


"Trapped In The Closet (Chapter 9)"

He looks around the kitchen, and says 'something is really weird', She says 'why do you say that?' He says 'cos you keep tryin' to get me outta here', He says 'ever since I been in this house your face has went from white to red and remember when I first walked through the door you acted like you had seen a ghost from the dead'

Then he says 'girl if you hidin' something i'm gonna be so mad', then he hears something fallin he says ' what the fuck was that?' She says ' it sound like it came from upstairs, sounds like the plumbing', He said 'woman that sound did not come from upstairs, i'll be damned if you're not up to something,

The sound that i just heard, it came from this kitchen, and then he looks over by the stove while shes easin' over by the dishes. and then he walks over to the refridgerator and pushes it back, and then he looks in her face, looks like shes about to have a heart-attack, then he notices the pie on the counter One slice is missing, now the stories gettin' scary, cos he comes to realise that Bridget is allergic to cherry.

Then he slowly looks up at her and now her face is red as hell, he's breathing real hard, movin' closer, she says 'hon you don't look so well' And then he says move She says no He says move She says no BITCH MOVE!!! she moves, and then, he looks at the cabinet, he walks to the cabinet, he's close to the cabinet, now he's opening the cabinet. Now pause the movie cos what i'm about to say to ya'll is so damn twisted, Not only is there a man in his cabinet, but the man... is a MIDGET!

Now you tell me that is not the best lyrics ever! get watching it on youtube or myspace videos! Well now its time to probably read the funniest profile on mypsace! ENJOY!

I love this film, i think one of Reeves best films, amazing story line and just filled with everything i love in a film, actaully one of my favs!

And now one of my all time favourites, a film that ben and i watched last night, 300!

Get going to the cinema and watching it, i rarely say this, but for this film you need the cinema experience!

And this is actaully probably better than the actual movie, its a parody of 300 its BRILLIANT!

Meeting up with mates, chilling out. Always up for a party!

On talk of parties, Skins Secret Party is taking place and it looks very good, so if you dont watch or havent heard of skins, here are the trailers and such, its coming onto channel 4 soon, so give it a watch!

Get this player

I'd like to meet:

How can me and ben forger the K.I.L.L.E.R burger that stands for: K - Killer I - Insane L - Large L - Lean E - Egg R - Rest In Peace

This might be very hard for some of you to understand, but this was an event where ben and i came across a service station in Germany, we stopped and went in, we had some money to spend, and oo we did! NOTHING COULD PREPARE US FOR WHAT WAS GOING TO HAPPEN LATER THAT MORNING! 'The Killer was unleashed' It was 6.25am and we pulled up, the smell was like saying 'come on in and eat us' 'we are yummy in your tummy' thats the truth!

We got our plates and started piling on the food, we started slowly, just a bit of bread, philadelphia, a slice of melon to refresh our hard hoarse voices. All of sudden a short 5ft 1 fat women waddled towards some shutters, she got out her key, dangling from her pocket, which were swaying from side to side because of the fan to dry that horrible sweat from her face! *THE SHUTTERS WERE REVEALED* From what we can say, it was a site! There lead on trays, were sauasages (Not just one type, literally every types, fat, short, long, skinny) pieces of fat, otherwise known as bacon, fried egg, everytype of egg, they love there eggs, and then in the middle taking pride posistion.... Was the Killer, a 4 inch high beef and pork burger, you might be thiking thats nothing! oh let me tell you this Killer had a killer surpise and that was a fried egg 7 inches in diameter, stuck onto the burger, and if this wasnt enough it was deep fat fried seven times.

We took our 3 plates of food to this till, expecting a good price, it was quite shockig when she said 'thats 30 Euros' we were in shock, but the Killer was getting cold! We started eating, piece by piece, sausages first then the eggs and bacon, and last was the Killer, we placed our fork in the burger and it didnt go all the way through, as our knife cut through fat poured out.... We got 3/4 of the way through, 4 stone heavier and we left fully satisfied.

We might be sounding like 'fat sods' at the moment, it was hard travelling, never sure of when we could eat next. We arrived to a MacDonalds, the que was big, but when i finally got to the front a women called 'nexxxxxt' i thought to myself *wow shes friendly and an average looking women, lovely facial features, i could even say 'lips to die for' I asked for a Big Mac, and then all of a sudden she turned to fry the burger herself, and there it was a fully sided burnt face, and the worse thing was, that just scratched her face minutes before placing chips in my box! It was more than sick, i really wanna see her again, but my god her face was so bad ( No Offence Hilda )


A while back, ben and i were invited to a fancy dress 6th form party, ben had lots of ideas for his costume, while i had no idea. Ben purchased quite a few things, that made his HULK HOGAN outfit very good! It was the day of the party and all i had was some green tights, when i say tights i actaully mean see through thights! :P

Ben and i went to town ( as ben has his driving theroy, he passed ) we went to some fancy dress shops, i got myself a muscle suit, a black / silver mask and some side burns, ben thought i could be ANDRE THE GIANT ( A WWF WRESTLER ) well this was all great until i got ready, um lets say i didnt really have a person in mind when i got ready! But people say ( BEN CAMPBELL ) i looked like a member of KISS!

The night was good, i had to take of the muscle suit within 5 mins, and the most important part of the night was DAVE VALATINE LAWRENCE ( A.K.A HISSING SYD )he came up to ben and said 'whos you?' ben replied ' im HULK HOGAN' he said 'oooh thats a good one' then he cupped his fists and started punching ben lighty on the chest, he has big fists you could tell ben was loving / hating it!

Here is the legend! HIS NAME IS SYD, SID, DAVE, DAVID, VALATINE, LAWRENCE, LAURIE, BALL ME A BEAUTY! Everyone calls him something else!

Ben and i have known each for other since year 7! we have had the most AMAZING years ever! some people that have made this possible are!





















Mr Scally Quotes:

' You spooooooil me' 'Like in the Ferrerorocha advert 'You spoooooil me' 'MMMMMMmmmMM Sour Wine Gums' ' You embarras me' 'Pleaseee dont play cards, you make me look bad' 'Were these quite expensive or inexpensive’ ‘One last game now lads’ ‘What is Sam doing now!!’ ‘Hmmmmmmm’ ‘yeh’ ‘I like that’

Next is Miss *ound, her quotes are, (all these are true )

‘You want some cheese’ ‘It hurts but its worth it’ ‘Don’t let me put you off’ ‘You can scrap just don’t eat it’ ‘Fancy a sandwich, only fresh ingredients used’ ‘I used to work in pizza hut’ 'I never get hungry, im self edible’

And lastly here is Mr *ollins

Pic will be up soon again, needs to re arranged, profile is running out of room

And here he is Mr *arper

You need to understand each person has a name, but for legal purposes we can not post them all, please contact me if you want any!

For New Years we went round Stephs house which was realllly nice! Ben wasnt a huge fan of the dogs, but he did like the cat, it was ben + jons fault that the cat bit them, as they were teasing him lol! Ben and i had quite alot to drink and when that karoke machine came out we were first on there ( even though earlier in the nighyt we said we would NOT GO ON! ) A few of the songs were pretty rubbish, but the rest were the classic sing a long songs! And when S CLUB 7 came on, Ohh yes! It was 'Dont Stop Moving' now i cant really remember doing this, but if you remember that song there is like a computer bit were it says something like 'move to the funky funky beat' and thats in a strange voice, people say everytime that bit came on it did a amazing copy of it!! Well the night moved along very fast! we played some cheat and go fish, again classic party games! :) And then all of a sudden it was 5 o clock!


How can i forget the time ben and i locked up stuart wheelers back with a padlock, so he couldnt get it off! we were in year 7 and it was the last day, and we locked his back together when he had it really high up on his shoulders! and then the best bit is that ben and i threw the key down the drain! a quote that Stuart then said was ' i think i need to get mr hewkins (head of our year) to cut it off, you two really are bastard' For some reason we went back to the drain and we couldnt belive it the key was still there being held by a spiders web! That is really true

Well last night Ben and i had a very bad night (8/2/07) we were meant to go out to a club in Bristol called Panache as we were on the vip list, so it was all good, it took a while to find it, but when we did we were very happy! we got out of the car and went to the place where the bouncers were standing, they said 'will you boys be drinking tonight' i thought that was a stupid question, but he gave us some bands to wear, we got inside and this guy said you have to pay 7 quid to get in, we then replied with 'we are on the vip list' he said we dont have a vip list, this then made ben and i think a lil bit, but we still handed over our money!! We got to the bar/club supposdely! but to our shock, it was this band playing and lots of weird old people looking at us weirdly as we were really smart! After a good 15 mins we realised we were in the wrong PLACE!!!!! We went downstairs and said to the guy who we handed our money too, can we have our money back coz we got the wrong place.... this guy must be stupid because he said where are you looking for, and we said panache its next door we think, this guy had no idea whatsoever.. then he said to me and ben, 'what type of music do they play' but we mis heard him and just said 'we think its next door' he must of thought we were idiots hehehe! and also when we asked for our money back he said 'sorry boys i have just gave it to the producer' WE COULD CLEARLY SEE THE MONEY!!

You can see here the bierkeller were we accidently went! and panache is the builidng to the right haha.

Also another lil story, me and ben evans not my normal mr rice, were walking home from tom ross's and ben stated he saw some bird, this is his story of events from his blog!

'It all started when me and Chapman were walking back from Tom Ross' house, we had had a bottle of beer, but that hadn't affected us. On the way down the Badminton road was a field, me and Chapman were chatting until something caught my eye. It was a tall bird in the middle of a field, because Chapman didnt have his glasses he wasnt able to easily pick out the unique shape of the rare bird. Which was ofcourse a heron. Chapman kept denying he saw such a creature, but i kept repeatidly telling him it was true. He told me later that he had never seen a Heron before in his life. aawwwww lol.

To make the moment more surreal for not only me but more for Chapman we saw a Pheasant walking down the road. Chapman was close to tears and also later told me that he had never seen a Pheasant before in his life. We decided to walk home. i witnessed something know else had seen before. Chapman showing his emotional side.'

That is all rubbish, ok i admit bits are true, i can hardly see anything from long distance, but it was like a cat or something, no way a heron! The guys going past must of thought we were special bcause we looked like idiots!

This section here is very important to me! so you had better read this bit as its the most important, there is one person who is my best friend along with ben, without her nothing would be right, yep if you know her thats right its Stephanie Macdonald. Me, Steph and Ben are the trio we ROCK so much. We had a bad ice skating accident as i brought it for part of stephs xmas pressie, but lets say i wasnt that great and ben wanted to do a train so he could guide us... well that sounded great, but i fell down taking steph with me, then trying to get back up we fell again and me hurt steph, she tore 3 ligaments (Me sorry for that) and i chipped a bone in my shoulder! However due to this terrible accident it was still good hehe!! I have known steph from when i was 6 years old in Highcroft Junior school and its been an amazing friendship,i never wanna loose that! Steph is my new transport route to school, oooh yes SHE PASSED HER TEST! WOWOOOOOHOOOO, I said she would do it first time!

Well as i dont have a picture of her car this will have to do, i have labelled it very cleary!

Yes that is pratically her car hehe, she is going out with andy who is BLOODY LUCKY, let me tell you, its all too cute hehe! So my final comment will be a little quote / poem.

True friends are hard to find but keeping hold of them is harder, once you have them you never want to let them go, i will always be there for you whereever i am, i shall never forget you, how can i forgot someone who has effected my life so much.

This bit is about my truest best friend, yep you have got it he is mentioned in nearly every story on here its BEN RICE!

I have known this kid from year 7 (the start of secondary school) and i tell you life would not be the same without him, he is the defintion of a true friend, we do everything together and we never turn down a party, it doesnt matter what state we are in, we did Dojos 1 day after each other, and for the club and what it is like, it was an achievement.
Everyone was in school like ' My god you 2 are mad, you will become ill' we were just like 'yeh we are gods'
We went on holiday last year which was wicked and we are going to Estonia in July along with Humphries and Smallen, after we get back from that ben and i have a 3 day break and are then off to pick apples in denmark for a month, when we get back from that i have a 4 day break until i am of to greece with my family and then finally 3 days after getting back from there, ben and i are doing grape picking in France, you could say it will be a hectic summer for us!

And fianlly in the summer of 2008 ben and i are going on a 2 month or so gap year all around europe and then back in september to hopefully start uni.... I hope ben and i will always be best mates, because he is wicked. So please add if you want, he is second on my friends list!

This section is again for a very close mate, his name is Humphries, Christopher Humphries! I have known him from the early years of Secondary School, i first knew him in my Tech class, where i made a lasting impression burning him in electronics, it was very hard for me to concentrate and i let the solder gun slip and bam! a little burn mark on his finger! Each tech lesson got better every year, food tech, with miss massive bird, i remember it was a double lesson and our cooking room had broke, and she has brought in all this cheese, it was 9 o clock in the morning and we were tasting this horrible stale cheese! Miss Bird loved it though because she just started eating it all! Humphries has changed alot over the years, here are some pictures to make it easier to see!!Another weird / brilliant nights was Stu paynes party, that was at vodka revoultion a bar in bristol, it was all good, the women behind the bar oooh god she was lovely, i belive she was polish, i cant belive it she actaully has her own profile! This is how good i am i can find anyone on the interent! Well here she is, and she loved us very much, with her sexy accent, trying to make us buy her a drink, it was never going to happen, i dont have money to be buying her a drink, even though she was lovely!

Well after we got our drinks and played a few simple games with her which envolved a coin hehe, we headed up stairs too meet everyone... it was all good until the bouncers came upstairs i still am only 17 (not long to go) This italian bouncer came upto me and ben and asked for id, ben was fine with his driving license, but me however with my age card was not going to work, the bouncer looked / smiled at me and then whispered in my ear ' i knows its fake, but i like' i couldnt belive what he said!

If you see this man on the streets of bristol, laugh at him! he deserves it!

In mine and bens spare time we do like to hang out, this can include walking to Patco ( The Heart Of Frampton Cotterell ) this is actaully the Frampton Cotterell Store!

This shop is famous, it is wonderful in side, the door only opens half way because the carpert wont let it open any more, its about 50c in there +, everything had melted and everything is at least one year out of day, for proof we bought some milk there and it literally was all stale

They are all Indian and speak no english and just dont try at all, all very bosy and cant count money, if you buy penny sweets and fill up the bag, they will say 'how much is in there' you can just say '20p' and there response is OK. Ben and i both loth it but others who are fans are, Jon Bailey, Chris Humphries, Roberto Sealey all for there different reasons, and the best bit is they accept my lovely fake id, they look weirdly at you, and they just say 'is this real' WE LOVE THEM!

Right well yesterday (20th Feb) ben and i went to bristol, just for a look around and some lunch, it was quite a brilliant day! we went in some shops, (Reiss and All Saints) where the mens section is like down steps and they never trust you, so in both shops they sent down a sales assistant to watch us, but she tried making herself look busy! It did not work!

But that is not the best bit of the day, it has to be when we went in our classic, bar/resturant/nightclub - Morph-S - this has the best food in bristol, get going people, (55 park street) if you are there have the burger and a freshly squeezed lemon juice, beautiful..

When ben and i were sitting there we saw a leaflet saying ' Greek Festival 20th Party, come in fancy dress' lets cut to it, ben and i went in our wrestler outfits and when we got there it was just us, no-one else even made an effort, however we did get free drinks, it took us a while but by 1-2 we were dancing, it was only us, until some people came in, 1 girl and like 4 lads of 17 and 18 years old, they were wicked, they were dancing with us and all doing weird greek/irish dancing!!!!!! i love you guys!!!!!!! and the final bit is we WON THE TOP 2 PRICES! a table for 2 there, and second price a bottle of champagne! god we are good!!

Here are our outfits again, i had to use a different shirt, as i had to do the wrestler pose and tear it off at the last party, but it was replaced with a chinese silk shirt, now if anyone asks who i was, its kinda a mixture of the wrestlers, 'sting', 'ultimate warrior' and ben campbell states i look like a band member from 'Kiss'

This section is a bit of a mixed one and covers a few topics! It was the day when a physics was going on for A level students, i dont do physics but it didnt stop me going! A kid called Andy took us to where we needed to go was a field past Fishpounds! HE DROVE! The journey started well, showing off his nice car, and good music, the speed started to build up, faster and faster, you could hear nervous words in the back seats from other people 'umm we are going quite fast arent we' However we got to the car park un bruised, but andy couldnt be bothered to reverse so he drove onto the field! the field was wet and muddy and we were heading for a car and he said the words ' ive lost control of the steering wheel, its tooo wet' Our faecs in the car where in shock, SHOCK I TELL YOU! but we parked safely.

The actaul physics part was shooting up some rockets and watching there rate of falling down, except we just shot them up, they went up miles, the teacher actaully had to book the field out as they can cause problems with planes haha, the last rocket, andy took the parachute off, so it just went up and the teacher was like 'whattttt, where has it gone, cant beliveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee it' hehe

In year 11 we had the chance to develp our understanding of GCSE History, so we went to watch a performance at Clifton Redgrave Theatre, they dressed up and went through the medicine of time of history, we got there by bus, first impressions were ok, nice building so on.... But things soon changed when we got inside, No joke after 30 mins me and ben said this is like a smaller version of Auschwitz, really small, some form of gas was leaking in, horrible! But the worst part was how they acted it out, all really staged and some of the worse bristol actors and actresses i have ever came acorss! Worth a visit though! And thats how i got a A at GCSE in history so if anyone is out there wanting a good GCSE grade get down to Clifton!!!

Well on the 2nd of April, me and steph were going up town to pay to deposist on our club that we are renting out for our birthday party! but we werent sure how to get there, haha, so we picked up ben who is like a map, well to the downs in bristol anyway! We had a wicked time getting there, some classic stories were told, and somehow we started talking about our fav friends episodes! very hard as there were sooo many! When we got there ben told steph to park where he parked last time, but that was like 5 miles from where we wanted to go, so then ben advised her to do a U turn at the junction ahead, which he did amazingly well the previous week, and bens car is a H reg Nissan Micra with NO POWER STEERING! so steph was worried about this hard manouver, but she pulled it off with perfection, however ben yours were better! Girls ey steph hahahaha, only jokin you are a wicked driver!!

We got a bit closer to the club, and parked up, we went to knock on the door of the club bt no-one was in :(, steph called the guy but said he would be 30 mins!!! Then luckily i said 'why dont we sit over there' and guess who caught ben and stephs eye!!?? it WAS JUSTIN LEE COLLINS OR OTHERWISE KNOWN AS JLC ( This is stephs dream man, apart from andy haha ) steph then tried getting secret pictures of him without him knowin, but none of us would go upto him and talk, too nervous! hehe!

But this is our brilliant picture!

After we took our pictures of JLC, we went round to the club where the guy was waiting, he is no where near as good as sid lawrence as Dojos, but we handed over our 100 quid deposist and went home feeling happy we had, such a productive day, ben was most happy that he had come on this great adventure!

P.S. Steph your road rage is getting better haha!

Well this is the story of when Me, Ben and Jon decided to go on a car journey we werent sure where to go, but at the end Bath was the clear choice, so we set off on this amazing journey, it was a lovely day, the sun shining onto the nissan micras soft blue service, unforntualy reflecting into our eyes, but this did not matter as we were on a mission, and that was to get to Bath 40 mins + we got to bath, our problem was where to park, we found this cheap car park under ground and we went searching for a place, now i have to say it was a stupid car park, the arrows very confusing, well maybe just for you hahaha! we went up 1 more level, but then found out it was 1 way and leading to like a exit - not the way we wanted, ben tried turning to get back up to another level! BAD LUCK! he grined into the car park barrier! now a normal person who loved their car would stop and try to reverse, not ben, he kept pushing it, then he stated ' i think we hit the barrier' me and jon were; number 1: in shock number 2: laughing so hard people in the car park thought we were special.

Here is Bens baby, her name is beu, she is rocking!

The damage was not too bad, nothing that you could really see. We got out and paid up, we then went searching bath, bought some traditional cornish pasties, from an award winning shop. They were like £2.40 each, but oooh my god, sooo yummy! anyone from bath who works there... Discount please :)
We only spent like 10 mins in bath, as ben and jon both had last lesson, yes i know they both love there lessons, and wanted to get back, so we had like 1 hr to get back, that should of been fine, but there was a problem, how to get back as we could not quite remember how we got in. Again no problem i was at the map, we found a route which seemed quite good, but oh let me tell you, it was not a quick route, i shall show you our route.
Ben and i went to Clevedon like 3 days ago (6th April) We were driving to Clevedon, but was not sure where to park, so we were driving along talking casually, then all off a sudden ben said 'free PARKING' Then the whole car twisted going onto 2 wheels as we were doing like 40-50 and then just some how parked in this car park, i was in shock and ben was like 'yehhhhhhh'When we got to the mini golf course, well from the last time i went there things had gone down hill! But we paid our £1.20 each and started playing! Well in the end ben won, but he did not manage to complete the first hole, so im not sure hahaha!!!A couple more bits of our fun, was i went to get some chips (hungry work) and they were 1.50!!!!!!!!!!! for the smallest amount, after i ate a few i realised why there were so little amounts, coz they were HORRIBLE! REALLY FOUL!!

But the best bit was that there was like this 65 year old man, who was annoying at first sight for me and ben, with his 45 year old wife ( or younger ) We didnt take it in at first of what a twat this guy was! he was really cocky, holding his wife to help her swing ( as he was soo professinal ) and then me and ben were getting really annoying on the first shot and he said ' ohhhh that shot takes me 15 times sometimes, and ive been here over 20 times ) firstly how sad you are, and secondly if we want your help WE SHALL ASK!

Ben then said something quite loudly, 'HE PROBABLY BROUGHT HIS WIFE!' i had to agree with ben he had brought her, dont even think she could speak english and she did not agree to marry him for his looks, he was a horror! and then he had the cheek to say ' My wife did that first shot in 2' me and ben just said 'yeehhhhh would you look at that'

Here they both are!
Well recently we have had a urge to get pics of Parkend itself and members of staff, harder than it sounds as they arent listed on the internet, so we had to send parkend a fake email..... This is what we said!!!!!

Dear Dean Field Studies Centre,I work at a Vetinary practice in Bristol, and all the vets have had a huge urge to partipatate in some team building activties some where in the wild. After searching the interent we found your website and i thought it was perfect for us. I would be very grateful if you could send us some information about the activities and also some pictures of the teachers and the accomodation where we would be staying, to make the others more keen on the idea.Kind RegardsSam Chapman, and alot of eager vets.

Yes ok we lied a bit, but we needed them to belive it!! They replied to that within literally 10 mins, there reply was.....

Dear Sam We'd love to welcome some eager vets to DFSC and give you a Team Building Course! I'm attaching a short powerpoint presentation (hope you're on broadband) of photos to give you an idea of what we do * unfortunately they're all pictures of kids, but we do also work with adults. - We have university groups, teachers and Avon & Somerset Constabulary all visiting.The photos presently missing are ones of the staff (which I can get if you really want!) and ones of our new £90K Climbing/Abseil Tower & High Ropes Course that is presently being constructed and will be in use from mid March. It will be a fantastic resource and ideal for teambuilding courses with lots of elements offering combined individual and team challenge * crate stacking, Trapeze Bar Jump, Zip Wire, Wobbly Bridges etc.We tailor-make all our courses to the needs of the client and offer various options and prices. With that in mind it would be useful to have a little more info from you to go on so I can offer some suggestions and prices.How many of you are there? How long do you want to come for? Mid week or w/e? Self catering or catered? Any particular dates?With that info I can give you some more answers.Looking forward to hearing from you.Ian Healey

That included a powerpoint presentation, but included no pictures of staff! So our last email was.....

Dear Ian,Thank you for a quick reply, all the vets are fervent. There will be 17 in total this includes other members of staff all dying to learn more.We were looking for mid march time as this is when we plan to shut down the practice to go on this adventure. Also we would like catered accomodation.We have been pestered by numerous members of staff for pictures of your staff and more activities ( they need to feel safe!)Hope to hear a reply soon.Kind RegardsSam Chapman and the eager vets.


If you want to download the Powerpoint Presentation, then its here :) .html

Well this hasnt been updated in a while, and i thought to the people who do actaully read this, then i have to give them an important update in my life!! So people here it is!

Lets go back a month or 2 to start with when, Me, Ben and Steph when to Bristol Zoo ( What an amazing day ) well we had a few problems when we go there, as there was no parking so we had to go down this street then down another then turn right then second left and we found this lovely parking space on a kinda hill, i was opening my door and i would like to state on a normal car when you open the door they have kinda locks when you open them so far, so the door doesnt open too far, if you get me! Well bens Micra has no such locks so i opened the door and there it went, quite fast grinding against the curb!!! I was like oh my god im so sorry, i really dont think ben even noticed! haha!

We got to the entrance of the zoo and went to get our tickets this was fine for steph as she paid the full price with an extra 10% to go towards helping the zoo, but ben and i being a bit poor kinda said no, ben was first and he really badly hesistated and the women was like do you want the 10% off the price and ben kinda whispered 'yess please :$' the women was not impressed it came to me and i was like ' can you take the 10% off please ' she did but the horrible freak didnt even give me a map! very childish! Throughout the zoo day we took many pictures and some quite embarrasing ones which we actaully had to ask people to take, what must of they thought!

April 29th was a crucial day... yep thats right it was Stephs Birthday, the big 18! I had been teasing her about her present for months and months, but when the day came i went to her house and told her! You could say she was quite happy with it! A balloon ride with champagne served for me and her, a picnic and a special surprise and the picnic hehe! we still have to go on it, but when we do i will post some pictures in this section! Glad you liked it babe!
We were always going to have a joint 18th party even though my wasnt till may but it worked better with our exams and such! We booked the club for the famous K2 on whiteladies road in Bristol, an alright club i have to say, the owner is pretty cool just looks a bit ratty haha, we booked up the club, the night came.. yes our parents came for a few hours, but they left at like 10 hehe, even though they both wanted to stay for longer. I cant really remember much of the night, ben espically cant remember but its better that way sometimes ey!!!!!Dont ask about the hats, steph looks good in hers, mine was a bit small, stephs idea haha ;)Right well this hasnt been updated in a darn long time, So i thought i should do one big update, its the 9th of July at its 10.55am :)
I cant really remember where to start but i will go back to the 26th /27th june, this is when Steph, Me and Ben all went to Edinburgh, FAB TRIP.... But hold on, rewind, we need to start from the beggining, ben stayed round mine as we needed to wake up at 3am :( we needed a few alarms to wake up old ben, so i gave him the choose of 'will smith's men in black song, or 'cat stevens' song at the end of skins season 1! he choose the calming cat stevens, 3am came and we both woke up and walked down to stephs, we are not morning people lets remember! We were in the car driving to Bristol Airport, with our 3 different sized suitcases, mine being the biggest of course, who says girls carry more!?
We checked it and then walked of to get into the depeature lounge, well the women said have you got any liquids or anything to declare i said no, then there was a second guy who asked me again, i stupidly said ' ummm does that include water?' he replied ' of course it does' so i had to throw away 2 bottles :( i did not like his face!

This is were the story gets worse, well for me!!! We then went onto bag checks and such! so steph got through fine, but then mine and bens go, ben go through ok, but oh no not me, ben was standing with me, took my phone out, then the guy said, and your belt, i was like okk, and ur jacket! i was like, oh come on! and your shoes!!!! i was not impressed! and the guy was laughing, you might of been laughing jake, but it wasnt funny for me! i will get my revenge!!! Scotland was incrediable! we went on a whiskey tour, were we met an american guy named 'kyle' as that was his real name! pfft! at the end of this amazing tour and alot of whiskey we found out that he was on the haunted tour, (same as us that night, but his was the 7 o clock one, and ours was the 9pm one) i let him use my phone to change the time, and guess what happened, he stood us up, he did not come, later on we found when we were in the whiskey tour,he didnt really say anything, but i was talking about the welsh and gays, and stuff, maybe offending the welsh a little, not alot haha! ben was as well!! so our conclusion was that he was welsh and most likely gay!
Damn you Kyle!
The haunted tour was brilliant, ben got whipped as he was a bad boy! Steph and i were just laughing our ass's off!

Picture of Kyle still pending, i am searching the whole of myspace USA, for him and i will find him, i find everyone!

Now we stayed in the actaul univeristy which was funky as hell, now we thought we had a floor to ourselves, but at night oh we were wrong, now we all had got back from going out and i got changed so we could all relax in stephs room i was in my boxers! thats it! and someone knocked on my door, he said 'alright' knowing it was just us on the floor i opened the door thinking it was ben, BUT OH NO, it was this 6ft 7 black guy, just looked at me, and guess what he said?!!? he said! ' alright mate you got a iron?' i was what!?!?!? does it look like i have a iron, he replied ' you know where i could get a iron from? AT 2AM!!! WHY ON EARTH DO YOU WANT A IRON AT 2AM, I DONT KNOW HOW ABOUT GET THE SMALL ONE OUT OF THE MONOPOLY BOARD, WILL THAT DO! I was not impressed, but then when we were in stephs room we could hear noises and ben and i were very scared, steph was brave, so thank you steph hehe!
Ben and I were making a cup of tea and ben burnt himself, i love it how steph had to tell him to put it under cold water, ben was just there holding his hand hahaha! excellent!

Well as ben and i said earlier we created a story about our school libarian back in year 7 its a weird story, quite sexual at times with the main story focusing around a boy ( friend in our year at the time ) and his relationship with the libarian: miss miller:
Ben and i always said we would write a book about it, we decided to do a few books and to do the front covers and a blurb, here they are, enjoy!
There are soo many stories too tell, so i tell you what i will update this again tomorrow

Kristen Kruek, come on she is the perfect women!

Name: Sam Chapman
Birthday: 25th May
Birthplace: A marble Floor in Cyprus!
Current Location: Bristol
Eye Color: Greeny
Hair Color: Brown
Height: 6ft 4 +
Right Handed or Left Handed: Right :) We live longer!
Your Heritage: Um Irish or English
The Shoes You Wore Today: Lascoste Velcro
Your Weakness: Vodka
Your Fears: No Vodka in the bottle
Your Perfect Pizza: Anything really something with peppers and pepperoni
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: Some form of A levels
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: lol
Thoughts First Waking Up: Where the hell am i!
Your Best Physical Feature: ;)
Your Bedtime: Quite late i cant sleep!
Your Most Missed Memory: Primary School
Pepsi or Coke: Coke
MacDonalds or Burger King: Mac D's
Single or Group Dates: Single
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Lipton it rocks
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate
Cappuccino or Coffee: Cappuccino
Do you Smoke: Sometimes
Do you Swear: Yes
Do you Sing: Damn right!
Do you Shower Daily: Of course
Have you Been in Love: Nope
Do you want to go to College: Yes i do
Do you want to get Married: Yeh one day
Do you belive in yourself: Always
Do you get Motion Sickness: No i have never had it!
Do you think you are Attractive: Ahh i dont know!
Are you a Health Freak: When i feel like the gym i will go!
Do you get along with your Parents: Yep
Do you like Thunderstorms: Yeh *Gets shoes and runs around*
Do you play an Instrument: No used to play um the recorder when i was 8
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: Ohh yes
In the past month have you Smoked: Yep
In the past month have you been on Drugs: Nope
In the past month have you gone on a Date: Nope
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: Yep
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: No lol!
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: Yeh i have actaully!
In the past month have you been on Stage: Na
In the past month have you been Dumped: Nope
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: No
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: No
Ever been Drunk: Yes, stupid question!
Ever been called a Tease: Frequently hehehe
Ever been Beaten up: Nope
Ever Shoplifted: I stole a ball when i was 4 from the post office :)
How do you want to Die: On stage singing!
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: Something to do with Media
What country would you most like to Visit: None in particular
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color: Any all are stunning
Favourite Hair Color: Brown/Black/Blonde/Red
Short or Long Hair: Either
Height: Smaller than me ;)
Weight: Normal weight
Best Clothing Style: Unique styles rock input ty


The Academy Is, ACDC, Alice in Chains, All American Rejects, Alien Ant Farm, American Hi-Fi, Arctic Monkeys, Areosmith, As I Lay Dying, The Ataris, Athlete, Audio Bullies, Audioslave, The Automatic, Babyshambles, Bad Religion, Basement Jaxx, Beach Boys, Beastie Boys, Beatles, Black Eyed Peas, Blink 182, Bloc Party, Boxcar Racer, Brand New, Bright Eyes, Bring Me The Horizon, Bullet For My Valentine, Busta Rhymes, Calexico, Carcass, Chamillionaire, The Chemical Brothers, Chris Brown, Citizen Cope, CKY, Clash, Coheed And Cambria, Coldplay, Coral, Corinne Bailey Rae, Cornershop, Counting crows, Cradle Of Filth, The Cranberries, Creed, The Cribs, Hatred Ondraes, I will post more some other time hehe just too many!

Bob Dylan is the greatest songwriter ever

One of his best songs with amazing lyrics, they are soo catchy is a song called 'Story Of The Hurricane' it was a film and he did the soundtrack, here are the lyrics!

Pistol shots ring out in the barroom night Enter patty valentine from the upper hall. She sees the bartender in a pool of blood, Cries out, my god, they killed them all! Here comes the story of the hurricane, The man the authorities came to blame For somethin that he never done. Put in a prison cell, but one time he could-a been The champion of the world.

Three bodies lyin there does patty see And another man named bello, movin around mysteriously. I didnt do it, he says, and he throws up his hands I was only robbin the register, I hope you understand. I saw them leavin, he says, and he stops One of us had better call up the cops. And so patty calls the cops And they arrive on the scene with their red lights flashin In the hot new jersey night.

Meanwhile, far away in another part of town Rubin carter and a couple of friends are drivin around. Number one contender for the middleweight crown Had no idea what kinda shit was about to go down When a cop pulled him over to the side of the road Just like the time before and the time before that. In paterson thats just the way things go. If youre black you might as well not show up on the street less you wanna draw the heat.

Alfred bello had a partner and he had a rap for the cops. Him and arthur dexter bradley were just out prowlin around He said, I saw two men runnin out, they looked like middleweights They jumped into a white car with out-of-state plates. And miss patty valentine just nodded her head. Cop said, wait a minute, boys, this ones not dead So they took him to the infirmary And though this man could hardly see They told him that he could identify the guilty men.

Four in the mornin and they haul rubin in, Take him to the hospital and they bring him upstairs. The wounded man looks up through his one dyin eye Says, whad you bring him in here for? he aint the guy! Yes, heres the story of the hurricane, The man the authorities came to blame For somethin that he never done. Put in a prison cell, but one time he could-a been The champion of the world.

Four months later, the ghettos are in flame, Rubins in south america, fightin for his name While arthur dexter bradleys still in the robbery game And the cops are puttin the screws to him, lookin for somebody to blame. Remember that murder that happened in a bar? Remember you said you saw the getaway car? You think youd like to play ball with the law? Think it might-a been that fighter that you saw runnin that night? Dont forget that you are white.

Arthur dexter bradley said, Im really not sure. Cops said, a poor boy like you could use a break We got you for the motel job and were talkin to your friend bello Now you dont wanta have to go back to jail, be a nice fellow. Youll be doin society a favor. That sonofabitch is brave and gettin braver. We want to put his ass in stir We want to pin this triple murder on him He aint no gentleman jim.

Rubin could take a man out with just one punch But he never did like to talk about it all that much. Its my work, hed say, and I do it for pay And when its over Id just as soon go on my way Up to some paradise Where the trout streams flow and the air is nice And ride a horse along a trail. But then they took him to the jailhouse Where they try to turn a man into a mouse.

All of rubins cards were marked in advance The trial was a pig-circus, he never had a chance. The judge made rubins witnesses drunkards from the slums To the white folks who watched he was a revolutionary bum And to the black folks he was just a crazy nigger. No one doubted that he pulled the trigger. And though they could not produce the gun, The d.a. said he was the one who did the deed And the all-white jury agreed.

Rubin carter was falsely tried. The crime was murder one, guess who testified? Bello and bradley and they both baldly lied And the newspapers, they all went along for the ride. How can the life of such a man Be in the palm of some fools hand? To see him obviously framed Couldnt help but make me feel ashamed to live in a land Where justice is a game.

Now all the criminals in their coats and their ties Are free to drink martinis and watch the sun rise While rubin sits like buddha in a ten-foot cell An innocent man in a living hell. Thats the story of the hurricane, But it wont be over till they clear his name And give him back the time hes done. Put in a prison cell, but one time he could-a been The champion of the world.


Grease, come on its the best! Lion king, Back to the Future, The old classics can always be rated highly, Smokey and the Banditts, Edward Scissor Hands, Toy Soliders.


PRISON BREAK IS THE BEST SHOW OUT! Smallville The O.C House M.D Supernatural

Quote from Daniel Tosh, the best comedian ever!

'When im at the airport, yeh i will admit it i like to have a bit of fun with my handsfree kit mobile phone,' 'Go ahead, gate 47 is complety clear' people notice this kinda stuff in a hurry, 'hunny something is going on that guy has a wire coming down, maybe we should be standing so close' 'STAND DOWN BLUE TEAM, STAND DOWN BLUE TEAM' 'Hunny there is a sting going on here at the airport, and im not feeling safe, please lets move' 'STANDDD DOWN BLUE TEAM.. WHAT THE SUSPECT IS APPROACHING, HES IN A BUSINESS SUIT WITH THE BRIEFCASE IN HIS HAND, I REPEAT THE BRIEFCASE IS IN HIS HAND' And then i find some random business bloke with a briefcase and i run up to him and start beating the crap out of him and everyone starts clapping, 'thank you for making our airline safe' and then i go get on my plane and that guy just has a weird story to tell for the rest of his life! 'Once i was at the airport and a guy just ran up to me and started beating the crap out of me, and then just everyone clapped!'

Brilliant quote and you know it! :)


All Dan Brown Books amazing writer, Stormbreaker, The Sixth Lamentation, The American Boy, And a old Favoruite Adrian Mole collection. My new favourite is by my biggest inspitation, Richard Farleigh, and his book 'Taming The Lion

But my all time fav reading material is FHM ( Ey Damian, every month we run to get it) And yes i am the one the only FHM Confession writer, and yes my story about Emma Cornac, not hunter is being published in 4 months or under!!


'Would you want to be Justic Guy, making sure people get what they deserve, espically the women who lie, like if a women left her husband with 3 kids and no job and move to fucking Hawaii with some Doctor name Bob, You can Skin and drain them of all blood so they die, espically Bob, AND THEN YOU CAN BE JUSTICE GUY!' ;)


My Blog

My Favourite Word Today Is?

A nice and very easy game, everyone has to join in with this one!All you do is post your favourite word at the moment!Now dont say you dont have a favourite word, everyone does, and mine today is:GLOR...
Posted by IM BACK FROM ESTONIA BABY on Thu, 26 Jul 2007 08:53:00 PST


If i was picked for the E4 Skins secret party then i would have to open my box on great dancing moves, you wont believe your eyes when you see some classics as the:
Posted by IM BACK FROM ESTONIA BABY on Tue, 24 Jul 2007 03:54:00 PST

Day At Bristol Zoo

Here are our pics from Bristol Zoo, an amazing day out, thanks ben and steph for a wicked day!..Theres the pictures, i hope you love them as much as we do, i will add captions to each pictures in a wh...
Posted by IM BACK FROM ESTONIA BABY on Tue, 17 Apr 2007 10:02:00 PST

My Myspace Family

Well i just found this so i thought i would post it up! A tad weird, but post who you want to be, and you shall be added.Enjoy!My Boyfriend - My Girlfriend- My Husband - My Wife - My Mummy -My Daddy ...
Posted by IM BACK FROM ESTONIA BABY on Wed, 21 Mar 2007 05:30:00 PST

Our Parkend Email

Well everyone that comments my blog, heres just a new story and you can just read it or comment if you wish, (theres better blogs to comment) :PWell in year 8 Ben and I both went to a place called Par...
Posted by IM BACK FROM ESTONIA BABY on Wed, 21 Mar 2007 04:01:00 PST

This Or That

This game is another one for everyone to join in, its called 'This Or That' all you do is post 2 things and the next person has to pick one they prefer and give a reason if you want.Example:Dog or Cat...
Posted by IM BACK FROM ESTONIA BABY on Mon, 12 Mar 2007 01:35:00 PST

Where Am I ?

Well here's a little game, you have to guess where i was or what i am thinking about, i will give you some clues so dont you worry yourself, its all very easy and im sure you will do well!!Right so i ...
Posted by IM BACK FROM ESTONIA BABY on Thu, 08 Mar 2007 11:13:00 PST

Question Time - Ask Away

HeyaThis is the part where you ask my a question and I answer it.So ask awayThere are no stupid questions.Just go right ahead and ask.I thought this was a cool idea, so ask any question about me or an...
Posted by IM BACK FROM ESTONIA BABY on Mon, 26 Feb 2007 10:55:00 PST

Promote / Feelings / Pictures

This blog is special for one reason its more for you, here talk about what you want, with my fellow friends discuss anything you would like from - TV, Film, Favourite Comedian, Weather and so on!Whate...
Posted by IM BACK FROM ESTONIA BABY on Fri, 23 Feb 2007 05:38:00 PST

Miller Quiz

Your Name?Sam ChapmanAge?17Miss Millers First Name?SheilaMiss Millers Animal?Golden Eagle / Bald EagleHow Old Is Miss Miller?At Least 57How Many Children Does Miss Miller Have?Unlimited!Who Was Miss M...
Posted by IM BACK FROM ESTONIA BABY on Mon, 05 Feb 2007 11:48:00 PST