No really, I was on the BBC weather report on Thursday because they were reporting from work, and yeah, ok, it's really dark and I'm wearing black, but I totally recognized my long ponytail flapping around as I scurried around pressing my headset against my face ready to take action.I have almost been married a year. The chunk of wedding cake we saved is in my parents freezer in Kansas, so I doubt it's going to get eaten on the day. I think we'll be home at Thanksgiving, so we can eat it on our year and half anniversary or something like that. In England apperantly some people save it for their first child's christening. My parents saved thiers for 10 years, but it wasn't edible. I suppose my mom wouldn't mind having my cake in her freezer for 10 years, but it's not polite to ask.I'm from Kansas. It's in the middle, and the very middle, so no I don't have a southern accent. (Most Journalists in America now are trained to speak in a neutral Kansas City Metro accent. FYI)I live in London with a pirate and two Goldfish.
You are a Black Coffee
At your best, you are: low maintenance, friendly, and adaptable
At your worst, you are: cheap and angsty
You drink coffee when: you can get your hands on it
Your caffeine addiction level: high
What Kind of Coffee Are You?